diff options
25 files changed, 1135 insertions, 151 deletions
diff --git a/Propellor/Attr.hs b/Propellor/Attr.hs
index 4bc1c2c7..94376b0d 100644
--- a/Propellor/Attr.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Attr.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import Propellor.Types.Attr
import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Data.Map as M
+import Control.Applicative
pureAttrProperty :: Desc -> (Attr -> Attr) -> AttrProperty
pureAttrProperty desc = AttrProperty $ Property ("has " ++ desc)
@@ -20,6 +21,13 @@ hostname name = pureAttrProperty ("hostname " ++ name) $
getHostName :: Propellor HostName
getHostName = asks _hostname
+os :: System -> AttrProperty
+os system = pureAttrProperty ("Operating " ++ show system) $
+ \d -> d { _os = Just system }
+getOS :: Propellor (Maybe System)
+getOS = asks _os
cname :: Domain -> AttrProperty
cname domain = pureAttrProperty ("cname " ++ domain) (addCName domain)
@@ -31,6 +39,13 @@ cnameFor domain mkp =
addCName :: HostName -> Attr -> Attr
addCName domain d = d { _cnames = S.insert domain (_cnames d) }
+sshPubKey :: String -> AttrProperty
+sshPubKey k = pureAttrProperty ("ssh pubkey known") $
+ \d -> d { _sshPubKey = Just k }
+getSshPubKey :: Propellor (Maybe String)
+getSshPubKey = asks _sshPubKey
hostnameless :: Attr
hostnameless = newAttr (error "hostname Attr not specified")
@@ -45,3 +60,12 @@ hostMap l = M.fromList $ zip (map (_hostname . hostAttr) l) l
findHost :: [Host] -> HostName -> Maybe Host
findHost l hn = M.lookup hn (hostMap l)
+-- | Lifts an action into a different host.
+-- For example, `fromHost hosts "otherhost" getSshPubKey`
+fromHost :: [Host] -> HostName -> Propellor a -> Propellor (Maybe a)
+fromHost l hn getter = case findHost l hn of
+ Nothing -> return Nothing
+ Just h -> liftIO $ Just <$>
+ runReaderT (runWithAttr getter) (hostAttr h)
diff --git a/Propellor/Message.hs b/Propellor/Message.hs
index 2e63061e..780471c3 100644
--- a/Propellor/Message.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Message.hs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ actionMessage desc a = do
return r
warningMessage :: MonadIO m => String -> m ()
-warningMessage s = liftIO $ colorLine Vivid Red $ "** warning: " ++ s
+warningMessage s = liftIO $ colorLine Vivid Magenta $ "** warning: " ++ s
colorLine :: ColorIntensity -> Color -> String -> IO ()
colorLine intensity color msg = do
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ colorLine intensity color msg = do
errorMessage :: String -> IO a
errorMessage s = do
- warningMessage s
+ liftIO $ colorLine Vivid Red $ "** error: " ++ s
error "Cannot continue!"
-- | Causes a debug message to be displayed when PROPELLOR_DEBUG=1
diff --git a/Propellor/PrivData.hs b/Propellor/PrivData.hs
index c7af1aac..ad2c8d22 100644
--- a/Propellor/PrivData.hs
+++ b/Propellor/PrivData.hs
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import System.FilePath
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import Data.Maybe
+import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
@@ -30,9 +31,12 @@ withPrivData field a = maybe missing a =<< liftIO (getPrivData field)
missing = do
host <- getHostName
+ let host' = if ".docker" `isSuffixOf` host
+ then "$parent_host"
+ else host
liftIO $ do
warningMessage $ "Missing privdata " ++ show field
- putStrLn $ "Fix this by running: propellor --set "++host++" '" ++ show field ++ "'"
+ putStrLn $ "Fix this by running: propellor --set "++host'++" '" ++ show field ++ "'"
return FailedChange
getPrivData :: PrivDataField -> IO (Maybe String)
diff --git a/Propellor/Property.hs b/Propellor/Property.hs
index 83e19a73..95d17c05 100644
--- a/Propellor/Property.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Property.hs
@@ -10,8 +10,10 @@ import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
import Propellor.Types
import Propellor.Types.Attr
+import Propellor.Attr
import Propellor.Engine
import Utility.Monad
+import System.FilePath
makeChange :: IO () -> Propellor Result
makeChange a = liftIO a >> return MadeChange
@@ -52,14 +54,19 @@ p1 `before` p2 = Property (propertyDesc p1) $ do
-- file to indicate whether it has run before.
