path: root/src/Propellor
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diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/Sbuild.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/Sbuild.hs
index 460d0b16..12720592 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/Sbuild.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/Sbuild.hs
@@ -22,10 +22,8 @@ Suggested usage in @config.hs@:
> & Apt.installed ["piuparts", "autopkgtest"]
> & Sbuild.builtFor (System (Debian Linux Unstable) X86_32) Sbuild.UseCcache
-> & Sbuild.piupartsConfFor (System (Debian Linux Unstable) X86_32)
> & Sbuild.updatedFor (System (Debian Linux Unstable) X86_32) `period` Weekly 1
> & Sbuild.usableBy (User "spwhitton")
-> & Sbuild.shareAptCache
> & Schroot.overlaysInTmpfs
If you are using sbuild older than 0.70.0, you also need:
@@ -37,7 +35,8 @@ In @~/.sbuildrc@ (sbuild 0.71.0 or newer):
> $run_piuparts = 1;
> $piuparts_opts = [
> '--schroot',
-> '%r-%a-piuparts',
+> '--no-eatmydata',
+> '%r-%a-sbuild',
> '--fail-if-inadequate',
> '--fail-on-broken-symlinks',
> ];
@@ -74,16 +73,13 @@ module Propellor.Property.Sbuild (
- piupartsConf,
- piupartsConfFor,
-- * Global sbuild configuration
-- blockNetwork,
- shareAptCache,
) where
@@ -147,7 +143,8 @@ built s@(SbuildSchroot suite arch) mirror cc =
((go `before` enhancedConf)
`requires` ccacheMaybePrepared cc
`requires` installed
- `requires` overlaysKernel)
+ `requires` overlaysKernel
+ `requires` cleanupOldConfig)
<!> deleted
go :: Property DebianLike
@@ -218,6 +215,16 @@ built s@(SbuildSchroot suite arch) mirror cc =
Reboot.toKernelNewerThan "3.18"
else noChange
+ -- clean up config from earlier versions of this module
+ cleanupOldConfig :: Property UnixLike
+ cleanupOldConfig = property' "old sbuild module config cleaned up" $ \w -> do
+ void $ ensureProperty w $
+ check (doesFileExist fstab) (File.lacksLine fstab aptCacheLine)
+ liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive "/etc/schroot/piuparts"
+ makeChange $ nukeFile (schrootPiupartsConf s)
+ where
+ fstab = "/etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab"
-- A failed debootstrap run will leave a debootstrap directory;
-- recover by deleting it and trying again.
ispartial = ifM (doesDirectoryExist (schrootRoot s </> "debootstrap"))
@@ -299,92 +306,6 @@ fixConfFile s@(SbuildSchroot suite arch) =
tempPrefix = dir </> suite ++ "-" ++ architectureToDebianArchString arch ++ "-propellor-"
munge = replace "-propellor]" "-sbuild]"
--- | Create a corresponding schroot config file for use with piuparts
--- This function is a convenience wrapper around 'piupartsConf', allowing the
--- user to identify the schroot using the 'System' type. See that function's
--- documentation for why you might want to use this property, and sample config.
-piupartsConfFor :: System -> Property DebianLike
-piupartsConfFor sys = property' ("piuparts schroot conf for " ++ show sys) $
- \w -> case schrootFromSystem sys of
- Just s -> ensureProperty w $ piupartsConf s
- _ -> errorMessage
- ("don't know how to debootstrap " ++ show sys)
--- | Create a corresponding schroot config file for use with piuparts
--- This is useful because:
--- - piuparts will clear out the apt cache which makes 'shareAptCache' much less
--- useful
--- - piuparts itself invokes eatmydata, so the command-prefix setting in our
--- regular schroot config would force the user to pass @--no-eatmydata@ to
--- piuparts in their @~/.sbuildrc@, which is inconvenient.
--- To make use of this new schroot config, you can put something like this in
--- your ~/.sbuildrc (sbuild 0.71.0 or newer):
--- > $run_piuparts = 1;
--- > $piuparts_opts = [
--- > '--schroot',
--- > '%r-%a-piuparts',
--- > '--fail-if-inadequate',
--- > '--fail-on-broken-symlinks',
--- > ];
--- This property has no effect if the corresponding sbuild schroot does not
--- exist (i.e. you also need 'Sbuild.built' or 'Sbuild.builtFor').
-piupartsConf :: SbuildSchroot -> Property DebianLike
-piupartsConf s@(SbuildSchroot _ arch) =
- check (doesFileExist (schrootConf s)) go
- `requires` installed
- where
- go :: Property DebianLike
- go = property' desc $ \w -> do
- aliases <- aliasesLine
- ensureProperty w $ combineProperties desc $ props
- & check (not <$> doesFileExist f)
- (File.basedOn f (schrootConf s, map munge))
- & ConfFile.containsIniSetting f
- (sec, "profile", "piuparts")
- & ConfFile.containsIniSetting f
- (sec, "aliases", aliases)
- & ConfFile.containsIniSetting f
- (sec, "command-prefix", "")
- & File.dirExists dir
- & File.isSymlinkedTo (dir </> "copyfiles")
- (File.LinkTarget $ orig </> "copyfiles")
- & File.isSymlinkedTo (dir </> "nssdatabases")
- (File.LinkTarget $ orig </> "nssdatabases")
- & File.basedOn (dir </> "fstab")
- (orig </> "fstab", filter (/= aptCacheLine))
- orig = "/etc/schroot/sbuild"
- dir = "/etc/schroot/piuparts"
- sec = val s ++ "-piuparts"
- f = schrootPiupartsConf s
- munge = replace "-sbuild]" "-piuparts]"
- desc = "piuparts schroot conf for " ++ val s
- -- normally the piuparts schroot conf has no aliases, but we have to add
- -- one, for dgit compatibility, if this is the default sid chroot
- aliasesLine = sidHostArchSchroot s >>= \isSidHostArchSchroot ->
- return $ if isSidHostArchSchroot
- then "UNRELEASED-"
- ++ architectureToDebianArchString arch
- ++ "-piuparts"
- else ""
--- | Bind-mount /var/cache/apt/archives in all sbuild chroots so that the host
--- system and the chroot share the apt cache
--- This speeds up builds by avoiding unnecessary downloads of build
--- dependencies.
-shareAptCache :: Property DebianLike
-shareAptCache = File.containsLine "/etc/schroot/sbuild/fstab" aptCacheLine
- `requires` installed
- `describe` "sbuild schroots share host apt cache"
aptCacheLine :: String
aptCacheLine = "/var/cache/apt/archives /var/cache/apt/archives none rw,bind 0 0"