path: root/src/Propellor/Property
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1 files changed, 185 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/Lvm.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/Lvm.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..360595c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/Lvm.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+-- | Maintainer: Nicolas Schodet <>
+-- Support for LVM logical volumes.
+module Propellor.Property.Lvm (
+ lvFormatted,
+ installed,
+ Eep(..),
+ VolumeGroup(..),
+ LogicalVolume(..),
+) where
+import Propellor
+import Propellor.Base
+import Utility.DataUnits
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Mount as Mount
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Partition as Partition
+data Eep = YesReallyFormatLogicalVolume
+type DataSize = String
+newtype VolumeGroup = VolumeGroup String
+data LogicalVolume = LogicalVolume String VolumeGroup
+-- | Create or resize a logical volume, and make sure it is formatted. When
+-- reverted, remove the logical volume.
+-- Example use:
+-- > import qualified Propellor.Property.Lvm as Lvm
+-- > import qualified Propellor.Property.Partition as Partition
+-- > Lvm.lvFormatted Lvm.YesReallyFormatLogicalVolume
+-- > (Lvm.LogicalVolume "test" (Lvm.VolumeGroup "vg0")) "16m"
+-- > Partition.EXT4
+-- If size and filesystem match, nothing is done.
+-- Volume group must have been created yet.
+ :: Eep
+ -> LogicalVolume
+ -> DataSize
+ -> Partition.Fs
+ -> RevertableProperty DebianLike UnixLike
+lvFormatted YesReallyFormatLogicalVolume lv sz fs =
+ setup <!> cleanup
+ where
+ setup :: Property DebianLike
+ setup = property' ("formatted logical volume " ++ (vglv lv)) $ \w -> do
+ es <- liftIO $ vgExtentSize vg
+ case es of
+ Nothing -> errorMessage
+ $ "can not get extent size, does volume group "
+ ++ vgname ++ " exists?"
+ Just extentSize -> do
+ case parseSize of
+ Nothing -> errorMessage
+ $ "can not parse volume group size"
+ Just size -> do
+ state <- liftIO $ lvState lv
+ let rsize = roundSize extentSize size
+ ensureProperty w
+ $ setupprop rsize state
+ cleanup :: Property UnixLike
+ cleanup = property' ("removed logical volume " ++ (vglv lv)) $ \w -> do
+ exists <- liftIO $ lvExist lv
+ ensureProperty w $ if exists
+ then removedprop
+ else doNothing
+ -- Parse size.
+ parseSize :: Maybe Integer
+ parseSize = readSize dataUnits sz
+ -- Round size to next extent size multiple.
+ roundSize :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer
+ roundSize extentSize s =
+ (s + extentSize - 1) `div` extentSize * extentSize
+ -- Dispatch to the right props.
+ setupprop :: Integer -> (Maybe LvState) -> Property DebianLike
+ setupprop size Nothing = createdprop size `before` formatprop
+ setupprop size (Just (LvState csize cfs))
+ | size == csize && fsMatch fs cfs = doNothing
+ | size == csize = formatprop
+ | fsMatch fs cfs = tightenTargets $ resizedprop size True
+ | otherwise = resizedprop size False `before` formatprop
+ createdprop :: Integer -> Property UnixLike
+ createdprop size =
+ cmdProperty "lvcreate"
+ (bytes size $ [ "-n", lvname, "--yes", vgname ])
+ `assume` MadeChange
+ resizedprop :: Integer -> Bool -> Property UnixLike
+ resizedprop size rfs =
+ cmdProperty "lvresize"
+ (resizeFs rfs $ bytes size $ [ vglv lv ])
+ `assume` MadeChange
+ where
+ resizeFs True l = "-r" : l
+ resizeFs False l = l
+ removedprop :: Property UnixLike
+ removedprop = cmdProperty "lvremove" [ "-f", vglv lv ]
+ `assume` MadeChange
+ formatprop :: Property DebianLike
+ formatprop = Partition.formatted Partition.YesReallyFormatPartition
+ fs (path lv)
+ fsMatch :: Partition.Fs -> Maybe Partition.Fs -> Bool
+ fsMatch a (Just b) = a == b
+ fsMatch _ _ = False
+ bytes size l = "-L" : ((show size) ++ "b") : l
+ (LogicalVolume lvname vg@(VolumeGroup vgname)) = lv
+-- | Make sure needed tools are installed.
+installed :: RevertableProperty DebianLike DebianLike
+installed = install <!> remove
+ where
+ install = Apt.installed ["lvm2"]
+ remove = Apt.removed ["lvm2"]
+data LvState = LvState Integer (Maybe Partition.Fs)
+-- Check for logical volume existance.
+lvExist :: LogicalVolume -> IO Bool
+lvExist lv = doesFileExist (path lv)
+-- Return Nothing if logical volume does not exists (or error), else return
+-- its size and maybe file system.
+lvState :: LogicalVolume -> IO (Maybe LvState)
+lvState lv = do
+ exists <- lvExist lv
+ if not exists
+ then return Nothing
+ else do
+ s <- readLvSize
+ fs <- readFs
+ return $ do
+ size <- s
+ return $ LvState size $ parseFs
+ $ takeWhile (/= '\n') <$> fs
+ where
+ readLvSize = catchDefaultIO Nothing
+ $ readish
+ <$> readProcess "lvs" [ "-o", "size", "--noheadings",
+ "--nosuffix", "--units", "b", vglv lv ]
+ readFs = Mount.blkidTag "TYPE" (path lv)
+ parseFs (Just "ext2") = Just Partition.EXT2
+ parseFs (Just "ext3") = Just Partition.EXT3
+ parseFs (Just "ext4") = Just Partition.EXT4
+ parseFs (Just "btrfs") = Just Partition.BTRFS
+ parseFs (Just "reiserfs") = Just Partition.REISERFS
+ parseFs (Just "xfs") = Just Partition.XFS
+ parseFs (Just "fat") = Just Partition.FAT
+ parseFs (Just "vfat") = Just Partition.VFAT
+ parseFs (Just "ntfs") = Just Partition.NTFS
+ parseFs (Just "swap") = Just Partition.LinuxSwap
+ parseFs _ = Nothing
+-- Read extent size (or Nothing on error).
+vgExtentSize :: VolumeGroup -> IO (Maybe Integer)
+vgExtentSize (VolumeGroup vgname) =
+ catchDefaultIO Nothing
+ $ readish
+ <$> readProcess "vgs" [ "-o", "vg_extent_size",
+ "--noheadings", "--nosuffix", "--units", "b", vgname ]
+-- Give "vgname/lvname" for a LogicalVolume.
+vglv :: LogicalVolume -> String
+vglv lv =
+ vgname </> lvname
+ where
+ (LogicalVolume lvname (VolumeGroup vgname)) = lv
+-- Give device path.
+path :: LogicalVolume -> String
+path lv = "/dev" </> (vglv lv)