path: root/src/Utility
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3 files changed, 189 insertions, 6 deletions
diff --git a/src/Utility/DataUnits.hs b/src/Utility/DataUnits.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ece1430
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Utility/DataUnits.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+{- data size display and parsing
+ -
+ - Copyright 2011 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - License: BSD-2-clause
+ -
+ -
+ - And now a rant:
+ -
+ - In the beginning, we had powers of two, and they were good.
+ -
+ - Disk drive manufacturers noticed that some powers of two were
+ - sorta close to some powers of ten, and that rounding down to the nearest
+ - power of ten allowed them to advertise their drives were bigger. This
+ - was sorta annoying.
+ -
+ - Then drives got big. Really, really big. This was good.
+ -
+ - Except that the small rounding error perpretrated by the drive
+ - manufacturers suffered the fate of a small error, and became a large
+ - error. This was bad.
+ -
+ - So, a committee was formed. And it arrived at a committee-like decision,
+ - which satisfied noone, confused everyone, and made the world an uglier
+ - place. As with all committees, this was meh.
+ -
+ - And the drive manufacturers happily continued selling drives that are
+ - increasingly smaller than you'd expect, if you don't count on your
+ - fingers. But that are increasingly too big for anyone to much notice.
+ - This caused me to need git-annex.
+ -
+ - Thus, I use units here that I loathe. Because if I didn't, people would
+ - be confused that their drives seem the wrong size, and other people would
+ - complain at me for not being standards compliant. And we call this
+ - progress?
+ -}
+module Utility.DataUnits (
+ dataUnits,
+ storageUnits,
+ memoryUnits,
+ bandwidthUnits,
+ oldSchoolUnits,
+ Unit(..),
+ roughSize,
+ compareSizes,
+ readSize
+) where
+import Data.List
+import Data.Char
+import Utility.HumanNumber
+type ByteSize = Integer
+type Name = String
+type Abbrev = String
+data Unit = Unit ByteSize Abbrev Name
+ deriving (Ord, Show, Eq)
+dataUnits :: [Unit]
+dataUnits = storageUnits ++ memoryUnits
+{- Storage units are (stupidly) powers of ten. -}
+storageUnits :: [Unit]
+storageUnits =
+ [ Unit (p 8) "YB" "yottabyte"
+ , Unit (p 7) "ZB" "zettabyte"
+ , Unit (p 6) "EB" "exabyte"
+ , Unit (p 5) "PB" "petabyte"
+ , Unit (p 4) "TB" "terabyte"
+ , Unit (p 3) "GB" "gigabyte"
+ , Unit (p 2) "MB" "megabyte"
+ , Unit (p 1) "kB" "kilobyte" -- weird capitalization thanks to committe
+ , Unit (p 0) "B" "byte"
+ ]
+ where
+ p :: Integer -> Integer
+ p n = 1000^n
+{- Memory units are (stupidly named) powers of 2. -}
+memoryUnits :: [Unit]
+memoryUnits =
+ [ Unit (p 8) "YiB" "yobibyte"
+ , Unit (p 7) "ZiB" "zebibyte"
+ , Unit (p 6) "EiB" "exbibyte"
+ , Unit (p 5) "PiB" "pebibyte"
+ , Unit (p 4) "TiB" "tebibyte"
+ , Unit (p 3) "GiB" "gibibyte"
+ , Unit (p 2) "MiB" "mebibyte"
+ , Unit (p 1) "KiB" "kibibyte"
+ , Unit (p 0) "B" "byte"
+ ]
+ where
+ p :: Integer -> Integer
+ p n = 2^(n*10)
+{- Bandwidth units are only measured in bits if you're some crazy telco. -}
+bandwidthUnits :: [Unit]
+bandwidthUnits = error "stop trying to rip people off"
+{- Do you yearn for the days when men were men and megabytes were megabytes? -}
+oldSchoolUnits :: [Unit]
+oldSchoolUnits = zipWith (curry mingle) storageUnits memoryUnits
+ where
+ mingle (Unit _ a n, Unit s' _ _) = Unit s' a n
+{- approximate display of a particular number of bytes -}