-- Use with caution.
flagFile :: Property -> FilePath -> Property
-flagFile property flagfile = Property (propertyDesc property) $
- go =<< liftIO (doesFileExist flagfile)
+flagFile property = flagFile' property . return
+flagFile' :: Property -> IO FilePath -> Property
+flagFile' property getflagfile = Property (propertyDesc property) $ do
+ flagfile <- liftIO getflagfile
+ go flagfile =<< liftIO (doesFileExist flagfile)
- go True = return NoChange
- go False = do
+ go _ True = return NoChange
+ go flagfile False = do
r <- ensureProperty property
when (r == MadeChange) $ liftIO $
- unlessM (doesFileExist flagfile) $
+ unlessM (doesFileExist flagfile) $ do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory flagfile)
writeFile flagfile ""
return r
@@ -85,6 +92,13 @@ check c property = Property (propertyDesc property) $ ifM (liftIO c)
, return NoChange
+-- | Makes a property that is satisfied differently depending on the host's
+-- operating system.
+-- Note that the operating system may not be declared for some hosts.
+withOS :: Desc -> (Maybe System -> Propellor Result) -> Property
+withOS desc a = Property desc $ a =<< getOS
boolProperty :: Desc -> IO Bool -> Property
boolProperty desc a = Property desc $ ifM (liftIO a)
( return MadeChange
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Apache.hs b/Propellor/Property/Apache.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f45ef9df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Apache.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Apache where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
+type ConfigFile = [String]
+siteEnabled :: HostName -> ConfigFile -> RevertableProperty
+siteEnabled hn cf = RevertableProperty enable disable
+ where
+ enable = cmdProperty "a2ensite" ["--quiet", hn]
+ `describe` ("apache site enabled " ++ hn)
+ `requires` siteAvailable hn cf
+ `requires` installed
+ `onChange` reloaded
+ disable = File.notPresent (siteCfg hn)
+ `describe` ("apache site disabled " ++ hn)
+ `onChange` cmdProperty "a2dissite" ["--quiet", hn]
+ `requires` installed
+ `onChange` reloaded
+siteAvailable :: HostName -> ConfigFile -> Property
+siteAvailable hn cf = siteCfg hn `File.hasContent` (comment:cf)
+ `describe` ("apache site available " ++ hn)
+ where
+ comment = "# deployed with propellor, do not modify"
+modEnabled :: String -> RevertableProperty
+modEnabled modname = RevertableProperty enable disable
+ where
+ enable = cmdProperty "a2enmod" ["--quiet", modname]
+ `describe` ("apache module enabled " ++ modname)
+ `requires` installed
+ `onChange` reloaded
+ disable = cmdProperty "a2dismod" ["--quiet", modname]
+ `describe` ("apache module disabled " ++ modname)
+ `requires` installed
+ `onChange` reloaded
+siteCfg :: HostName -> FilePath
+siteCfg hn = "/etc/apache2/sites-available/" ++ hn
+installed :: Property
+installed = Apt.installed ["apache2"]
+restarted :: Property
+restarted = cmdProperty "service" ["apache2", "restart"]
+reloaded :: Property
+reloaded = Service.reloaded "apache2"
+-- | Configure apache to use SNI to differentiate between
+-- https hosts.
