path: root/src/Utility/ConcurrentOutput.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Utility/ConcurrentOutput.hs')
1 files changed, 348 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Utility/ConcurrentOutput.hs b/src/Utility/ConcurrentOutput.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c24744a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Utility/ConcurrentOutput.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,348 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns, TypeSynonymInstances, FlexibleInstances #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-tabs #-}
+-- |
+-- Copyright: 2013 Joey Hess <>
+-- License: BSD-2-clause
+-- Concurrent output handling.
+-- > import Control.Concurrent.Async
+-- > import Control.Concurrent.Output
+-- >
+-- > main = withConcurrentOutput $
+-- > outputConcurrent "washed the car\n"
+-- > `concurrently`
+-- > outputConcurrent "walked the dog\n"
+-- > `concurrently`
+-- > createProcessConcurrent (proc "ls" [])
+module Utility.ConcurrentOutput (
+ withConcurrentOutput,
+ flushConcurrentOutput,
+ Outputable(..),
+ outputConcurrent,
+ createProcessConcurrent,
+ waitForProcessConcurrent,
+ lockOutput,
+) where
+import System.IO
+import System.Posix.IO
+import System.Directory
+import System.Exit
+import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
+import Control.Applicative
+import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Concurrent.STM
+import Control.Concurrent.Async
+import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List
+import Data.Monoid
+import qualified System.Process as P
+import qualified Data.Set as S
+import qualified Data.ByteString as B
+import qualified Data.Text as T
+import Data.Text.Encoding (encodeUtf8)
+import Utility.Monad
+import Utility.Exception
+data OutputHandle = OutputHandle
+ { outputLock :: TMVar Lock
+ , outputBuffer :: TMVar Buffer
+ , outputThreads :: TMVar (S.Set (Async ()))
+ }
+data Lock = Locked
+-- | A shared global variable for the OutputHandle.
+{-# NOINLINE globalOutputHandle #-}
+globalOutputHandle :: MVar OutputHandle
+globalOutputHandle = unsafePerformIO $
+ newMVar =<< OutputHandle
+ <$> newEmptyTMVarIO
+ <*> newTMVarIO []
+ <*> newTMVarIO S.empty
+-- | Gets the global OutputHandle.
+getOutputHandle :: IO OutputHandle
+getOutputHandle = readMVar globalOutputHandle
+-- | Holds a lock while performing an action that will display output.
+-- While this is running, other threads that try to lockOutput will block,
+-- and calls to `outputConcurrent` and `createProcessConcurrent`
+-- will result in that concurrent output being buffered and not
+-- displayed until the action is done.
+lockOutput :: (MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => m a -> m a
+lockOutput = bracket_ (liftIO takeOutputLock) (liftIO dropOutputLock)
+-- | Blocks until we have the output lock.
+takeOutputLock :: IO ()
+takeOutputLock = void $ takeOutputLock' True
+-- | Tries to take the output lock, without blocking.
+tryTakeOutputLock :: IO Bool
+tryTakeOutputLock = takeOutputLock' False
+withLock :: (TMVar Lock -> STM a) -> IO a
+withLock a = do
+ lck <- outputLock <$> getOutputHandle
+ atomically (a lck)
+takeOutputLock' :: Bool -> IO Bool
+takeOutputLock' block = do
+ locked <- withLock $ \l -> do
+ v <- tryTakeTMVar l
+ case v of
+ Just Locked
+ | block -> retry
+ | otherwise -> do
+ -- Restore value we took.
+ putTMVar l Locked
+ return False
+ Nothing -> do
+ putTMVar l Locked
+ return True
+ when locked $ do
+ bv <- outputBuffer <$> getOutputHandle
+ buf <- atomically $ swapTMVar bv []
+ emitBuffer stdout buf
+ return locked
+-- | Only safe to call after taking the output lock.
+dropOutputLock :: IO ()
+dropOutputLock = withLock $ void . takeTMVar
+-- | Use this around any IO actions that use `outputConcurrent`
+-- or `createProcessConcurrent`
+-- This is necessary to ensure that buffered concurrent output actually
+-- gets displayed before the program exits.
