propellor 5.0.0 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Debootstrap.built now supports bootstrapping chroots for foreign OS's, using qemu-user-static. * Machine: New module collecting machine-specific properties for building bootable images for ARM boards. Tested working boards: Olimex Lime, CubieTruck, Banana Pi, SheevaPlug. * Diskimage.imageBuiltFor: New property to build a disk image for a Host, using partition table information configured via the new properties hasPartitionTableType, hasPartition and adjustPartition. * Chroot.noServices moved to Service.noServices and its type changed. (API change) * Service: Avoid starting services when noServices is used. * Add Typeable instance to OriginUrl, fixing build with old versions of ghc. * Added Propellor.Property.impossible * Fail2Ban: Added several additional properties. Thanks, Félix Sipma. * Fail2Ban: Renamed jail.d conf file to use .local. Thanks, Félix Sipma."""]]