+multiSSL :: Property
+multiSSL = "/etc/apache2/conf.d/ssl" `File.hasContent`
+ [ "NameVirtualHost *:443"
+ , "SSLStrictSNIVHostCheck off"
+ ]
+ `describe` "apache SNI enabled"
+ `onChange` reloaded
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs b/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs
index 4da13a2f..f45bc2e6 100644
--- a/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Apt.hs
@@ -24,9 +24,12 @@ showSuite Unstable = "unstable"
showSuite Experimental = "experimental"
showSuite (DebianRelease r) = r
-debLine :: DebianSuite -> Url -> [Section] -> Line
+backportSuite :: String
+backportSuite = showSuite stableRelease ++ "-backports"
+debLine :: String -> Url -> [Section] -> Line
debLine suite mirror sections = unwords $
- ["deb", mirror, showSuite suite] ++ sections
+ ["deb", mirror, suite] ++ sections
srcLine :: Line -> Line
srcLine l = case words l of
@@ -37,9 +40,12 @@ stdSections :: [Section]
stdSections = ["main", "contrib", "non-free"]
binandsrc :: String -> DebianSuite -> [Line]
-binandsrc url suite = [l, srcLine l]
+binandsrc url suite
+ | isStable suite = [l, srcLine l, bl, srcLine bl]
+ | otherwise = [l, srcLine l]
- l = debLine suite url stdSections
+ l = debLine (showSuite suite) url stdSections
+ bl = debLine backportSuite url stdSections
debCdn :: DebianSuite -> [Line]
debCdn = binandsrc ""
@@ -50,7 +56,7 @@ kernelOrg = binandsrc ""
-- | Only available for Stable and Testing
securityUpdates :: DebianSuite -> [Line]
securityUpdates suite
- | suite == Stable || suite == Testing =
+ | isStable suite || suite == Testing =
let l = "deb " ++ showSuite suite ++ "/updates " ++ unwords stdSections
in [l, srcLine l]
| otherwise = []
@@ -62,7 +68,7 @@ securityUpdates suite
stdSourcesList :: DebianSuite -> Property
stdSourcesList suite = setSourcesList
- (debCdn suite ++ kernelOrg suite ++ securityUpdates suite)
+ (concatMap (\gen -> gen suite) [debCdn, kernelOrg, securityUpdates])
`describe` ("standard sources.list for " ++ show suite)
setSourcesList :: [Line] -> Property
@@ -96,6 +102,17 @@ installed' params ps = robustly $ check (isInstallable ps) go
go = runApt $ params ++ ["install"] ++ ps
+installedBackport :: [Package] -> Property
+installedBackport ps = withOS desc $ \o -> case o of
+ Nothing -> error "cannot install backports; os not declared"
+ (Just (System (Debian suite) _))
+ | isStable suite ->
+ ensureProperty $ runApt $
+ ["install", "-t", backportSuite, "-y"] ++ ps
+ _ -> error $ "backports not supported on " ++ show o
+ where
+ desc = (unwords $ "apt installed backport":ps)
-- | Minimal install of package, without recommends.
installedMin :: [Package] -> Property
installedMin = installed' ["--no-install-recommends", "-y"]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Cron.hs b/Propellor/Property/Cron.hs
index fa6019ea..2fa9c87e 100644
--- a/Propellor/Property/Cron.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Cron.hs
@@ -4,13 +4,15 @@ import Propellor
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import Data.Char
type CronTimes = String
-- | Installs a cron job, run as a specificed user, in a particular
--directory. Note that the Desc must be unique, as it is used for the
--cron.d/ filename.
job :: Desc -> CronTimes -> UserName -> FilePath -> String -> Property
-job desc times user cddir command = ("/etc/cron.d/" ++ desc) `File.hasContent`
+job desc times user cddir command = cronjobfile `File.hasContent`
[ "# Generated by propellor"
, ""
, "SHELL=/bin/sh"
@@ -20,6 +22,11 @@ job desc times user cddir command = ("/etc/cron.d/" ++ desc) `File.hasContent`
`requires` Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "cron"
`describe` ("cronned " ++ desc)
+ where
+ cronjobfile = "/etc/cron.d/" ++ map sanitize desc
+ sanitize c
+ | isAlphaNum c = c
+ | otherwise = '_'
-- | Installs a cron job, and runs it niced and ioniced.
