[[!comment format=mdwn username="joey" subject="""comment 1""" date="2017-11-22T19:14:32Z" content=""" Privdata uses the combination of the Context and the PrivDataField to identify the piece of private data to use. So, you don't need to add a new constructor to PrivDataField as long as you can find a context that is sufficiently specific for your needs. The gitlab url (without the password) would make a fine context. So, I'd suggest something like `withPrivData (Password "thegitlaburl") (Context "thegitlaburl")` See the example in the haddock for withPrivData to for how to use that. (The only possible problem with that is you're claiming it's a password when it's really an API key. Propellor won't care, but it you wanted to store the actual gitlab password too, then you'd need to use a different username. It may make sense to add a new constructor to PrivDataField for an API key or something like that.) """]]