[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2016-04-05T14:53:53Z" content=""" The easy way to translate your command to a property is: cmdProperty "mount" ["-t", "nfs", "", "/mnt/nfs"] `assume` MadeChange This has the benefit of working with any command you might want, and the drawback of not preventing eg, re-mounting an already mounted device. `mounted` takes a `MountOpts` which is a specialized data type. You can construct one with eg, `(MountOpts ["defaults"])`. But, since `MountOpts` is a `Monoid`, and "defaults" is the default of an empty `MountOpts`, you can more simply use `mempty` to get the default one: Mount.mounted "nfs" "" "/mnt/nfs" mempty Propellor.Property.Mount was mostly written for use by some other properties, and so doesn't really target the end user as much. And, I notice, its `mounted` property doesn't check if the device is already mounted and so will try to re-mount unnecessarily. I'm not sure if manually driving the mount command makes the most sense; wouldn't it be better to have a property that updates /etc/fstab? """]]