[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 4""" date="2020-08-14T16:44:43Z" content=""" I've merged your branch, thanks. It does seem to me that Borg.init could do the privdata lookup itself, and set `BORG_PASSPHRASE`. Otherwise the user is currently left with no indication of how to do that, except for the commit message [[!commit afab5b2f0b4e06a5c41f064d10f65ead063ab5af]]. And, for BorgEncRepokey and BorgEncKeyfile, wouldn't backup and restore also need the passphrase to be provided? (I don't think these questions need to delay releasing propellor with your fixes, since AFAICS your changes won't impact anything that worked with propellor before.) """]]