[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 5""" date="2015-09-30T14:57:26Z" content=""" You really have to follow the types here. `withTmpDir` passes a tmp dir to a monadic action. A RevertableProperty is not a monadic action (although it does contain one), so your code doesn't type check. What you can do is use `ensureProperty` to run a property from within the Propellor action of an enclosing property. The type of that is `ensureProperty :: Property NoInfo -> Propellor Result` , so it can't be used on a RevertableProperty like your `sbuild'`. If you can get a `foo :: System -> FilePath -> Property NoInfo`, you can use it with `ensureProperty` like this: sbuild system = property "some desc" $ do ensureProperty $ withTmpDir "sbuild" $ \tmpdir -> foo system tmpdir But .. To get from a RevertableProperty to a Property NoInfo is a fraught conversion. `toProp` can get to a Property HasInfo. You'd have to use `ignoreInfo` to get from there to a Property NoInfo, and a lot of care should be taken when using `ignoreInfo`. It *might* be ok to ignoreInfo in this case; the agument would go that this is a chroot being used to create a sbuild image, so any Info belonging to properties of the chroot doesn't affect the host that it's built on, and so it doesn't need to propigate out. But, consider that this would break any properties inside the chroot that use privdata, since privdata works via info. I'd probably take an alternate tack here. Make `sbuild` use a chroot directory in a fixed location, instead of a temp directory. It could base the chroot location on the filename of the tarball it's creating `(++ ".chroot")`, for example. That approach also has the benefit of letting you alter properties of the chroot and propellor will modify the existing chroot to meet those properties, which is faster than building a new chroot every time. (Then you can use `onChange` to update the schroot tarball anytime the chroot changes.) """]]