path: root/src/Propellor/Spin.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Spin.hs')
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Spin.hs b/src/Propellor/Spin.hs
index c6699961f..aeaa4643 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Spin.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Spin.hs
@@ -87,12 +87,15 @@ spin' mprivdata relay target hst = do
-- And now we can run it.
unlessM (boolSystemNonConcurrent "ssh" (map Param $ cacheparams ++ ["-t", sshtarget, shellWrap runcmd])) $
- error "remote propellor failed"
+ giveup "remote propellor failed"
hn = fromMaybe target relay
sys = case fromInfo (hostInfo hst) of
InfoVal o -> Just o
NoInfoVal -> Nothing
+ bootstrapper = case fromInfo (hostInfo hst) of
+ NoInfoVal -> defaultBootstrapper
+ InfoVal bs -> bs
relaying = relay == Just target
viarelay = isJust relay && not relaying
@@ -109,7 +112,7 @@ spin' mprivdata relay target hst = do
updatecmd = intercalate " && "
[ "cd " ++ localdir
- , bootstrapPropellorCommand sys
+ , bootstrapPropellorCommand bootstrapper sys
, if viarelay
then "./propellor --continue " ++
shellEscape (show (Relay target))
@@ -169,7 +172,7 @@ getSshTarget target hst
warningMessage $ "DNS seems out of date for " ++ target ++ " (" ++ why ++ "); using IP address from configuration instead."
return ip
- configips = map fromIPAddr $ mapMaybe getIPAddr $
+ configips = map val $ mapMaybe getIPAddr $
S.toList $ fromDnsInfo $ fromInfo $ hostInfo hst
-- Update the privdata, repo url, and git repo over the ssh
@@ -186,26 +189,8 @@ update forhost = do
writeFileProtected privfile
whenM hasGitRepo $
- req NeedGitPush gitPushMarker $ \_ -> do
- hin <- dup stdInput
- hout <- dup stdOutput
- hClose stdin
- hClose stdout
- -- Not using git pull because git 2.5.0 badly
- -- broke its option parser.
- unlessM (boolSystemNonConcurrent "git" (pullparams hin hout)) $
- errorMessage "git fetch from client failed"
- unlessM (boolSystemNonConcurrent "git" [Param "merge", Param "FETCH_HEAD"]) $
- errorMessage "git merge from client failed"
+ gitPullFromUpdateServer
- pullparams hin hout =
- [ Param "fetch"
- , Param "--progress"
- , Param "--upload-pack"
- , Param $ "./propellor --gitpush " ++ show hin ++ " " ++ show hout
- , Param "."
- ]
-- When --spin --relay is run, get a privdata file
-- to be relayed to the target host.
privfile = maybe privDataLocal privDataRelay forhost
@@ -336,31 +321,6 @@ sendPrecompiled hn = void $ actionMessage "Uploading locally compiled propellor
, "rm -f " ++ remotetarball
--- Shim for git push over the propellor ssh channel.
--- Reads from stdin and sends it to hout;
--- reads from hin and sends it to stdout.
-gitPushHelper :: Fd -> Fd -> IO ()
-gitPushHelper hin hout = void $ fromstdin `concurrently` tostdout
- where
- fromstdin = do
- h <- fdToHandle hout
- connect stdin h
- tostdout = do
- h <- fdToHandle hin
- connect h stdout
- connect fromh toh = do
- hSetBinaryMode fromh True
- hSetBinaryMode toh True
- b <- B.hGetSome fromh 40960
- if B.null b
- then do
- hClose fromh
- hClose toh
- else do
- B.hPut toh b
- hFlush toh
- connect fromh toh
mergeSpin :: IO ()
mergeSpin = do
branch <- getCurrentBranch
@@ -388,3 +348,68 @@ findLastNonSpinCommit = do
spinCommitMessage :: String
spinCommitMessage = "propellor spin"
+-- Stdin and stdout are connected to the updateServer over ssh.
+-- Request that it run git upload-pack, and connect that up to a git fetch
+-- to receive the data.
+gitPullFromUpdateServer :: IO ()
+gitPullFromUpdateServer = req NeedGitPush gitPushMarker $ \_ -> do
+ -- IO involving stdin can cause data to be buffered in the Handle
+ -- (even when it's set NoBuffering), but we need to pass a FD to
+ -- git fetch containing all of stdin after the gitPushMarker,
+ -- including any that has been buffered.
+ --
+ -- To do so, create a pipe, and forward stdin, including any
+ -- buffered part, through it.
+ (pread, pwrite) <- System.Posix.IO.createPipe
+ -- Note that there is a race between the createPipe and setting
+ -- CloseOnExec. Another processess forked here would inherit
+ -- pwrite and perhaps keep it open. However, propellor is not
+ -- running concurrent threads at this point, so this is ok.
+ setFdOption pwrite CloseOnExec True
+ hwrite <- fdToHandle pwrite
+ forwarder <- async $ stdin *>* hwrite
+ let hin = pread
+ hout <- dup stdOutput
+ hClose stdout
+ -- Not using git pull because git 2.5.0 badly
+ -- broke its option parser.
+ unlessM (boolSystemNonConcurrent "git" (fetchparams hin hout)) $
+ errorMessage "git fetch from client failed"
+ wait forwarder
+ unlessM (boolSystemNonConcurrent "git" [Param "merge", Param "FETCH_HEAD"]) $
+ errorMessage "git merge from client failed"
+ where
+ fetchparams hin hout =
+ [ Param "fetch"
+ , Param "--progress"
+ , Param "--upload-pack"
+ , Param $ "./propellor --gitpush " ++ show hin ++ " " ++ show hout
+ , Param "."
+ ]
+-- Shim for git push over the propellor ssh channel.
+-- Reads from stdin and sends it to hout;
+-- reads from hin and sends it to stdout.
+gitPushHelper :: Fd -> Fd -> IO ()
+gitPushHelper hin hout = void $ fromstdin `concurrently` tostdout
+ where
+ fromstdin = do
+ h <- fdToHandle hout
+ stdin *>* h
+ tostdout = do
+ h <- fdToHandle hin
+ h *>* stdout
+-- Forward data from one handle to another.
+(*>*) :: Handle -> Handle -> IO ()
+fromh *>* toh = do
+ b <- B.hGetSome fromh 40960
+ if B.null b
+ then do
+ hClose fromh
+ hClose toh
+ else do
+ B.hPut toh b
+ hFlush toh
+ fromh *>* toh