niceJob :: Desc -> CronTimes -> UserName -> FilePath -> String -> Property
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/File.hs b/Propellor/Property/File.hs
index 10dee75e..8f23dab7 100644
--- a/Propellor/Property/File.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Property/File.hs
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
module Propellor.Property.File where
import Propellor
+import Utility.FileMode
import System.Posix.Files
+import System.PosixCompat.Types
type Line = String
@@ -12,19 +14,31 @@ f `hasContent` newcontent = fileProperty ("replace " ++ f)
(\_oldcontent -> newcontent) f
-- | Ensures a file has contents that comes from PrivData.
--- Note: Does not do anything with the permissions of the file to prevent
--- it from being seen.
+-- The file's permissions are preserved if the file already existed.
+-- Otherwise, they're set to 600.
hasPrivContent :: FilePath -> Property
-hasPrivContent f = Property ("privcontent " ++ f) $
- withPrivData (PrivFile f) (\v -> ensureProperty $ f `hasContent` lines v)
+hasPrivContent f = Property desc $ withPrivData (PrivFile f) $ \privcontent ->
+ ensureProperty $ fileProperty' writeFileProtected desc
+ (\_oldcontent -> lines privcontent) f
+ where
+ desc = "privcontent " ++ f
+-- | Leaves the file world-readable.
+hasPrivContentExposed :: FilePath -> Property
+hasPrivContentExposed f = hasPrivContent f `onChange`
+ mode f (combineModes (ownerWriteMode:readModes))
-- | Ensures that a line is present in a file, adding it to the end if not.
containsLine :: FilePath -> Line -> Property
-f `containsLine` l = fileProperty (f ++ " contains:" ++ l) go f
+f `containsLine` l = f `containsLines` [l]
+containsLines :: FilePath -> [Line] -> Property
+f `containsLines` l = fileProperty (f ++ " contains:" ++ show l) go f
go ls
- | l `elem` ls = ls
- | otherwise = ls++[l]
+ | all (`elem` ls) l = ls
+ | otherwise = ls++l
-- | Ensures that a line is not present in a file.
-- Note that the file is ensured to exist, so if it doesn't, an empty
@@ -38,7 +52,9 @@ notPresent f = check (doesFileExist f) $ Property (f ++ " not present") $
makeChange $ nukeFile f
fileProperty :: Desc -> ([Line] -> [Line]) -> FilePath -> Property
-fileProperty desc a f = Property desc $ go =<< liftIO (doesFileExist f)
+fileProperty = fileProperty' writeFile
+fileProperty' :: (FilePath -> String -> IO ()) -> Desc -> ([Line] -> [Line]) -> FilePath -> Property
+fileProperty' writer desc a f = Property desc $ go =<< liftIO (doesFileExist f)
go True = do
ls <- liftIO $ lines <$> readFile f
@@ -46,13 +62,15 @@ fileProperty desc a f = Property desc $ go =<< liftIO (doesFileExist f)
if ls' == ls
then noChange
else makeChange $ viaTmp updatefile f (unlines ls')
- go False = makeChange $ writeFile f (unlines $ a [])
+ go False = makeChange $ writer f (unlines $ a [])
-- viaTmp makes the temp file mode 600.
- -- Replicate the original file mode before moving it into place.
+ -- Replicate the original file's owner and mode.
updatefile f' content = do
- writeFile f' content
- getFileStatus f >>= setFileMode f' . fileMode
+ writer f' content
+ s <- getFileStatus f
+ setFileMode f' (fileMode s)
+ setOwnerAndGroup f' (fileOwner s) (fileGroup s)
-- | Ensures a directory exists.
dirExists :: FilePath -> Property
@@ -68,3 +86,9 @@ ownerGroup f owner group = Property (f ++ " owner " ++ og) $ do
else noChange
og = owner ++ ":" ++ group
+-- | Ensures that a file/dir has the specfied mode.
