[[!comment format=mdwn username="david@1439a1cab13195a56248b6a8fd98a62028bcba8a" nickname="david" avatar="http://cdn.libravatar.org/avatar/22c2d800db6a7699139df604a67cb221" subject=""For people who use puppet and similar systems"" date="2018-08-23T01:46:30Z" content=""" Probably the sane way is to [not use the gitolite-admin repo](http://gitolite.com/gitolite/odds-and-ends/#administering-gitolite-directly-on-the-server). Aside from being unfamiliar, that means I have to deal with a bunch small config files (say 50 - 100) in propellor. So far I'm not loving the idea of converting them all to Haskell, even with a script. But maybe I'll come around to it. """]]