propellor 5.4.1 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Modernized and simplified the MetaTypes implementation now that compatability with ghc 7 is no longer needed. * Use git verify-commit to verify gpg signatures, rather than the old method of parsing git log output. Needs git 2.0. * Added ConfFile.containsShellSetting, ConfFile.lacksShellSetting, and EtcDefault.set properties. Thanks, Sean Whitton * Dns: Support TXT values longer than bind's maximum string length of 255 bytes. Thanks, rsiddharth. * Docker and HostingProvider.CloudAtCost modules are not being maintained, so marked them as such. Seeking a maintainer for the Docker module; I anticipate removing the CloudAtCost module in the next API bump."""]]