[[!comment format=mdwn username="https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=AItOawmtnXa0F3OsNh8H7yf5EEbtuufPZG-3StI" nickname="Arnaud" subject="Remote host fails to connect" date="2014-08-30T06:40:33Z" content=""" Makes sense of course, but the message one gets when doing that is a bit misleading. I ran into another issue: propellor deploys itself to remote host, but then the propellor instance run on remote host cannot read the remote git repo, because: 1. the host key is not initially present in root's known_hosts, then 2. the user's (root) public key is unknown to the remote git repo, in my case bitbucket.org, and the URL used is git@bitbucket.org:abailly/capital-match-infra.git which implies connection goes through SSH I am puzzled: Does this mean I should add some for use by the remote host deployed to? This does not make sense so there should be another way... If I change the origin url to use https, then I cannot push locally anymore. Thanks for your help """]]