propellor 4.8.0 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * DiskImage: Made a DiskImage type class, so that different disk image formats can be implemented. The properties in this module can generate any type that is a member of DiskImage. (API change) (To convert existing configs, convert the filename of the disk image to RawDiskImage filename.) * Removed DiskImage.vmdkBuiltFor property. (API change) Instead, use VirtualBoxPointer in the property that creates the disk image. * Apt.isInstalled: Fix handling of packages that are not known at all to apt. * Borg: Converted BorgRepo from a String alias to a data type. (API change) * Borg: Allow specifying ssh private key to use when accessing a borg repo by using the BorgRepoUsing constructor with UseSshKey. * Borg: Fix broken shell escaping in borg cron job. * Attic: Fix broken shell escaping in attic cron job. * Make lock file descriptors close-on-exec. * Lvm: New module for setting up LVM volumes. Thanks, Nicolas Schodet"""]]