propellor 5.8.0 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Fix bug in File.containsShellSetting that replaced whole shell conffile content with the setting if the file did not previously contain a line setting the key to some value. * Removed inChroot, instead use hasContainerCapability FilesystemContained. (API change) * Hostname: Properties that used to not do anything in a systemd or docker container will now change the container's hostname, since it's namespaced. * Add User.ownsWithPrimaryGroup Thanks, Sean Whitton * Ssh.userKeys, Ssh.userKeyAt: Create .ssh directory when it does not yet exist. * Ssh.userKeyAt: When a relative filepath is provided, it's put inside the user's .ssh directory. * Fix Git.pulled always reporting a change. Thanks, Sean Whitton"""]]