path: root/src/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs')
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs
index f14b5f12..2a66d1e2 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs
@@ -20,7 +20,14 @@ installedFor user@(User u) = check (not <$> hasGitDir user) $
moveout tmpdir home
, property "rmdir" $ makeChange $ void $
catchMaybeIO $ removeDirectory tmpdir
- , userScriptProperty user ["rm -rf .aptitude/ .bashrc .profile; bin/mr checkout; bin/fixups"]
+ , userScriptProperty user ["rm -rf .aptitude/ .bashrc .profile"]
+ `assume` MadeChange
+ -- Set HOSTNAME so that this sees the right
+ -- hostname when run in a chroot with a different
+ -- hostname than the current one.
+ , userScriptProperty user ["HOSTNAME=$(cat /etc/hostname) bin/mr checkout"]
+ `assume` MadeChange
+ , userScriptProperty user ["bin/fixups"]
`assume` MadeChange
moveout tmpdir home = do