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1 files changed, 114 insertions, 88 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Types/Target.hs b/src/Propellor/Types/Target.hs
index 8b17d32f..4f781f55 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Types/Target.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Types/Target.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, PolyKinds, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances, AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, PolyKinds, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances, AllowAmbiguousTypes, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances, ScopedTypeVariables, GADTs #-}
module Propellor.Types.Target (
@@ -28,126 +28,144 @@ import Data.Typeable
import Data.String
import Data.List
-data Property proptypes = Property proptypes (IO ())
-mkProperty :: proptypes -> IO () -> Property proptypes
-mkProperty proptypes a = Property proptypes a
-mkProperty' :: proptypes -> (OuterPropTypes proptypes -> IO ()) -> Property proptypes
-mkProperty' target@l a = Property target (a (OuterPropTypes l))
-data OuterPropTypes (proptypes :: PropTypes) = OuterPropTypes PropTypes
--- | Use `mkProperty'` to get the `OuterTarget`. Only properties whose
--- targets are a superset of the outer targets can be ensured.
- :: ((innertargets `NotSupersetTargets` outertargets) ~ CanCombineTargets)
- => OuterTarget outertargets
- -> Property (Targeting innertargets)
- -> IO ()
-ensureProperty outertarget (Property innertarget a) = a
--- | Changes the target of a property.
--- This can only tighten the target list to contain fewer targets.
- :: (combinedtarget ~ IntersectTarget oldtarget newtarget, CannotCombineTargets oldtarget newtarget combinedtarget ~ CanCombineTargets)
- => Targeting newtarget
- -> Property (Targeting oldtarget)
- -> Property (Targeting combinedtarget)
-target newtarget (Property oldtarget a) =
- Property (intersectTarget oldtarget newtarget) a
--- | Picks one of the two input properties to use,
--- depending on the targeted OS.
--- If both input properties support the targeted OS, then the
--- first will be used.
- :: Property (Targeting a)
- -> Property (Targeting b)
- -> Property (Targeting (UnionTarget a b))
-orProperty a@(Property ta ioa) b@(Property tb iob) =
- Property (unionTargets ta tb) io
- where
- -- TODO pick with of ioa or iob to use based on final OS of
- -- system being run on.
- io = undefined
----- DEMO ----------
-- Intentionally a type error! :)
--foo :: Property (Targeting '[OSDebian, OSFreeBSD])
--foo = Property supportedos $ do
-- ensureProperty supportedos jail
-- where supportedos = unionTargets debian freeBSD
-foo :: Property (Targeting '[OSFreeBSD])
-foo = mkProperty' freeBSD $ \t -> do
- ensureProperty t jail
bar :: Property (Targeting '[OSDebian, OSFreeBSD])
bar = aptinstall `orProperty` jail
+foo :: Property FreeBSDOnly
+foo = mkProperty' $ \t -> do
+ ensureProperty t jail
aptinstall :: Property DebianOnly
-aptinstall = mkProperty debian $ do
+aptinstall = mkProperty $ do
return ()
-jail :: Property FreeBSDOnly
-jail = mkProperty freeBSD $ do
+jail :: Property (HasInfo :+: FreeBSDOnly)
+jail = mkProperty $ do
return ()
----- END DEMO ----------
+data Property proptypes = Property proptypes (IO ())
--- | A Target system, where a Property is indended to be used.
-data Target = OSDebian | OSBuntish | OSFreeBSD
+mkProperty :: Sing l => IO () -> Property (WithTypes l)
+mkProperty = mkProperty' . const
+mkProperty' :: Sing l => (OuterPropTypes l -> IO ()) -> Property (WithTypes l)
+mkProperty' a =
+ let p = Property sing (a (outerPropTypes p))
+ in p
+data OS = OSDebian | OSBuntish | OSFreeBSD
deriving (Show, Eq)
--- | A property has a list of associated PropType's
data PropType
- = Targeting Target -- ^ A target OS of a Property
- | HasInfo -- ^ Indicates that a Property has associated Info
+ = Targeting OS -- ^ A target OS of a Property
+ | WithInfo -- ^ Indicates that a Property has associated Info
deriving (Show, Eq)
-data PropTypes (proptypes :: [PropType]) = PropTypes [PropType]
-type UnixLike = PropTypes '[Targeting OSDebian, Targeting OSBuntish, Targeting OSFreeBSD]
+-- | Any unix-like system
+type UnixLike = WithTypes '[Targeting OSDebian, Targeting OSBuntish, Targeting OSFreeBSD]
+type DebianOnly = WithTypes '[Targeting OSDebian]
+type BuntishOnly = WithTypes '[Targeting OSBuntish]
+type FreeBSDOnly = WithTypes '[Targeting OSFreeBSD]
-unixLike :: UnixLike
-unixLike = PropTypes [Targeting OSDebian, Targeting OSBuntish, Targeting OSFreeBSD]
+type HasInfo = WithTypes '[WithInfo]
-type DebianOnly = PropTypes '[Targeting OSDebian]
+data family WithTypes (x :: k)
-debian :: DebianOnly
-debian = targeting OSDebian
+class Sing t where
+ -- Constructor for a singleton WithTypes list.
+ sing :: WithTypes t
-type BuntishOnly = PropTypes '[Targeting OSBuntish]
+data instance WithTypes (x :: [k]) where
+ Nil :: WithTypes '[]
+ Cons :: WithTypes x -> WithTypes xs -> WithTypes (x ': xs)
-buntish :: BuntishOnly
-buntish = targeting OSBuntish
+instance (Sing x, Sing xs) => Sing (x ': xs) where sing = Cons sing sing
+instance Sing '[] where sing = Nil
-type FreeBSDOnly = PropTypes '[Targeting OSFreeBSD]
+-- This boilerplatw would not be needed if the singletons library were
+-- used. However, we're targeting too old a version of ghc to use it yet.
