I am checking out propellor to determine if it can make it easier to maintain a few personal machines. With no prior knowledge of Haskell, that may be a futile attempt. I am trying to understand [the Propellor.Property.Mount documentation](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/propellor-2.17.2/docs/Propellor-Property-Mount.html) and particularly how I would need to write the equivalent of mount -t nfs /mnt/nfs I tried putting & Mount.mounted "nfs" "" "/mnt/nfs" ["defaults"] in config.hs, but that results in Couldn't match expected type ‘Mount.MountOpts’ with actual type ‘[[Char]]’ In the fourth argument of ‘Mount.mounted’, namely ‘["defaults"]’ In the second argument of ‘(&)’, namely ‘Mount.mounted "nfs" "" "/mnt/nfs" ["defaults"]’