path: root/src/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs')
1 files changed, 177 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs
index 196fb345..5630d83a 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
module Propellor.Property.Apt where
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
+import Data.Typeable
import System.IO
import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative
@@ -13,6 +15,40 @@ import Propellor.Base
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
import Propellor.Property.File (Line)
+import Propellor.Types.Info
+data HostMirror = HostMirror Url
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
+data HostAptProxy = HostAptProxy Url
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
+-- | Indicate host's preferred apt mirror
+mirror :: Url -> Property (HasInfo + UnixLike)
+mirror u = pureInfoProperty (u ++ " apt mirror selected")
+ (InfoVal (HostMirror u))
+getMirror :: Propellor Url
+getMirror = do
+ mirrorInfo <- getMirrorInfo
+ osInfo <- getOS
+ return $ case (osInfo, mirrorInfo) of
+ (_, Just (HostMirror u)) -> u
+ (Just (System (Debian _ _) _), _) ->
+ ""
+ (Just (System (Buntish _) _), _) ->
+ "mirror://"
+ (Just (System dist _), _) ->
+ error ("no Apt mirror defined for " ++ show dist)
+ _ -> error "no Apt mirror defined for this host or OS"
+ where
+ getMirrorInfo :: Propellor (Maybe HostMirror)
+ getMirrorInfo = fromInfoVal <$> askInfo
+withMirror :: Desc -> (Url -> Property DebianLike) -> Property DebianLike
+withMirror desc mkp = property' desc $ \w -> do
+ u <- getMirror
+ ensureProperty w (mkp u)
sourcesList :: FilePath
sourcesList = "/etc/apt/sources.list"
@@ -37,8 +73,8 @@ stableUpdatesSuite (Stable s) = Just (s ++ "-updates")
stableUpdatesSuite _ = Nothing
debLine :: String -> Url -> [Section] -> Line
-debLine suite mirror sections = unwords $
- ["deb", mirror, suite] ++ sections
+debLine suite url sections = unwords $
+ ["deb", url, suite] ++ sections
srcLine :: Line -> Line
srcLine l = case words l of
@@ -61,11 +97,8 @@ binandsrc url suite = catMaybes
bs <- backportSuite suite
return $ debLine bs url stdSections
-debCdn :: SourcesGenerator
-debCdn = binandsrc ""
-kernelOrg :: SourcesGenerator
-kernelOrg = binandsrc ""
+stdArchiveLines :: Propellor SourcesGenerator
+stdArchiveLines = return . binandsrc =<< getMirror
-- | Only available for Stable and Testing
securityUpdates :: SourcesGenerator
@@ -75,11 +108,9 @@ securityUpdates suite
in [l, srcLine l]
| otherwise = []
--- | Makes sources.list have a standard content using the Debian mirror CDN,
--- with the Debian suite configured by the os.
--- Since the CDN is sometimes unreliable, also adds backup lines using
+-- | Makes sources.list have a standard content using the Debian mirror CDN
+-- (or other host specified using the `mirror` property), with the
+-- Debian suite configured by the os.
stdSourcesList :: Property Debian
stdSourcesList = withOS "standard sources.list" $ \w o -> case o of
(Just (System (Debian _ suite) _)) ->
@@ -94,11 +125,62 @@ stdSourcesListFor suite = stdSourcesList' suite []
-- Note that if a Property needs to enable an apt source, it's better
-- to do so via a separate file in </etc/apt/sources.list.d/>
stdSourcesList' :: DebianSuite -> [SourcesGenerator] -> Property Debian
-stdSourcesList' suite more = tightenTargets $ setSourcesList
- (concatMap (\gen -> gen suite) generators)
- `describe` ("standard sources.list for " ++ show suite)
+stdSourcesList' suite more = tightenTargets $
+ withMirror desc $ \u -> setSourcesList
+ (concatMap (\gen -> gen suite) (generators u))
- generators = [debCdn, kernelOrg, securityUpdates] ++ more
+ generators u = [binandsrc u, securityUpdates] ++ more
+ desc = ("standard sources.list for " ++ show suite)
+type PinPriority = Int
+-- | Adds an apt source for a suite, and pins that suite to a given pin value
+-- (see apt_preferences(5)). Revert to drop the source and unpin the suite.
+-- If the requested suite is the host's OS suite, the suite is pinned, but no
+-- source is added. That apt source should already be available, or you can use
+-- a property like 'Apt.stdSourcesList'.
