[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 8""" date="2016-03-06T23:47:58Z" content=""" I modified spin', adding this before its final ssh: async $ createProcessForeground $ proc "sleep" ["500"] This more or less replicates the problem reliably; the remote propellor runs but nothing gets displayed for 500 seconds until the sleep process is done. At which point the whole buffered output appears. Use cat instead and it'll hang forever. Of course, that means `ps fax` shows propellor with sleep and ssh as child processes. If only ssh shows as a child process and nothing else when the problem naturally occurs, then that's a different problem than what I was able to replicate. Anyway, this seems too fragile to leave like this even though nothing run on the way to a ssh should run for very long. So, I'm making the ssh be run forced to the foreground, which will certianly avoid all such problems. """]]