propellor 4.9.0 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * When the ipv4 and ipv6 properties are used with a container, avoid propagating the address out to the host. * DnsInfo has been replaced with DnsInfoPropagated and DnsInfoUnpropagated. (API change) * Code that used fromDnsInfo . fromInfo changes to use getDnsInfo. * addDNS takes an additional Bool parameter to control whether the DNS info should propagate out of containers. (API change) * Made the PropellorRepo.hasOriginUrl property override the repository url that --spin passes to a host. * PropellorRepo.hasOriginUrl type changed to include HasInfo. (API change) * Fstab.mounted: Create mount point if necessary, and mount it if it's not already mounted. Thanks, Nicolas Schodet * Properties that check for an empty directory now treat a directory containing only "lost+found" as effectively empty, to support situations where the directory is a mount point of an EXT* filesystem. Thanks, Nicolas Schodet * Make addInfo accumulate Info in order properties appear, not reverse order. This fixes a bug involving reverting Systemd.resolvConfed or Systemd.linkJournal."""]]