path: root/src/Propellor/Property/User.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property/User.hs')
1 files changed, 17 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/User.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/User.hs
index 8cbd11e4..76eae647 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/User.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/User.hs
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
data Eep = YesReallyDeleteHome
accountFor :: User -> Property DebianLike
-accountFor user@(User u) = check nohomedir go
+accountFor user@(User u) = tightenTargets $ check nohomedir go
`describe` ("account for " ++ u)
nohomedir = isNothing <$> catchMaybeIO (homedir user)
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ systemAccountFor :: User -> Property DebianLike
systemAccountFor user@(User u) = systemAccountFor' user Nothing (Just (Group u))
systemAccountFor' :: User -> Maybe FilePath -> Maybe Group -> Property DebianLike
-systemAccountFor' (User u) mhome mgroup = check nouser go
+systemAccountFor' (User u) mhome mgroup = tightenTargets $ check nouser go
`describe` ("system account for " ++ u)
nouser = isNothing <$> catchMaybeIO (getUserEntryForName u)
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ systemAccountFor' (User u) mhome mgroup = check nouser go
-- | Removes user home directory!! Use with caution.
nuked :: User -> Eep -> Property DebianLike
-nuked user@(User u) _ = check hashomedir go
+nuked user@(User u) _ = tightenTargets $ check hashomedir go
`describe` ("nuked user " ++ u)
hashomedir = isJust <$> catchMaybeIO (homedir user)
@@ -75,8 +75,10 @@ hasPassword :: User -> Property (HasInfo + DebianLike)
hasPassword user = hasPassword' user hostContext
hasPassword' :: IsContext c => User -> c -> Property (HasInfo + DebianLike)
-hasPassword' (User u) context = go `requires` shadowConfig True
+hasPassword' (User u) context = go
+ `requires` shadowConfig True
+ go :: Property (HasInfo + UnixLike)
go = withSomePrivData srcs context $
property (u ++ " has password") . setPassword
srcs =
@@ -105,8 +107,9 @@ chpasswd (User user) v ps = makeChange $ withHandle StdinHandle createProcessSuc
hClose h
lockedPassword :: User -> Property DebianLike
-lockedPassword user@(User u) = check (not <$> isLockedPassword user) go
- `describe` ("locked " ++ u ++ " password")
+lockedPassword user@(User u) = tightenTargets $
+ check (not <$> isLockedPassword user) go
+ `describe` ("locked " ++ u ++ " password")
go = cmdProperty "passwd"
[ "--lock"
@@ -131,7 +134,7 @@ homedir :: User -> IO FilePath
homedir (User user) = homeDirectory <$> getUserEntryForName user
hasGroup :: User -> Group -> Property DebianLike
-hasGroup (User user) (Group group') = check test go
+hasGroup (User user) (Group group') = tightenTargets $ check test go
`describe` unwords ["user", user, "in group", group']
test = not . elem group' . words <$> readProcess "groups" [user]
@@ -150,7 +153,8 @@ hasDesktopGroups user@(User u) = property' desc $ \o -> do
existinggroups <- map (fst . break (== ':')) . lines
<$> liftIO (readFile "/etc/group")
let toadd = filter (`elem` existinggroups) desktopgroups
- ensureProperty o $ propertyList desc $ map (hasGroup user . Group) toadd
+ ensureProperty o $ propertyList desc $ toProps $
+ map (hasGroup user . Group) toadd
desc = "user " ++ u ++ " is in standard desktop groups"
-- This list comes from user-setup's debconf
@@ -171,10 +175,10 @@ hasDesktopGroups user@(User u) = property' desc $ \o -> do
-- | Controls whether shadow passwords are enabled or not.
shadowConfig :: Bool -> Property DebianLike
-shadowConfig True = check (not <$> shadowExists)
+shadowConfig True = tightenTargets $ check (not <$> shadowExists)
(cmdProperty "shadowconfig" ["on"])
`describe` "shadow passwords enabled"
-shadowConfig False = check shadowExists
+shadowConfig False = tightenTargets $ check shadowExists
(cmdProperty "shadowconfig" ["off"])
`describe` "shadow passwords disabled"
@@ -187,7 +191,7 @@ hasLoginShell :: User -> FilePath -> Property DebianLike
hasLoginShell user loginshell = shellSetTo user loginshell `requires` shellEnabled loginshell
shellSetTo :: User -> FilePath -> Property DebianLike
-shellSetTo (User u) loginshell = check needchangeshell
+shellSetTo (User u) loginshell = tightenTargets $ check needchangeshell
(cmdProperty "chsh" ["--shell", loginshell, u])
`describe` (u ++ " has login shell " ++ loginshell)
@@ -197,4 +201,5 @@ shellSetTo (User u) loginshell = check needchangeshell
-- | Ensures that /etc/shells contains a shell.
shellEnabled :: FilePath -> Property DebianLike
-shellEnabled loginshell = "/etc/shells" `File.containsLine` loginshell
+shellEnabled loginshell = tightenTargets $
+ "/etc/shells" `File.containsLine` loginshell