+withConcurrentOutput :: IO a -> IO a
+withConcurrentOutput a = a `finally` flushConcurrentOutput
+-- | Blocks until any processes started by `createProcessConcurrent` have
+-- finished, and any buffered output is displayed.
+flushConcurrentOutput :: IO ()
+flushConcurrentOutput = do
+ -- Wait for all outputThreads to finish.
+ v <- outputThreads <$> getOutputHandle
+ atomically $ do
+ r <- takeTMVar v
+ if r == S.empty
+ then putTMVar v r
+ else retry
+ -- Take output lock to ensure that nothing else is currently
+ -- generating output, and flush any buffered output.
+ lockOutput $ return ()
+-- | Values that can be output.
+class Outputable v where
+ toOutput :: v -> B.ByteString
+instance Outputable B.ByteString where
+ toOutput = id
+instance Outputable T.Text where
+ toOutput = encodeUtf8
+instance Outputable String where
+ toOutput = toOutput . T.pack
+-- | Displays a value to stdout, and flush output so it's displayed.
+-- Uses locking to ensure that the whole output occurs atomically
+-- even when other threads are concurrently generating output.
+-- When something else is writing to the console at the same time, this does
+-- not block. It buffers the value, so it will be displayed once the other
+-- writer is done.
+outputConcurrent :: Outputable v => v -> IO ()
+outputConcurrent v = bracket setup cleanup go
+ where
+ setup = tryTakeOutputLock
+ cleanup False = return ()
+ cleanup True = dropOutputLock
+ go True = do
+ B.hPut stdout (toOutput v)
+ hFlush stdout
+ go False = do
+ bv <- outputBuffer <$> getOutputHandle
+ oldbuf <- atomically $ takeTMVar bv
+ newbuf <- addBuffer (Output (toOutput v)) oldbuf
+ atomically $ putTMVar bv newbuf
+-- | This must be used to wait for processes started with
+-- `createProcessConcurrent`.
+-- This is necessary because `System.Process.waitForProcess` has a
+-- race condition when two threads check the same process. If the race
+-- is triggered, one thread will successfully wait, but the other
+-- throws a DoesNotExist exception.
+waitForProcessConcurrent :: P.ProcessHandle -> IO ExitCode
+waitForProcessConcurrent h = do
+ v <- tryWhenExists (P.waitForProcess h)
+ case v of
+ Just r -> return r
+ Nothing -> maybe (waitForProcessConcurrent h) return =<< P.getProcessExitCode h
+-- | Wrapper around `System.Process.createProcess` that prevents
+-- multiple processes that are running concurrently from writing
+-- to stdout/stderr at the same time.
+-- If the process does not output to stdout or stderr, it's run
+-- by createProcess entirely as usual. Only processes that can generate
+-- output are handled specially:
+-- A process is allowed to write to stdout and stderr in the usual
+-- way, assuming it can successfully take the output lock.
+-- When the output lock is held (by another concurrent process,
+-- or because `outputConcurrent` is being called at the same time),
+-- the process is instead run with its stdout and stderr
+-- redirected to a buffer. The buffered output will be displayed as soon
+-- as the output lock becomes free.
+createProcessConcurrent :: P.CreateProcess -> IO (Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, Maybe Handle, P.ProcessHandle)
+createProcessConcurrent p
+ | willOutput (P.std_out p) || willOutput (P.std_err p) =
+ ifM tryTakeOutputLock
+ ( firstprocess
+ , concurrentprocess
+ )
+ | otherwise = P.createProcess p
+ where
+ rediroutput ss h
+ | willOutput ss = P.UseHandle h
+ | otherwise = ss
+ firstprocess = do
+ r@(_, _, _, h) <- P.createProcess p
+ `onException` dropOutputLock
+ -- Wait for the process to exit and drop the lock.
