[[!comment format=mdwn username="craige@a46118dff5bc0fad85259759970d8b4b9fc377d7" nickname="craige" subject="-O0" date="2016-05-30T04:41:08Z" content=""" I'm experiencing this quite badly. GHC will consume all 8G RAM before locking the machine up (if I don't catch it first). -O0 was already in propellor.cabal: GHC-Options: -threaded -Wall -fno-warn-tabs -O0 I have set PROPELLOR_DEBUG=1 Strace isn't turning up anything that I can use. I'm not getting a anything useful to track down the source of this problem for me. Any tips on what I can do to track this down? Thanks! Debian testing || Propeller 3.0.3 """]]