+mode :: FilePath -> FileMode -> Property
+mode f v = Property (f ++ " mode " ++ show v) $ do
+ liftIO $ modifyFileMode f (\_old -> v)
+ noChange
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Git.hs b/Propellor/Property/Git.hs
index c0494160..1dae94bf 100644
--- a/Propellor/Property/Git.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Git.hs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import Propellor
import Propellor.Property.File
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
+import Utility.SafeCommand
import Data.List
@@ -46,3 +47,43 @@ daemonRunning exportdir = RevertableProperty setup unsetup
, "--base-path=" ++ exportdir
, exportdir
+installed :: Property
+installed = Apt.installed ["git"]
+type RepoUrl = String
+type Branch = String
+-- | Specified git repository is cloned to the specified directory.
+-- If the firectory exists with some other content, it will be recursively
+-- deleted.
+-- A branch can be specified, to check out.
+cloned :: UserName -> RepoUrl -> FilePath -> Maybe Branch -> Property
+cloned owner url dir mbranch = check originurl (Property desc checkout)
+ `requires` installed
+ where
+ desc = "git cloned " ++ url ++ " to " ++ dir
+ gitconfig = dir </> ".git/config"
+ originurl = ifM (doesFileExist gitconfig)
+ ( do
+ v <- catchDefaultIO Nothing $ headMaybe . lines <$>
+ readProcess "git" ["config", "--file", gitconfig, "remote.origin.url"]
+ return (v /= Just url)
+ , return True
+ )
+ checkout = do
+ liftIO $ do
+ whenM (doesDirectoryExist dir) $
+ removeDirectoryRecursive dir
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory dir)
+ ensureProperty $ userScriptProperty owner $ catMaybes
+ -- The </dev/null fixes an intermittent
+ -- "fatal: read error: Bad file descriptor"
+ -- when run across ssh with propellor --spin
+ [ Just $ "git clone " ++ shellEscape url ++ " " ++ shellEscape dir ++ " < /dev/null"
+ , Just $ "cd " ++ shellEscape dir
+ , ("git checkout " ++) <$> mbranch
+ ]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Gpg.hs b/Propellor/Property/Gpg.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e23111bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Gpg.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Gpg where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import Utility.FileSystemEncoding
+import System.PosixCompat
+installed :: Property
+installed = Apt.installed ["gnupg"]
+-- | Sets up a user with a gpg key from the privdata.
+-- Note that if a secret key is exported using gpg -a --export-secret-key,
+-- the public key is also included. Or just a public key could be
+-- exported, and this would set it up just as well.
+-- Recommend only using this for low-value dedicated role keys.
+-- No attempt has been made to scrub the key out of memory once it's used.
+-- The GpgKeyId does not have to be a numeric id; it can just as easily
+-- be a description of the key.
+keyImported :: GpgKeyId -> UserName -> Property
+keyImported keyid user = flagFile' (Property desc go) genflag
+ `requires` installed
+ where
+ desc = user ++ " has gpg key " ++ show keyid
+ genflag = do
+ d <- dotDir user
+ return $ d </> ".propellor-imported-keyid-" ++ keyid
+ go = withPrivData (GpgKey keyid) $ \key -> makeChange $
+ withHandle StdinHandle createProcessSuccess
+ (proc "su" ["-c", "gpg --import", user]) $ \h -> do
+ fileEncoding h
+ hPutStr h key
+ hClose h
+dotDir :: UserName -> IO FilePath
+dotDir user = do
+ home <- homeDirectory <$> getUserEntryForName user
+ return $ home </> ".gnupg"
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Obnam.hs b/Propellor/Property/Obnam.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00e0bbef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Obnam.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Obnam where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Cron as Cron
+import Utility.SafeCommand
+import Data.List
+installed :: Property
+installed = Apt.installed ["obnam"]
+type ObnamParam = String
+-- | An obnam repository can be used by multiple clients. Obnam uses
+-- locking to allow only one client to write at a time. Since stale lock
+-- files can prevent backups from happening, it's more robust, if you know
+-- a repository has only one client, to force the lock before starting a
+-- backup. Using OnlyClient allows propellor to do so when running obnam.