+ :: DebianSuite
+ -> PinPriority
+ -> RevertableProperty Debian Debian
+suiteAvailablePinned s pin = available <!> unavailable
+ where
+ available :: Property Debian
+ available = tightenTargets $ combineProperties (desc True) $ props
+ & File.hasContent prefFile (suitePinBlock "*" s pin)
+ & setSourcesFile
+ unavailable :: Property Debian
+ unavailable = tightenTargets $ combineProperties (desc False) $ props
+ & File.notPresent sourcesFile
+ `onChange` update
+ & File.notPresent prefFile
+ setSourcesFile :: Property Debian
+ setSourcesFile = tightenTargets $ withMirror (desc True) $ \u ->
+ withOS (desc True) $ \w o -> case o of
+ (Just (System (Debian _ hostSuite) _))
+ | s /= hostSuite -> ensureProperty w $
+ File.hasContent sourcesFile (sources u)
+ `onChange` update
+ _ -> noChange
+ -- Unless we are pinning a backports suite, filter out any backports
+ -- sources that were added by our generators. The user probably doesn't
+ -- want those to be pinned to the same value
+ sources u = dropBackports $ concatMap (\gen -> gen s) (generators u)
+ where
+ dropBackports
+ | "-backports" `isSuffixOf` (showSuite s) = id
+ | otherwise = filter (not . isInfixOf "-backports")
+ generators u = [binandsrc u, securityUpdates]
+ prefFile = "/etc/apt/preferences.d/20" ++ showSuite s ++ ".pref"
+ sourcesFile = "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/" ++ showSuite s ++ ".list"
+ desc True = "Debian " ++ showSuite s ++ " pinned, priority " ++ show pin
+ desc False = "Debian " ++ showSuite s ++ " not pinned"
setSourcesList :: [Line] -> Property DebianLike
setSourcesList ls = sourcesList `File.hasContent` ls `onChange` update
@@ -196,6 +278,50 @@ buildDepIn dir = cmdPropertyEnv "sh" ["-c", cmd] noninteractiveEnv
cmd = "cd '" ++ dir ++ "' && mk-build-deps debian/control --install --tool 'apt-get -y --no-install-recommends' --remove"
+-- | The name of a package, a glob to match the names of packages, or a regexp
+-- surrounded by slashes to match the names of packages. See
+-- apt_preferences(5), "Regular expressions and glob(7) syntax"
+type AptPackagePref = String
+-- | Pins a list of packages, package wildcards and/or regular expressions to a
+-- list of suites and corresponding pin priorities (see apt_preferences(5)).
+-- Revert to unpin.
+-- Each package, package wildcard or regular expression will be pinned to all of
+-- the specified suites.
+-- Note that this will have no effect unless there is an apt source for each of
+-- the suites. One way to add an apt source is 'Apt.suiteAvailablePinned'.
+-- For example, to obtain Emacs Lisp addon packages not present in your release
+-- of Debian from testing, falling back to sid if they're not available in
+-- testing, you could use
+-- > & Apt.suiteAvailablePinned Testing (-10)
+-- > & Apt.suiteAvailablePinned Unstable (-10)
+-- > & ["elpa-*"] `Apt.pinnedTo` [(Testing, 100), (Unstable, 50)]
+ :: [AptPackagePref]
+ -> [(DebianSuite, PinPriority)]
+ -> RevertableProperty Debian Debian
+pinnedTo ps pins = mconcat (map (\p -> pinnedTo' p pins) ps)
+ `describe` unwords (("pinned to " ++ showSuites):ps)
+ where
+ showSuites = intercalate "," $ showSuite . fst <$> pins
+ :: AptPackagePref
+ -> [(DebianSuite, PinPriority)]
+ -> RevertableProperty Debian Debian
+pinnedTo' p pins =
+ (tightenTargets $ prefFile `File.hasContent` prefs)
+ <!> (tightenTargets $ File.notPresent prefFile)
+ where
+ prefs = foldr step [] pins
+ step (suite, pin) ls = ls ++ suitePinBlock p suite pin ++ [""]
+ prefFile = "/etc/apt/preferences.d/10propellor_"
+ ++ File.configFileName p <.> "pref"
-- | Package installation may fail becuse the archive has changed.
-- Run an update in that case and retry.
robustly :: Property DebianLike -> Property DebianLike
@@ -349,5 +475,40 @@ hasForeignArch arch = check notAdded (add `before` update)
add = cmdProperty "dpkg" ["--add-architecture", arch]
`assume` MadeChange
+-- | Disable the use of PDiffs for machines with high-bandwidth connections.
+noPDiffs :: Property DebianLike
+noPDiffs = tightenTargets $ "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20pdiffs" `File.hasContent`
+ [ "Acquire::PDiffs \"false\";" ]
+suitePin :: DebianSuite -> String
+suitePin s = prefix s ++ showSuite s
+ where
+ prefix (Stable _) = "n="
+ prefix _ = "a="
+suitePinBlock :: AptPackagePref -> DebianSuite -> PinPriority -> [Line]
+suitePinBlock p suite pin =
+ [ "Explanation: This file added by propellor"
+ , "Package: " ++ p
+ , "Pin: release " ++ suitePin suite
+ , "Pin-Priority: " ++ val pin
+ ]
dpkgStatus :: FilePath
dpkgStatus = "/var/lib/dpkg/status"
+-- | Set apt's proxy
+proxy :: Url -> Property (HasInfo + DebianLike)
+proxy u = tightenTargets $
+ proxyInfo `before` proxyConfig `describe` desc
+ where
+ proxyInfo = pureInfoProperty desc (InfoVal (HostAptProxy u))
+ proxyConfig = "/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20proxy" `File.hasContent`
+ [ "Acquire::HTTP::Proxy \"" ++ u ++ "\";" ]
+ desc = (u ++ " apt proxy selected")
+-- | Cause apt to proxy downloads via an apt cacher on localhost
+useLocalCacher :: Property (HasInfo + DebianLike)
+useLocalCacher = proxy "http://localhost:3142"
+ `requires` serviceInstalledRunning "apt-cacher-ng"
+ `describe` "apt uses local apt cacher"