path: root/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'Propellor/Property/Dns.hs')
1 files changed, 47 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs b/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs
index 40cadb6d..5c3162cb 100644
--- a/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs
@@ -40,6 +40,17 @@ import Data.List
-- that cannot be configured elsewhere. This often includes NS records,
-- TXT records and perhaps CNAMEs pointing at hosts that propellor does
-- not control.
+-- The primary server is configured to only allow zone transfers to
+-- secondary dns servers. These are determined in two ways:
+-- 1. By looking at the properties of other hosts, to find hosts that
+-- are configured as the secondary dns server.
+-- 2. By looking for NS Records in the passed list of records.
+-- In either case, the secondary dns server Host should have an ipv4 and/or
+-- ipv6 property defined.
primary :: [Host] -> Domain -> SOA -> [(BindDomain, Record)] -> RevertableProperty
primary hosts domain soa rs = RevertableProperty setup cleanup
@@ -52,22 +63,31 @@ primary hosts domain soa rs = RevertableProperty setup cleanup
`requires` namedConfWritten
`onChange` Service.reloaded "bind9"
- (partialzone, warnings) = genZone hosts domain soa
+ (partialzone, zonewarnings) = genZone hosts domain soa
zone = partialzone { zHosts = zHosts partialzone ++ rs }
zonefile = "/etc/bind/propellor/db." ++ domain
baseprop = Property ("dns primary for " ++ domain)
(makeChange $ writeZoneFile zone zonefile)
(addNamedConf conf)
withwarnings p = adjustProperty p $ \satisfy -> do
- mapM_ warningMessage warnings
+ mapM_ warningMessage $ zonewarnings ++ secondarywarnings
conf = NamedConf
{ confDomain = domain
- , confType = Master
+ , confDnsServerType = Master
, confFile = zonefile
, confMasters = []
+ , confAllowTransfer = nub $
+ concatMap (\h -> hostAddresses h hosts) $
+ secondaries ++ nssecondaries
, confLines = []
+ secondaries = otherServers Secondary hosts domain
+ secondarywarnings = map (\h -> "No IP address defined for DNS seconary " ++ h) $
+ filter (\h -> null (hostAddresses h hosts)) secondaries
+ nssecondaries = mapMaybe (domainHostName <=< getNS) rootRecords
+ rootRecords = map snd $
+ filter (\(d, _r) -> d == RootDomain || d == AbsDomain domain) rs
needupdate = do
v <- readZonePropellorFile zonefile
return $ case v of
@@ -86,12 +106,7 @@ primary hosts domain soa rs = RevertableProperty setup cleanup
-- Note that if a host is declared to be a primary and a secondary dns
-- server for the same domain, the primary server config always wins.
secondary :: [Host] -> Domain -> RevertableProperty
-secondary hosts domain = secondaryFor masters hosts domain
- where
- masters = M.keys $ M.filter ismaster $ hostAttrMap hosts
- ismaster attr = case M.lookup domain (_namedconf attr) of
- Nothing -> False
- Just conf -> confType conf == Master && confDomain conf == domain
+secondary hosts domain = secondaryFor (otherServers Master hosts domain) hosts domain
-- | This variant is useful if the primary server does not have its DNS
-- configured via propellor.
@@ -105,12 +120,22 @@ secondaryFor masters hosts domain = RevertableProperty setup cleanup
desc = "dns secondary for " ++ domain
conf = NamedConf
{ confDomain = domain
- , confType = Secondary
+ , confDnsServerType = Secondary
, confFile = "db." ++ domain
, confMasters = concatMap (\m -> hostAddresses m hosts) masters
- , confLines = ["allow-transfer { }"]
+ , confAllowTransfer = []
+ , confLines = []
+otherServers :: DnsServerType -> [Host] -> Domain -> [HostName]
+otherServers wantedtype hosts domain =
+ M.keys $ M.filter wanted $ hostAttrMap hosts
+ where
+ wanted attr = case M.lookup domain (_namedconf attr) of
+ Nothing -> False
+ Just conf -> confDnsServerType conf == wantedtype
+ && confDomain conf == domain
-- | Rewrites the whole named.conf.local file to serve the zones
-- configured by `primary` and `secondary`, and ensures that bind9 is
-- running.
@@ -130,20 +155,26 @@ confStanza :: NamedConf -> [Line]
confStanza c =
[ "// automatically generated by propellor"
, "zone \"" ++ confDomain c ++ "\" {"
- , cfgline "type" (if confType c == Master then "master" else "slave")
+ , cfgline "type" (if confDnsServerType c == Master then "master" else "slave")
, cfgline "file" ("\"" ++ confFile c ++ "\"")
] ++
- (if null (confMasters c) then [] else mastersblock) ++
+ mastersblock ++
+ allowtransferblock ++
(map (\l -> "\t" ++ l ++ ";") (confLines c)) ++
[ "};"
, ""
cfgline f v = "\t" ++ f ++ " " ++ v ++ ";"
- mastersblock =
- [ "\tmasters {" ] ++
- (map (\ip -> "\t\t" ++ fromIPAddr ip ++ ";") (confMasters c)) ++
+ ipblock name l =
+ [ "\t" ++ name ++ " {" ] ++
+ (map (\ip -> "\t\t" ++ fromIPAddr ip ++ ";") l) ++
[ "\t};" ]
+ mastersblock
+ | null (confMasters c) = []
+ | otherwise = ipblock "masters" (confMasters c)
+ -- an empty block prohibits any transfers
+ allowtransferblock = ipblock "allow-transfer" (confAllowTransfer c)
namedConfFile :: FilePath
namedConfFile = "/etc/bind/named.conf.local"