path: root/src/Propellor/Types
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1 files changed, 35 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Types/MetaTypes.hs b/src/Propellor/Types/MetaTypes.hs
index 567f533a..0c476e87 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Types/MetaTypes.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Types/MetaTypes.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, PolyKinds, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances, FlexibleInstances, GADTs #-}
module Propellor.Types.MetaTypes (
@@ -18,33 +17,21 @@ module Propellor.Types.MetaTypes (
- PrettyPrintMetaTypes,
- IsSubset,
+ NotSuperset,
+ CheckCombine(..),
- CheckCombinableNote,
type (&&),
- Intersect,
- Difference,
- IfStuck,
) where
import Propellor.Types.Singletons
import Propellor.Types.OS
-import GHC.TypeLits hiding (type (+))
import Data.Type.Bool
-import Type.Errors
-type family IfStuck (expr :: k) (b :: k1) (c :: k1) :: k1 where
- IfStuck expr b c = c
data MetaType
= Targeting TargetOS -- ^ A target OS of a Property
| WithInfo -- ^ Indicates that a Property has associated Info
@@ -126,69 +113,41 @@ type family Combine (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] where
(Targets list1 `Intersect` Targets list2)
--- | Checks if two MetaTypes lists can be safly combined;
--- eg they have at least one Target in common.
-type family IsCombinable (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: Bool where
- -- As a special case, if either list is empty or only WithInfo,
- -- let it be combined with the other. This relies on MetaTypes
- -- list always containing at least one Target, so can only happen
- -- if there's already been a type error. This special case lets the
- -- type checker show only the original type error, and not
- -- subsequent errors due to later CheckCombinable constraints.
- IsCombinable '[] list2 = 'True
- IsCombinable list1 '[] = 'True
- IsCombinable ('WithInfo ': list1) list2 = IsCombinable list1 list2
- IsCombinable list1 ('WithInfo ': list2) = IsCombinable list1 list2
- IsCombinable list1 list2 =
- Not (Null (Combine (Targets list1) (Targets list2)))
--- | This (or CheckCombinableNote) should be used anywhere Combine is used,
--- as an additional constraint. For example:
+-- | Checks if two MetaTypes lists can be safely combined.
--- > foo :: (CheckCombinable x y ~ 'True) => x -> y -> Combine x y
-type family CheckCombinable (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: Bool where
- CheckCombinable list1 list2 =
- If (IsCombinable list1 list2)
- 'True
- (CannotCombine list1 list2 'Nothing)
--- | Allows providing an additional note.
-type family CheckCombinableNote (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) (note :: ErrorMessage) :: Bool where
- CheckCombinableNote list1 list2 note =
- If (IsCombinable list1 list2)
- 'True
- (CannotCombine list1 list2
- ('Just ('Text "(" ':<>: note ':<>: 'Text ")"))
- )
--- Checking IfStuck is to avoid massive and useless error message leaking
--- type families from this module.
-type family CannotCombine (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) (note :: Maybe ErrorMessage) :: Bool where
- CannotCombine list1 list2 note =
- IfStuck list1
- (IfStuck list2
- (TypeError (CannotCombineMessage UnknownType UnknownType UnknownTypeNote))
- (TypeError (CannotCombineMessage UnknownType (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list2) UnknownTypeNote))
- )
- (IfStuck list2
- (TypeError (CannotCombineMessage (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list1) UnknownType UnknownTypeNote))
- (TypeError (CannotCombineMessage (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list1) (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list2) note))
- )
-type family UnknownType :: ErrorMessage where
- UnknownType = 'Text "<unknown>"
-type family UnknownTypeNote :: Maybe ErrorMessage where
- UnknownTypeNote = 'Just ('Text "(Property <unknown> is often due to a partially applied Property constructor, or due to passing the wrong type to a Property constructor.)")