+roughSize :: [Unit] -> Bool -> ByteSize -> String
+roughSize units short i
+ | i < 0 = '-' : findUnit units' (negate i)
+ | otherwise = findUnit units' i
+ where
+ units' = sortBy (flip compare) units -- largest first
+ findUnit (u@(Unit s _ _):us) i'
+ | i' >= s = showUnit i' u
+ | otherwise = findUnit us i'
+ findUnit [] i' = showUnit i' (last units') -- bytes
+ showUnit x (Unit size abbrev name) = s ++ " " ++ unit
+ where
+ v = (fromInteger x :: Double) / fromInteger size
+ s = showImprecise 2 v
+ unit
+ | short = abbrev
+ | s == "1" = name
+ | otherwise = name ++ "s"
+{- displays comparison of two sizes -}
+compareSizes :: [Unit] -> Bool -> ByteSize -> ByteSize -> String
+compareSizes units abbrev old new
+ | old > new = roughSize units abbrev (old - new) ++ " smaller"
+ | old < new = roughSize units abbrev (new - old) ++ " larger"
+ | otherwise = "same"
+{- Parses strings like "10 kilobytes" or "0.5tb". -}
+readSize :: [Unit] -> String -> Maybe ByteSize
+readSize units input
+ | null parsednum || null parsedunit = Nothing
+ | otherwise = Just $ round $ number * fromIntegral multiplier
+ where
+ (number, rest) = head parsednum
+ multiplier = head parsedunit
+ unitname = takeWhile isAlpha $ dropWhile isSpace rest
+ parsednum = reads input :: [(Double, String)]
+ parsedunit = lookupUnit units unitname
+ lookupUnit _ [] = [1] -- no unit given, assume bytes
+ lookupUnit [] _ = []
+ lookupUnit (Unit s a n:us) v
+ | a ~~ v || n ~~ v = [s]
+ | plural n ~~ v || a ~~ byteabbrev v = [s]
+ | otherwise = lookupUnit us v
+ a ~~ b = map toLower a == map toLower b
+ plural n = n ++ "s"
+ byteabbrev a = a ++ "b"
diff --git a/src/Utility/HumanNumber.hs b/src/Utility/HumanNumber.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3fede95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Utility/HumanNumber.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+{- numbers for humans
+ -
+ - Copyright 2012-2013 Joey Hess <>
+ -
+ - License: BSD-2-clause
+ -}
+module Utility.HumanNumber where
+{- Displays a fractional value as a string with a limited number
+ - of decimal digits. -}
+showImprecise :: RealFrac a => Int -> a -> String
+showImprecise precision n
+ | precision == 0 || remainder == 0 = show (round n :: Integer)
+ | otherwise = show int ++ "." ++ striptrailing0s (pad0s $ show remainder)
+ where
+ int :: Integer
+ (int, frac) = properFraction n
+ remainder = round (frac * 10 ^ precision) :: Integer
+ pad0s s = replicate (precision - length s) '0' ++ s
+ striptrailing0s = reverse . dropWhile (== '0') . reverse
diff --git a/src/Utility/Table.hs b/src/Utility/Table.hs
index 4e862ff6..20adf40d 100644
--- a/src/Utility/Table.hs
+++ b/src/Utility/Table.hs
@@ -16,13 +16,14 @@ tableWithHeader header rows = header : map linesep header : rows
linesep = map (const '-')
--- | Formats a table to lines, automatically padding rows to the same size.
+-- | Formats a table to lines, automatically padding columns to the same size.
formatTable :: Table -> [String]
-formatTable table = map (\r -> unwords (map pad (zip r rowsizes))) table
+formatTable table = map (\r -> unwords (map pad (zip r colsizes))) table
pad (cell, size) = cell ++ take (size - length cell) padding
padding = repeat ' '
- rowsizes = sumrows (map (map length) table)
- sumrows [] = repeat 0
- sumrows [r] = r
- sumrows (r1:r2:rs) = sumrows $ map (uncurry max) (zip r1 r2) : rs
+ colsizes = reverse $ (0:) $ drop 1 $ reverse $
+ sumcols (map (map length) table)
+ sumcols [] = repeat 0
+ sumcols [r] = r
+ sumcols (r1:r2:rs) = sumcols $ map (uncurry max) (zip r1 r2) : rs