path: root/src/Propellor/Types/Chroot.hs
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2017-03-11don't propagate DNS info from DiskImage chrootsJoey Hess
* DiskImage building properties used to propagate DNS info out from the chroot used to build the disk image to the Host. That is no longer done, since that chroot only exists as a side effect of the disk image creation and servers will not be running in it. * The IsInfo types class's propagateInfo function changed to use a PropagateInfo data type. (API change) This is particularly important when using hostChroot, since the host could well have DNS settings then. This commit was sponsored by Ole-Morten Duesund on Patreon.
2015-10-18fix typo: propigate → propagateFelix Gruber
2015-09-06Added Propellor.Property.Rsync. WIP; untestedJoey Hess
Convert Info to use Data.Dynamic, so properties can export and consume info of any type that is Typeable and a Monoid, including data types private to a module. (API change) Thanks to Joachim Breitner for the idea.
2014-12-07Display a warning when ensureProperty is used on a property which has Info ↵Joey Hess
and is so prevented from propigating it. Would much rather a type-based fixed, but this is all I have for now.
2014-11-21propellor spinJoey Hess
2014-11-21allow disabling nspawn params, and default to bind mounting /etc/resolv.confJoey Hess
2014-11-21allow configuring systemd-nspawn parametersJoey Hess
2014-11-21split out info typesJoey Hess