+data instance WithTypes (x :: PropType) where
+ OSDebianS :: WithTypes ('Targeting OSDebian)
+ OSBuntishS :: WithTypes ('Targeting OSBuntish)
+ OSFreeBSDS :: WithTypes ('Targeting OSFreeBSD)
+ WithInfoS :: WithTypes 'WithInfo
+instance Sing ('Targeting OSDebian) where sing = OSDebianS
+instance Sing ('Targeting OSBuntish) where sing = OSBuntishS
+instance Sing ('Targeting OSFreeBSD) where sing = OSFreeBSDS
+instance Sing 'WithInfo where sing = WithInfoS
-freeBSD :: FreeBSDOnly
-freeBSD = targeting OSFreeBSD
+-- | Convenience type operator to combine two WithTypes lists.
+-- For example, to add HasInfo to the DebianOnly list:
+-- > HasInfo :+: DebianOnly
+-- Which is shorthand for this type:
+-- > WithTypes '[WithInfo, Targeting OSDebian]
+type family a :+: b :: ab
+type instance (WithTypes a) :+: (WithTypes b) = WithTypes (Concat a b)
-targeting :: Target -> PropTypes l
-targeting o = PropTypes [Targeting o]
+type family Concat (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a]
+type instance Concat '[] bs = bs
+type instance Concat (a ': as) bs = a ': (Concat as bs)
-foo :: PropTypes (HasInfo :+: DebianOnly)
-foo = HasInfo `also` debian
+newtype OuterPropTypes l = OuterPropTypes (WithTypes l)
-also :: (l' ~ (:+:) t (PropTypes l)) => PropType -> (PropTypes l) -> PropTypes l'
-p `also` PropTypes l = PropTypes (p:l)
+outerPropTypes :: Property (WithTypes l) -> OuterPropTypes l
+outerPropTypes (Property proptypes _) = OuterPropTypes proptypes
--- | Add a PropType to a PropTypes
-type family (p :: PropType) :+: l :: l2
-type instance p :+: (PropTypes l) = PropTypes (p ': l)
+-- | Use `mkProperty''` to get the `OuterPropTypes`. Only properties whose
+-- PropTypes are a superset of the OuterPropTypes can be ensured.
+ :: ((inner `NotSupersetTargets` outer) ~ CanCombineTargets)
+ => OuterPropTypes outer
+ -> Property inner
+ -> IO ()
+ensureProperty (OuterPropTypes outerproptypes) (Property innerproptypes a) = a
+-- | Changes the target of a property.
+-- This can only tighten the target list to contain fewer targets.
+ :: (combinedtarget ~ IntersectTarget oldtarget newtarget, CannotCombineTargets oldtarget newtarget combinedtarget ~ CanCombineTargets)
+ => Targeting newtarget
+ -> Property (Targeting oldtarget)
+ -> Property (Targeting combinedtarget)
+target newtarget (Property oldtarget a) =
+ Property (intersectTarget oldtarget newtarget) a
+-- | Picks one of the two input properties to use,
+-- depending on the targeted OS.
+-- If both input properties support the targeted OS, then the
+-- first will be used.
+ :: Property (Targeting a)
+ -> Property (Targeting b)
+ -> Property (Targeting (UnionTarget a b))
+orProperty a@(Property ta ioa) b@(Property tb iob) =
+ Property (unionTargets ta tb) io
+ where
+ -- TODO pick with of ioa or iob to use based on final OS of
+ -- system being run on.
+ io = undefined
-- | The union of two lists of Targets.
:: Targeting l1
@@ -165,8 +183,12 @@ intersectTarget
intersectTarget (Targeting l1) (Targeting l2) =
Targeting $ nub $ filter (`elem` l2) l1
data CheckCombineTargets = CannotCombineTargets | CanCombineTargets
-- | Detect intersection of two lists that don't have any common OS.
-- The name of this was chosen to make type errors a more understandable.
@@ -174,7 +196,9 @@ type family CannotCombineTargets (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) (listr :: [a]) ::
type instance CannotCombineTargets l1 l2 '[] = 'CannotCombineTargets
type instance CannotCombineTargets l1 l2 (a ': rest) = 'CanCombineTargets
--- | Everything in the subset must be in the superset.
+-- | Every target in the subset must be in the superset.
-- The name of this was chosen to make type errors a more understandable.
type family NotSupersetTargets (superset :: [a]) (subset :: [a]) :: CheckCombineTargets
@@ -184,6 +208,8 @@ type instance NotSupersetTargets superset (s ': rest) =
(NotSupersetTargets superset rest)
-- | Type level intersection of lists of Targets
type family IntersectTarget (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a]
type instance IntersectTarget '[] list2 = '[]
@@ -224,6 +250,8 @@ type instance EqTarget OSFreeBSD OSBuntish = 'False
-- EqTarget a a = True
-- EqTarget a b = False
-- | An equivilant to the following is in Data.Type.Bool in
-- modern versions of ghc, but is included here to support ghc 7.6.
type family If (cond :: Bool) (tru :: a) (fls :: a) :: a
@@ -243,5 +271,3 @@ type family Not (a :: Bool) :: Bool
type instance Not 'False = 'True
type instance Not 'True = 'False