propellor 3.3.0 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Arch Linux is now supported by Propellor! Thanks to Zihao Wang for this port. * Added Propellor.Property.Pacman for Arch's package manager. Maintained by Zihao Wang. * The types of some properties changed; eg from Property DebianLike to Property (DebianLike + ArchLinux). Also, DebianLike and Linux are no longer type synonyms; propellor now knows that Linux includes ArchLinux. This could require updates to code, so is a minor API change. * GHC's fileSystemEncoding is used for all String IO, to avoid encoding-related crashes in eg, Propellor.Property.File. * Add --build option to simply build config.hs. * More informative usage message. Thanks, Daniel Brooks * Tor.hiddenService' added to support multiple ports. Thanks, FĂ©lix Sipma. * Apt.noPDiffs added. Thanks, Sean Whitton. * stack.yaml: Compile with GHC 8.0.1 against lts-7.16. Thanks, Andrew Cowie. * Added Propellor.Property.File.configFileName and related functions to generate good filenames for config directories. * Added Apt.suiteAvailablePinned, Apt.pinnedTo. Thanks, Sean Whitton. * Added File.containsBlock Thanks, Sean Whitton."""]]