propellor 2.12.0 released with [[!toggle text="these changes"]] [[!toggleable text=""" * The DiskImage module can now make bootable images using grub. * Add a ChrootTarball chroot type, for using pre-built tarballs as chroots. Thanks, Ben Boeckel. * HostName: Improve domain extraction code. * Added Mount.fstabbed property to generate /etc/fstab to replicate current mounts. * HostName: Improve domain extraction code. * Add File.basedOn. Thanks, Per Olofsson. * Changed how the operating system is provided to Chroot (API change). Where before debootstrapped and bootstrapped took a System parameter, the os property should now be added to the Chroot. * Follow-on change to Systemd.container, which now takes a System parameter. * Generalized Property.check so it can be used with Propellor actions as well as IO actions. * Hostname.sane and Hostname.setTo can now safely be used as a property of a chroot, and won't affect the hostname of the host system."""]]