[[!comment format=mdwn username="craige@a46118dff5bc0fad85259759970d8b4b9fc377d7" nickname="craige" subject="Source" date="2016-05-31T02:10:53Z" content=""" Thanks for getting back to me Joey. BTW a friend of mine (Fractalcat | Sharif) met you at ICFP where you claimed I was your fourth user of propellor ;-) I'm not sure which source you're specifically after and my propellor repo is not yet public. Perhaps now's the time to do that :-) Here's where it's getting stuck in the propellor --spin cycle, this last one ran for 3 hours consuming most RAM and swap before I killed it: compile: input file src/config.hs *** Checking old interface for Main: [89 of 89] Compiling Main ( src/config.hs, dist/build/propellor-config/propellor-config-tmp/Main.o ) *** Parser: *** Renamer/typechecker: ^C^C^C^C My GHC flags in propellor.cabal are: Executable propellor-config Main-Is: config.hs GHC-Options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-tabs -O0 -v3 -j1 Extensions: TypeOperators Hs-Source-Dirs: src Build-Depends: base >= 4.5, base < 5, MissingH, directory, filepath, IfElse, process, bytestring, hslogger, unix, unix-compat, ansi-terminal, containers (>= 0.5), network, async, time, mtl, transformers, exceptions (>= 0.6), stm, text Some googling made me think my custom types were causing this and they needed to be upgraded so I commented out all my custom types but this did not help. I'm happy to paste up my source when I know which files you need. Thanks! """]]