+ void $ async $ do
+ void $ tryIO $ waitForProcessConcurrent h
+ dropOutputLock
+ return r
+ concurrentprocess = do
+ (toouth, fromouth) <- pipe
+ (toerrh, fromerrh) <- pipe
+ let p' = p
+ { P.std_out = rediroutput (P.std_out p) toouth
+ , P.std_err = rediroutput (P.std_err p) toerrh
+ }
+ r <- P.createProcess p'
+ outbuf <- setupBuffer stdout toouth (P.std_out p) fromouth
+ errbuf <- setupBuffer stderr toerrh (P.std_err p) fromerrh
+ void $ async $ bufferWriter [outbuf, errbuf]
+ return r
+ pipe = do
+ (from, to) <- createPipe
+ (,) <$> fdToHandle to <*> fdToHandle from
+willOutput :: P.StdStream -> Bool
+willOutput P.Inherit = True
+willOutput _ = False
+-- Built up with newest seen output first.
+type Buffer = [BufferedActivity]
+data BufferedActivity
+ = ReachedEnd
+ | Output B.ByteString
+ | InTempFile FilePath
+ deriving (Eq)
+setupBuffer :: Handle -> Handle -> P.StdStream -> Handle -> IO (Handle, MVar Buffer, TMVar ())
+setupBuffer h toh ss fromh = do
+ hClose toh
+ buf <- newMVar []
+ bufsig <- atomically newEmptyTMVar
+ void $ async $ outputDrainer ss fromh buf bufsig
+ return (h, buf, bufsig)
+-- Drain output from the handle, and buffer it.
+outputDrainer :: P.StdStream -> Handle -> MVar Buffer -> TMVar () -> IO ()
+outputDrainer ss fromh buf bufsig
+ | willOutput ss = go
+ | otherwise = atend
+ where
+ go = do
+ v <- tryIO $ B.hGetSome fromh 1048576
+ case v of
+ Right b | not (B.null b) -> do
+ modifyMVar_ buf $ addBuffer (Output b)
+ changed
+ go
+ _ -> atend
+ atend = do
+ modifyMVar_ buf $ pure . (ReachedEnd :)
+ changed
+ hClose fromh
+ changed = atomically $ do
+ void $ tryTakeTMVar bufsig
+ putTMVar bufsig ()
+-- Wait to lock output, and once we can, display everything
+-- that's put into the buffers, until the end.
+bufferWriter :: [(Handle, MVar Buffer, TMVar ())] -> IO ()
+bufferWriter ts = do
+ worker <- async $ void $ lockOutput $ mapConcurrently go ts
+ v <- outputThreads <$> getOutputHandle
+ atomically $ do
+ s <- takeTMVar v
+ putTMVar v (S.insert worker s)
+ void $ async $ do
+ void $ waitCatch worker
+ atomically $ do
+ s <- takeTMVar v
+ putTMVar v (S.delete worker s)
+ where
+ go v@(outh, buf, bufsig) = do
+ void $ atomically $ takeTMVar bufsig
+ l <- takeMVar buf
+ putMVar buf []
+ emitBuffer outh l
+ if any (== ReachedEnd) l
+ then return ()
+ else go v
+emitBuffer :: Handle -> Buffer -> IO ()
+emitBuffer outh l = forM_ (reverse l) $ \ba -> case ba of
+ Output b -> do
+ B.hPut outh b
+ hFlush outh
+ InTempFile tmp -> do
+ B.hPut outh =<< B.readFile tmp
+ void $ tryWhenExists $ removeFile tmp
+ ReachedEnd -> return ()
+-- Adds a value to the Buffer. When adding Output to a Handle, it's cheaper
+-- to combine it with any already buffered Output to that same Handle.
+-- When the total buffered Output exceeds 1 mb in size, it's moved out of
+-- memory, to a temp file. This should only happen rarely, but is done to
+-- avoid some verbose process unexpectedly causing excessive memory use.
+addBuffer :: BufferedActivity -> Buffer -> IO Buffer
+addBuffer (Output b) buf
+ | B.length b' <= 1048576 = return (Output b' : other)
+ | otherwise = do
+ tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory
+ (tmp, h) <- openTempFile tmpdir "output.tmp"
+ B.hPut h b'
+ hClose h
+ return (InTempFile tmp : other)
+ where
+ !b' = B.concat (mapMaybe getOutput this) <> b
+ !(this, other) = partition isOutput buf
+ isOutput v = case v of
+ Output _ -> True
+ _ -> False
+ getOutput v = case v of
+ Output b'' -> Just b''
+ _ -> Nothing
+addBuffer v buf = return (v:buf)