+data NumClients = OnlyClient | MultipleClients
+ deriving (Eq)
+-- | Installs a cron job that causes a given directory to be backed
+-- up, by running obnam with some parameters.
+-- If the directory does not exist, or exists but is completely empty,
+-- this Property will immediately restore it from an existing backup.
+-- So, this property can be used to deploy a directory of content
+-- to a host, while also ensuring any changes made to it get backed up.
+-- And since Obnam encrypts, just make this property depend on a gpg
+-- key, and tell obnam to use the key, and your data will be backed
+-- up securely. For example:
+-- > & Obnam.backup "/srv/git" "33 3 * * *"
+-- > [ "--repository=s"
+-- > , "--encrypt-with=1B169BE1"
+-- > ] Obnam.OnlyClient
+-- > `requires` Gpg.keyImported "1B169BE1" "root"
+-- > `requires` Ssh.keyImported SshRsa "root"
+-- How awesome is that?
+backup :: FilePath -> Cron.CronTimes -> [ObnamParam] -> NumClients -> Property
+backup dir crontimes params numclients = cronjob `describe` desc
+ `requires` restored dir params
+ where
+ desc = dir ++ " backed up by obnam"
+ cronjob = Cron.niceJob ("obnam_backup" ++ dir) crontimes "root" "/" $
+ intercalate ";" $ catMaybes
+ [ if numclients == OnlyClient
+ then Just $ unwords $
+ [ "obnam"
+ , "force-lock"
+ ] ++ map shellEscape params
+ else Nothing
+ , Just $ unwords $
+ [ "obnam"
+ , "backup"
+ , shellEscape dir
+ ] ++ map shellEscape params
+ ]
+-- | Restores a directory from an obnam backup.
+-- Only does anything if the directory does not exist, or exists,
+-- but is completely empty.
+-- The restore is performed atomically; restoring to a temp directory
+-- and then moving it to the directory.
+restored :: FilePath -> [ObnamParam] -> Property
+restored dir params = Property (dir ++ " restored by obnam") go
+ `requires` installed
+ where
+ go = ifM (liftIO needsRestore)
+ ( do
+ warningMessage $ dir ++ " is empty/missing; restoring from backup ..."
+ liftIO restore
+ , noChange
+ )
+ needsRestore = null <$> catchDefaultIO [] (dirContents dir)
+ restore = withTmpDirIn (takeDirectory dir) "obnam-restore" $ \tmpdir -> do
+ ok <- boolSystem "obnam" $
+ [ Param "restore"
+ , Param "--to"
+ , Param tmpdir
+ ] ++ map Param params
+ let restoreddir = tmpdir ++ "/" ++ dir
+ ifM (pure ok <&&> doesDirectoryExist restoreddir)
+ ( do
+ void $ tryIO $ removeDirectory dir
+ renameDirectory restoreddir dir
+ return MadeChange
+ , return FailedChange
+ )
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/OpenId.hs b/Propellor/Property/OpenId.hs
index c397bdb8..051d6425 100644
--- a/Propellor/Property/OpenId.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Property/OpenId.hs
@@ -12,15 +12,18 @@ providerFor users baseurl = propertyList desc $
[ Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "apache2"
, Apt.installed ["simpleid"]
`onChange` Service.restarted "apache2"
- , File.fileProperty desc
+ , File.fileProperty (desc ++ " configured")
(map setbaseurl) "/etc/simpleid/"
] ++ map identfile users
- identfile u = File.hasPrivContent $ concat
- [ "/var/lib/simpleid/identities/", u, ".identity" ]
url = "http://"++baseurl++"/simpleid"
desc = "openid provider " ++ url
setbaseurl l
| "SIMPLEID_BASE_URL" `isInfixOf` l =
"define('SIMPLEID_BASE_URL', '"++url++"');"
| otherwise = l
+ -- the identitites directory controls access, so open up
+ -- file mode
+ identfile u = File.hasPrivContentExposed $
