propellor 5.3.0 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Avoid bogus warning about new upstream version when /usr/bin/propellor is run on a Debian system, but ~/.propellor was not cloned from the Debian git bundle. * Parted: Allow partitions to have no filesystem, for eg, GPT BIOS boot partitions. (API change) * Added rawPartition to PartSpec, for specifying partitions with no filesystem. * Added BiosGrubFlag to PartFlag. * Add HasCallStack constraint to pickOS and unsupportedOS, so the call stack includes the caller. * Run su with --login, to avoid inheriting some problematic environment variables, such as TMP, from the caller. * Grub: Added properties to configure /etc/default/grub. * Laptop: New module, starting with powertopAutoTuneOnBoot."""]]