path: root/src/Propellor/Attr.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Attr.hs')
1 files changed, 18 insertions, 8 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Attr.hs b/src/Propellor/Attr.hs
index 98cfc64d..e2b64bf0 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Attr.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Attr.hs
@@ -33,21 +33,31 @@ getOS = asks _os
-- TODO check at run time if the host really has this address.
-- (Can't change the host's address, but as a sanity check.)
ipv4 :: String -> Property
-ipv4 addr = pureAttrProperty ("ipv4 " ++ addr)
- (addDNS $ Address $ IPv4 addr)
+ipv4 = addDNS . Address . IPv4
-- | Indidate that a host has an AAAA record in the DNS.
ipv6 :: String -> Property
-ipv6 addr = pureAttrProperty ("ipv6 " ++ addr)
- (addDNS $ Address $ IPv6 addr)
+ipv6 = addDNS . Address . IPv6
-- | Indicates another name for the host in the DNS.
alias :: Domain -> Property
-alias domain = pureAttrProperty ("alias " ++ domain)
- (addDNS $ CNAME $ AbsDomain domain)
+alias = addDNS . CNAME . AbsDomain
-addDNS :: Record -> SetAttr
-addDNS record d = d { _dns = S.insert record (_dns d) }
+addDNS :: Record -> Property
+addDNS r = pureAttrProperty (rdesc r) $
+ \d -> d { _dns = S.insert r (_dns d) }
+ where
+ rdesc (CNAME d) = unwords ["alias", ddesc d]
+ rdesc (Address (IPv4 addr)) = unwords ["ipv4", addr]
+ rdesc (Address (IPv6 addr)) = unwords ["ipv6", addr]
+ rdesc (MX n d) = unwords ["MX", show n, ddesc d]
+ rdesc (NS d) = unwords ["NS", ddesc d]
+ rdesc (TXT s) = unwords ["TXT", s]
+ rdesc (SRV x y z d) = unwords ["SRV", show x, show y, show z, ddesc d]
+ ddesc (AbsDomain domain) = domain
+ ddesc (RelDomain domain) = domain
+ ddesc RootDomain = "@"
-- | Adds a DNS NamedConf stanza.