propellor 2.15.4 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * Build /usr/src/propellor/propellor.git reproducibly, which makes the whole Debian package build reproducibly. Thanks, Sean Whitton. * Obnam: To cause old generations to be forgotten, keepParam can be passed to a backup property; this causes obnam forget to be run. * Delete /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades.ucf-dist when unattended-upgrades is installed, to work around #812380 which results in many warnings from apt, including in cron mails. * Added Propellor.Property.LetsEncrypt * Apache.httpsVirtualHost: New property, setting up a https vhost with the certificate automatically obtained using letsencrypt. * Allow using combineProperties and propertyList with lists of RevertableProperty."""]]