[[!comment format=mdwn username="picca" subject="comment 5" date="2016-03-29T21:41:50Z" content=""" Here the c++ code of apt // See if we need to abort with a dirty journal if (CheckUpdates() == true) { close(d->LockFD); d->LockFD = -1; const char *cmd; if (getenv(\"SUDO_USER\") != NULL) cmd = \"sudo dpkg --configure -a\"; else cmd = \"dpkg --configure -a\"; // TRANSLATORS: the %s contains the recovery command, usually // dpkg --configure -a return _error->Error(_(\"dpkg was interrupted, you must manually \" \"run '%s' to correct the problem. \"), cmd); } so there is a dirty journal. (maybe due to a power off during the chroot update) """]]