propellor 2.16.0 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Obnam: Only let one backup job run at a time when a host has multiple different backup properties, to avoid concurrent jobs fighting over scarce resources (particularly memory). Other jobs block on a lock file. * Removed references to a Debian derivative from code and documentation because of an unfortunate trademark use policy.\_nonsense/ * That included changing a data constructor to "Buntish", an API change. * Firewall.rule: Now takes a Table parameter. (API change) * Firewall: add InIFace/OutIFace Rules, add Source/Destination Rules, add CustomTarget, and more improvements. Thanks, FĂ©lix Sipma. * Ssh.authorizedKey: Fix bug preventing it from working when the authorized\_keys file does not yet exist. * Removed Ssh.unauthorizedKey and made Ssh.authorizedKey revertable. (API change)"""]]