path: root/src/Propellor/Property.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property.hs')
1 files changed, 32 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property.hs b/src/Propellor/Property.hs
index ae4fc914..55e688ab 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property.hs
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ module Propellor.Property (
, check
, fallback
, revert
- , applyToList
-- * Property descriptions
, describe
, (==>)
@@ -51,10 +50,10 @@ import Data.Monoid
import Control.Monad.IfElse
import "mtl" Control.Monad.RWS.Strict
import System.Posix.Files
-import qualified Data.Hash.MD5 as MD5
+import Data.Maybe
import Data.List
+import Data.Hashable
import Control.Applicative
-import Data.Foldable hiding (and, elem)
import Prelude
import Propellor.Types
@@ -66,8 +65,8 @@ import Propellor.Info
import Propellor.EnsureProperty
import Utility.Exception
import Utility.Monad
-import Utility.Misc
import Utility.Directory
+import Utility.Misc
-- | Makes a perhaps non-idempotent Property be idempotent by using a flag
-- file to indicate whether it has run before.
@@ -120,13 +119,15 @@ onChange
-> CombinedType x y
onChange = combineWith combiner revertcombiner
- combiner p hook = do
+ combiner (Just p) (Just hook) = Just $ do
r <- p
case r of
MadeChange -> do
r' <- hook
return $ r <> r'
_ -> return r
+ combiner (Just p) Nothing = Just p
+ combiner Nothing _ = Nothing
revertcombiner = (<>)
-- | Same as `onChange` except that if property y fails, a flag file
@@ -144,24 +145,30 @@ onChangeFlagOnFail
-> CombinedType x y
onChangeFlagOnFail flagfile = combineWith combiner revertcombiner
- combiner s1 s2 = do
+ combiner (Just s1) s2 = Just $ do
r1 <- s1
case r1 of
MadeChange -> flagFailed s2
_ -> ifM (liftIO $ doesFileExist flagfile)
- (flagFailed s2
+ ( flagFailed s2
, return r1
+ combiner Nothing _ = Nothing
revertcombiner = (<>)
- flagFailed s = do
+ flagFailed (Just s) = do
r <- s
liftIO $ case r of
FailedChange -> createFlagFile
_ -> removeFlagFile
return r
+ flagFailed Nothing = return NoChange
createFlagFile = unlessM (doesFileExist flagfile) $ do
createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory flagfile)
writeFile flagfile ""
removeFlagFile = whenM (doesFileExist flagfile) $ removeFile flagfile
-- | Changes the description of a property.
@@ -178,11 +185,13 @@ infixl 1 ==>
fallback :: (Combines p1 p2) => p1 -> p2 -> CombinedType p1 p2
fallback = combineWith combiner revertcombiner
- combiner a1 a2 = do
+ combiner (Just a1) (Just a2) = Just $ do
r <- a1
if r == FailedChange
then a2
else return r
+ combiner (Just a1) Nothing = Just a1
+ combiner Nothing _ = Nothing
revertcombiner = (<>)
-- | Indicates that a Property may change a particular file. When the file
@@ -220,12 +229,12 @@ changesFile p f = checkResult getstat comparestat p
-- Changes to mtime etc that do not change file content are treated as
-- NoChange.
changesFileContent :: Checkable p i => p i -> FilePath -> Property i
-changesFileContent p f = checkResult getmd5 comparemd5 p
+changesFileContent p f = checkResult gethash comparehash p
- getmd5 = catchMaybeIO $ MD5.md5 . MD5.Str <$> readFileStrictAnyEncoding f
- comparemd5 oldmd5 = do
- newmd5 <- getmd5
- return $ if oldmd5 == newmd5 then NoChange else MadeChange
+ gethash = catchMaybeIO $ hash <$> readFileStrict f
+ comparehash oldhash = do
+ newhash <- gethash
+ return $ if oldhash == newhash then NoChange else MadeChange
-- | Determines if the first file is newer than the second file.
@@ -263,7 +272,7 @@ isNewerThan x y = do
-- For example:
--- > upgraded :: UnixLike
+-- > upgraded :: Property (DebianLike + FreeBSD)
-- > upgraded = (Apt.upgraded `pickOS` Pkg.upgraded)
-- > `describe` "OS upgraded"
@@ -292,9 +301,9 @@ pickOS a b = c `addChildren` [toChildProperty a, toChildProperty b]
-- are added as children, so their info will propigate.
c = withOS (getDesc a) $ \_ o ->
if matching o a
- then getSatisfy a
+ then maybe (pure NoChange) id (getSatisfy a)
else if matching o b
- then getSatisfy b
+ then maybe (pure NoChange) id (getSatisfy b)
else unsupportedOS'
matching Nothing _ = False
matching (Just o) p =
@@ -308,8 +317,8 @@ pickOS a b = c `addChildren` [toChildProperty a, toChildProperty b]
-- > myproperty :: Property Debian
-- > myproperty = withOS "foo installed" $ \w o -> case o of
--- > (Just (System (Debian (Stable release)) arch)) -> ensureProperty w ...
--- > (Just (System (Debian suite) arch)) -> ensureProperty w ...
+-- > (Just (System (Debian kernel (Stable release)) arch)) -> ensureProperty w ...
+-- > (Just (System (Debian kernel suite) arch)) -> ensureProperty w ...
-- > _ -> unsupportedOS'
-- Note that the operating system specifics may not be declared for all hosts,
@@ -343,22 +352,17 @@ unsupportedOS' = go =<< getOS
revert :: RevertableProperty setup undo -> RevertableProperty undo setup
revert (RevertableProperty p1 p2) = RevertableProperty p2 p1
--- | Apply a property to each element of a list.
- :: (Foldable t, Functor t, Combines p p, p ~ CombinedType p p)
- => (b -> p)
- -> t b
- -> p
-prop `applyToList` xs = Data.Foldable.foldr1 before $ prop <$> xs
makeChange :: IO () -> Propellor Result
makeChange a = liftIO a >> return MadeChange
noChange :: Propellor Result
noChange = return NoChange
+-- | A no-op property.
+-- This is the same as `mempty` from the `Monoid` instance.
doNothing :: SingI t => Property (MetaTypes t)
-doNothing = property "noop property" noChange
+doNothing = mempty
-- | Registers an action that should be run at the very end, after
-- propellor has checks all the properties of a host.