path: root/src/Propellor/Types/CmdLine.hs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-04-08change from inChroot to granular container capabilities infoJoey Hess
* Removed inChroot, instead use hasContainerCapability FilesystemContained. (API change) * Hostname: Properties that used to not do anything in a systemd or docker container will now change the container's hostname, since it's namespaced. More container capabilities can easily be added later, to fine grain control what properties will run in different kinds of containers. This changed CmdLine's Read instance, which should be ok, because propellor inside the container is always updated at the same time as propellor outside, so when it chains into the chroot, it will know to expect the capability list. Docker was not setting InChroot before, but now sets both container capabilities, so chroot setting will also work in it. Note that, things that used to check inChroot before would not work in docker, but things that check FilesystemContained now will. It may be that some of those properties don't really work properly in docker. And, Grub.installed used to run grub-mkconfig in a docker container before, I doubt that made sense (was it even safe?); it doesn't do it now. This commit was sponsored by Trenton Cronholm on Patreon.
2016-12-26Added --build option, which makes propellor simply build itself.Joey Hess
2016-05-01Remove Propellor.DotDir from the propellor library, as its use of ↵Joey Hess
Paths_propellor prevents use of the module out of propellor's tree. Failure looked like: /home/lukas/.propellor/.cabal-sandbox/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-7.10.3/propellor-3.0. 1-0JokOieT9kY9W7enKSzFHh/libHSpropellor-3.0.1-0JokOieT9kY9W7enKSzFHh.a(DotDir.o) :(.text+0x591): undefined reference to `propezu0JokOieT9kY9W7enKSzzFHh_Pathszupropellor_getLibDir_closure' This module is only needed for the wrapper program anyway, which handles --init. This does mean that ./propellor --init in propellor's tree will fail even though the help shows --init as an option.
2016-04-01separate propellor --initJoey Hess
2015-10-17use Info to detect controller loopsJoey Hess
Much less invasive than the other implementation.
2015-10-16Added --unset-unusedJoey Hess
2015-10-16Added Propellor.Property.Spin, which can be used to make a host be a ↵Joey Hess
controller of other hosts. The hard part of this is avoiding loops of controllers. To make that work, a ControllerChain is passed to the host that's spun, and is added to the Info of the host being spun, where the controller property can check it to detect an avoid a loop. That needed an expansion of the CmdLine data type. I made the new ControlledRun only be used when there is a ControllerChain provided. This avoids breaking backwards compatability with old propellor deployments, as --spin still uses SimpleRun. Note: Making an old propellor deployment be controlled by a controller won't work until it's been updated to this commit, so it knows about the ControlledRun parameter. (Untested)
2015-09-23Added --rm-key.Joey Hess
2015-06-29Added --unset to delete a privdata field.Joey Hess
2015-04-02Make propellor resistent to changes to shared libraries, such as libffiJoey Hess
* Make propellor resistent to changes to shared libraries, such as libffi, which might render the propellor binary unable to run. This is dealt with by checking the binary both when running propellor on a remote host, and by Cron.runPropellor. If the binary doesn't work, it will be rebuilt. * Note that since a new switch had to be added to allow testing the binary, upgrading to this version will cause a rebuild from scratch of propellor.
2015-01-19split out types to improve haddock for Propellor.TypesJoey Hess