+ concat $ [ "/var/lib/simpleid/identities/", u, ".identity" ]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs b/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs
index 1ba56b94..ee46a9e4 100644
--- a/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/GitHome.hs
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ installedFor user = check (not <$> hasGitDir user) $
Property ("githome " ++ user) (go =<< liftIO (homedir user))
`requires` Apt.installed ["git"]
- go Nothing = noChange
- go (Just home) = do
+ go home = do
let tmpdir = home </> "githome"
ensureProperty $ combineProperties "githome setup"
[ userScriptProperty user ["git clone " ++ url ++ " " ++ tmpdir]
@@ -32,5 +31,4 @@ url = "git://"
hasGitDir :: UserName -> IO Bool
hasGitDir user = go =<< homedir user
- go Nothing = return False
- go (Just home) = doesDirectoryExist (home </> ".git")
+ go home = doesDirectoryExist (home </> ".git")
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/JoeySites.hs b/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/JoeySites.hs
index 46373170..73a8f71f 100644
--- a/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/JoeySites.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Property/SiteSpecific/JoeySites.hs
@@ -5,6 +5,15 @@ module Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.JoeySites where
import Propellor
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Gpg as Gpg
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Ssh as Ssh
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Git as Git
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
+import qualified Propellor.Property.User as User
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Obnam as Obnam
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apache as Apache
+import Utility.SafeCommand
oldUseNetShellBox :: Property
oldUseNetShellBox = check (not <$> Apt.isInstalled "oldusenet") $
@@ -21,3 +30,142 @@ oldUseNetShellBox = check (not <$> Apt.isInstalled "oldusenet") $
, "rm -rf /root/tmp/oldusenet"
] `describe` " built"
+kgbServer :: Property
+kgbServer = withOS desc $ \o -> case o of
+ (Just (System (Debian Unstable) _)) ->
+ ensureProperty $ propertyList desc
+ [ Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "kgb-bot"
+ , File.hasPrivContent "/etc/kgb-bot/kgb.conf"
+ `onChange` Service.restarted "kgb-bot"
+ , "/etc/default/kgb-bot" `File.containsLine` "BOT_ENABLED=1"
+ `describe` "kgb bot enabled"
+ `onChange` Service.running "kgb-bot"
+ ]
+ _ -> error "kgb server needs Debian unstable (for kgb-bot 1.31+)"
+ where
+ desc = " setup"
+-- and
+gitServer :: [Host] -> Property
+gitServer hosts = propertyList " setup"
+ [ Obnam.backup "/srv/git" "33 3 * * *"
+ [ "--repository=s"
+ , "--encrypt-with=1B169BE1"
+ , "--client-name=wren"
+ ] Obnam.OnlyClient
+ `requires` Gpg.keyImported "1B169BE1" "root"
+ `requires` Ssh.keyImported SshRsa "root"
+ `requires` Ssh.knownHost hosts "" "root"
+ `requires` Ssh.authorizedKeys "family"
+ `requires` User.accountFor "family"
+ , Apt.installed ["git", "rsync", "kgb-client-git", "gitweb"]
+ , Apt.installedBackport ["git-annex"]
+ , File.hasPrivContentExposed "/etc/kgb-bot/kgb-client.conf"
+ , toProp $ Git.daemonRunning "/srv/git"
+ , "/etc/gitweb.conf" `File.containsLines`
+ [ "$projectroot = '/srv/git';"
+ , "@git_base_url_list = ('git://', '', '', 'ssh://');"
+ , "# disable snapshot download; overloads server"
+ , "$feature{'snapshot'}{'default'} = [];"
+ ]
+ `describe` "gitweb configured"
+ -- Repos push on to github.
