[[!comment format=mdwn username="spwhitton" subject="comment 3" date="2016-06-05T06:13:05Z" content=""" > The type of this will be somewhat more complex than the one you gave, but it should work. GHC's inferred type is not something I can understand, and I suspect that it is far more general than it needs to be. In this sort of situation, are their strategies one can employ to write a sensible type signature? I think that the only thing I need to restrict is avoiding trying to ensure properties with info. > You might be able to finesse this by using a monoidial value and get the description of mkp mempty. Could you expand a little on this suggestion, please? I want to be able to use unmodified core properties like `User.accountFor`, and that takes a non-monoidal `User`. > Or, you could do something like this to tie the knot. I don't know if this is a good idea (it might even <>), but it illustrates the core problem nicely; to get at the Info, we need a Host, but to get a Host, we need to already know its properties. This seems to work! """]]