propellor 4.7.0 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Add Apt.proxy property to set a host's apt proxy. Thanks, Sean Whitton. * Add Apt.useLocalCacher property to set up apt-cacher-ng. Thanks, Sean Whitton. * Rework Sbuild properties to use apt proxies/cachers instead of bind-mounting the host's apt cache. This makes it possible to run more than one build at a time, and lets sbuild run even if apt's cache is locked by the host's apt. Thanks, Sean Whitton. * Sbuild: When Apt.proxy is set, it is assumed that the proxy does some sort of caching, and sbuild chroots are set up to use the same proxy. * Sbuild: When Apt.proxy is not set, install apt-cacher-ng, and point sbuild chroots at the local apt cacher. * Sbuild: Droped Sbuild.piupartsConfFor, Sbuild.piupartsConf, Sbuild.shareAptCache (API change) No longer needed now that we are using apt proxies/cachers. * Sbuild: Updated sample config in haddock for Propellor.Property.Sbuild. If you use this module, please compare both your config.hs and your ~/.sbuildrc with the haddock documentation. * Grub.bootsMounted: Avoid failing when proc sys etc are already mounted within the chroot."""]]