path: root/src/Utility/Exception.hs
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2016-12-24GHC's fileSystemEncoding is used for all String IO, to avoid encoding-related...Joey Hess
2016-06-20handle SomeAsyncException same as AsyncExceptionJoey Hess
2016-05-22merge Utility from git-annexJoey Hess
2015-12-15merge from git-annexJoey Hess
2015-09-13merge from git-annexJoey Hess
2015-09-13Follow some hlint suggestions.Mario Lang
2015-05-27merge changes from git-annexJoey Hess
2015-04-29propellor spinJoey Hess
2014-11-21email updateJoey Hess
2014-05-14moved source code to srcJoey Hess