+-- This should be used anywhere Combine is used, as an additional
+-- constraint. For example:
+-- > foo :: (CheckCombinable x y ~ 'CanCombine) => x -> y -> Combine x y
+type family CheckCombinable (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: CheckCombine where
+ -- As a special case, if either list is empty, let it be combined
+ -- with the other. This relies on MetaTypes list always containing
+ -- at least one target, so can only happen if there's already been
+ -- a type error. This special case lets the type checker show only
+ -- the original type error, and not an extra error due to a later
+ -- CheckCombinable constraint.
+ CheckCombinable '[] list2 = 'CanCombine
+ CheckCombinable list1 '[] = 'CanCombine
+ CheckCombinable (l1 ': list1) (l2 ': list2) =
+ CheckCombinable' (Combine (l1 ': list1) (l2 ': list2))
+type family CheckCombinable' (combinedlist :: [a]) :: CheckCombine where
+ CheckCombinable' '[] = 'CannotCombineTargets
+ CheckCombinable' (a ': rest)
+ = If (IsTarget a)
+ 'CanCombine
+ (CheckCombinable' rest)
+data CheckCombine = CannotCombineTargets | CanCombine
-type family CannotCombineMessage (a :: ErrorMessage) (b :: ErrorMessage) (note :: Maybe ErrorMessage) :: ErrorMessage where
- CannotCombineMessage a b ('Just note) =
- CannotCombineMessage a b 'Nothing
- ':$$: note
- CannotCombineMessage a b 'Nothing =
- 'Text "Cannot combine Properties:"
- ':$$: ('Text " Property " ':<>: a)
- ':$$: ('Text " Property " ':<>: b)
+-- | Every item in the subset must be in the superset.
+-- The name of this was chosen to make type errors more understandable.
+type family NotSuperset (superset :: [a]) (subset :: [a]) :: CheckCombine where
+ NotSuperset superset '[] = 'CanCombine
+ NotSuperset superset (s ': rest) =
+ If (Elem s superset)
+ (NotSuperset superset rest)
+ 'CannotCombineTargets
type family IsTarget (a :: t) :: Bool where
IsTarget ('Targeting a) = 'True
@@ -208,21 +167,6 @@ type family NonTargets (l :: [a]) :: [a] where
(NonTargets xs)
(x ': NonTargets xs)
--- | Pretty-prints a list of MetaTypes for display in a type error message.
-type family PrettyPrintMetaTypes (l :: [MetaType]) :: ErrorMessage where
- PrettyPrintMetaTypes '[] = 'Text "<none>"
- PrettyPrintMetaTypes (t ': '[]) = PrettyPrintMetaType t
- PrettyPrintMetaTypes (t ': ts) =
- PrettyPrintMetaType t ':<>: 'Text " + " ':<>: PrettyPrintMetaTypes ts
-type family PrettyPrintMetaType t :: ErrorMessage where
- PrettyPrintMetaType 'WithInfo = 'ShowType HasInfo
- PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSDebian) = 'ShowType Debian
- PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSBuntish) = 'ShowType Buntish
- PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSFreeBSD) = 'ShowType FreeBSD
- PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSArchLinux) = 'ShowType ArchLinux
- PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting t) = 'ShowType t
-- | Type level elem
type family Elem (a :: t) (list :: [t]) :: Bool where
Elem a '[] = 'False
@@ -244,28 +188,6 @@ type family Intersect (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] where
(a ': Intersect rest list2)
(Intersect rest list2)
--- | Type level difference. Items that are in the first list, but not in
--- the second.
-type family Difference (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] where
- Difference '[] list2 = '[]
- Difference (a ': rest) list2 =
- If (Elem a list2)
- (Difference rest list2)
- (a ': Difference rest list2)
--- | Every item in the subset must be in the superset.
-type family IsSubset (subset :: [a]) (superset :: [a]) :: Bool where
- IsSubset '[] superset = 'True
- IsSubset (s ': rest) superset =
- If (Elem s superset)
- (IsSubset rest superset)
- 'False
--- | Type level null.
-type family Null (list :: [a]) :: Bool where
- Null '[] = 'True
- Null l = 'False
-- | Type level equality of metatypes.
type family EqT (a :: MetaType) (b :: MetaType) where
EqT a a = 'True