path: root/src/Propellor/Git
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2019-04-01Added Utility.FileMode to the modules exported by Propellor.UtilitiesJoey Hess
Since File.mode uses FileMode, it seems it ought to be exported by propellor somewhere. I don't want to make propellor Property modules themselves export core data types though, so this is a compromise of dubious utility.
2018-05-29fix buildJoey Hess
2018-05-18use git verify-commitJoey Hess
Use git verify-commit to verify gpg signatures, rather than the old method of parsing git log output. These two methods should always have the same result. Note that git verify-commit allows signatures with unknown validity, the same as git log's "U" output which was accepted. So any key in the gpg keyring is allowed to sign the commit. Propellor provides gpg with a keyring containing only the allowed keys. Needs git 2.0, which is in even debian oldstable. This commit was sponsored by Ewen McNeill on Patreon.
2018-02-22Avoid crashing if initial fetch from origin fails when spinning a host.Joey Hess
2016-03-07privdata/relocateJoey Hess
better than symlinks because this way no conflict can ever occur and, commit from hook
2016-03-06propellor spinJoey Hess
2016-01-12add missing Control.Applicative imports for old ghcJoey Hess
2016-01-03refactor into smaller modules to untangle git and gpg modulesJoey Hess