path: root/src/Propellor/Property/Borg.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property/Borg.hs')
1 files changed, 59 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/Borg.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/Borg.hs
index 0a828c76..74d71e3d 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/Borg.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/Borg.hs
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@
-- Support for the Borg backup tool <>
module Propellor.Property.Borg
- ( installed
+ ( BorgParam
+ , BorgRepo(..)
+ , BorgRepoOpt(..)
+ , installed
, repoExists
, init
, restored
@@ -17,9 +20,39 @@ import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import qualified Propellor.Property.Cron as Cron
import Data.List (intercalate)
+-- | Parameter to pass to a borg command.
type BorgParam = String
-type BorgRepo = FilePath
+-- | A borg repository.
+data BorgRepo
+ -- | Location of the repository, eg
+ -- `BorgRepo "root@myserver:/mnt/backup/git.borg"`
+ = BorgRepo String
+ -- | Location of the repository, and additional options to use
+ -- when accessing the repository.
+ | BorgRepoUsing [BorgRepoOpt] String
+data BorgRepoOpt
+ -- | Use to specify a ssh private key to use when accessing a
+ -- BorgRepo.
+ = UseSshKey FilePath
+repoLoc :: BorgRepo -> String
+repoLoc (BorgRepo s) = s
+repoLoc (BorgRepoUsing _ s) = s
+runBorg :: BorgRepo -> [CommandParam] -> IO Bool
+runBorg repo ps = case runBorgEnv repo of
+ [] -> boolSystem "borg" ps
+ environ -> do
+ environ' <- addEntries environ <$> getEnvironment
+ boolSystemEnv "borg" ps (Just environ')
+runBorgEnv :: BorgRepo -> [(String, String)]
+runBorgEnv (BorgRepo _) = []
+runBorgEnv (BorgRepoUsing os _) = map go os
+ where
+ go (UseSshKey k) = ("BORG_RSH", k)
installed :: Property DebianLike
installed = withOS desc $ \w o -> case o of
@@ -31,19 +64,20 @@ installed = withOS desc $ \w o -> case o of
desc = "installed borgbackup"
repoExists :: BorgRepo -> IO Bool
-repoExists repo = boolSystem "borg" [Param "list", Param repo]
+repoExists repo = runBorg repo [Param "list", Param (repoLoc repo)]
-- | Inits a new borg repository
init :: BorgRepo -> Property DebianLike
-init repo = check (not <$> repoExists repo) (cmdProperty "borg" initargs)
- `requires` installed
+init repo = check (not <$> repoExists repo)
+ (cmdPropertyEnv "borg" initargs (runBorgEnv repo))
+ `requires` installed
initargs =
[ "init"
- , repo
+ , repoLoc repo
--- | Restores a directory from an borg backup.
+-- | Restores a directory from a borg backup.
-- Only does anything if the directory does not exist, or exists,
-- but is completely empty.
@@ -64,9 +98,9 @@ restored dir repo = go `requires` installed
needsRestore = null <$> catchDefaultIO [] (dirContents dir)
restore = withTmpDirIn (takeDirectory dir) "borg-restore" $ \tmpdir -> do
- ok <- boolSystem "borg" $
+ ok <- runBorg repo $
[ Param "extract"
- , Param repo
+ , Param (repoLoc repo)
, Param tmpdir
let restoreddir = tmpdir ++ "/" ++ dir
@@ -88,7 +122,9 @@ restored dir repo = go `requires` installed
-- to a host, while also ensuring any changes made to it get backed up.
-- For example:
--- > & Borg.backup "/srv/git" "root@myserver:/mnt/backup/git.borg" Cron.Daily
+-- > & Borg.backup "/srv/git"
+-- > (BorgRepo "root@myserver:/mnt/backup/git.borg")
+-- > Cron.Daily
-- > ["--exclude=/srv/git/tobeignored"]
-- > [Borg.KeepDays 7, Borg.KeepWeeks 4, Borg.KeepMonths 6, Borg.KeepYears 1]
@@ -108,33 +144,39 @@ backup' dir repo crontimes extraargs kp = cronjob
`describe` desc
`requires` installed
- desc = repo ++ " borg backup"
+ desc = repoLoc repo ++ " borg backup"
cronjob = Cron.niceJob ("borg_backup" ++ dir) crontimes (User "root") "/" $
"flock " ++ shellEscape lockfile ++ " sh -c " ++ shellEscape backupcmd
lockfile = "/var/lock/propellor-borg.lock"
- backupcmd = intercalate ";" $
- createCommand
- : if null kp then [] else [pruneCommand]
+ backupcmd = intercalate ";" $ concat
+ [ concatMap exportenv (runBorgEnv repo)
+ , [createCommand]
+ , if null kp then [] else [pruneCommand]
+ ]
+ exportenv (k, v) =
+ [ k ++ "=" ++ shellEscape v
+ , "export " ++ k
+ ]
createCommand = unwords $
[ "borg"
, "create"
, "--stats"
++ map shellEscape extraargs ++
- [ shellEscape repo ++ "::" ++ "$(date --iso-8601=ns --utc)"
+ [ shellEscape (repoLoc repo) ++ "::" ++ "$(date --iso-8601=ns --utc)"
, shellEscape dir
pruneCommand = unwords $
[ "borg"
, "prune"
- , shellEscape repo
+ , shellEscape (repoLoc repo)
map keepParam kp
-- | Constructs an BorgParam that specifies which old backup generations to
-- keep. By default, all generations are kept. However, when this parameter is
--- passed to the `backup` property, they will run borg prune to clean out
+-- passed to the `backup` property, it will run borg prune to clean out
-- generations not specified here.
keepParam :: KeepPolicy -> BorgParam
keepParam (KeepHours n) = "--keep-hourly=" ++ val n