+ , Ssh.knownHost hosts "" "joey"
+ -- I keep the website used for gitweb checked into git..
+ , Git.cloned "root" "/srv/git/joey/" "/srv/web/" Nothing
+ , website ""
+ , website ""
+ , toProp $ Apache.modEnabled "cgi"
+ ]
+ where
+ website hn = toProp $ Apache.siteEnabled hn $ apachecfg hn True
+ [ " DocumentRoot /srv/web/"
+ , " <Directory /srv/web/>"
+ , " Options Indexes ExecCGI FollowSymlinks"
+ , " AllowOverride None"
+ , " AddHandler cgi-script .cgi"
+ , " DirectoryIndex index.cgi"
+ , " </Directory>"
+ , ""
+ , " ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/"
+ , " <Directory /usr/lib/cgi-bin>"
+ , " SetHandler cgi-script"
+ , " Options ExecCGI"
+ , " </Directory>"
+ ]
+type AnnexUUID = String
+-- | A website, with files coming from a git-annex repository.
+annexWebSite :: [Host] -> Git.RepoUrl -> HostName -> AnnexUUID -> [(String, Git.RepoUrl)] -> Property
+annexWebSite hosts origin hn uuid remotes = propertyList (hn ++" website using git-annex")
+ [ Git.cloned "joey" origin dir Nothing
+ `onChange` setup
+ , setupapache
+ ]
+ where
+ dir = "/srv/web/" ++ hn
+ setup = userScriptProperty "joey" setupscript
+ `requires` Ssh.keyImported SshRsa "joey"
+ `requires` Ssh.knownHost hosts "" "joey"
+ setupscript =
+ [ "cd " ++ shellEscape dir
+ , "git config annex.uuid " ++ shellEscape uuid
+ ] ++ map addremote remotes ++
+ [ "git annex get"
+ ]
+ addremote (name, url) = "git remote add " ++ shellEscape name ++ " " ++ shellEscape url
+ setupapache = toProp $ Apache.siteEnabled hn $ apachecfg hn True $
+ [ " ServerAlias www."++hn
+ , ""
+ , " DocumentRoot /srv/web/"++hn
+ , " <Directory /srv/web/"++hn++">"
+ , " Options FollowSymLinks"
+ , " AllowOverride None"
+ , " </Directory>"
+ , " <Directory /srv/web/"++hn++">"
+ , " Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI"
+ , " AllowOverride None"
+ , " Order allow,deny"
+ , " allow from all"
+ , " </Directory>"
+ ]
+apachecfg :: HostName -> Bool -> Apache.ConfigFile -> Apache.ConfigFile
+apachecfg hn withssl middle
+ | withssl = vhost False ++ vhost True
+ | otherwise = vhost False
+ where
+ vhost ssl =
+ [ "<VirtualHost *:"++show port++">"
+ , " ServerAdmin"
+ , " ServerName "++hn++":"++show port
+ ]
+ ++ mainhttpscert ssl
+ ++ middle ++
+ [ ""
+ , " ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log"
+ , " LogLevel warn"
+ , " CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined"
+ , " ServerSignature On"
+ , " "
+ , " <Directory \"/usr/share/apache2/icons\">"
+ , " Options Indexes MultiViews"
+ , " AllowOverride None"
+ , " Order allow,deny"
+ , " Allow from all"
+ , " </Directory>"
+ , "</VirtualHost>"
+ ]
+ where
+ port = if ssl then 443 else 80 :: Int
+mainhttpscert :: Bool -> Apache.ConfigFile
+mainhttpscert False = []
+mainhttpscert True =
+ [ " SSLEngine on"
+ , " SSLCertificateFile /etc/ssl/certs/web.pem"
+ , " SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/ssl/private/web.pem"
+ , " SSLCertificateChainFile /etc/ssl/certs/startssl.pem"
+ ]
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/Ssh.hs b/Propellor/Property/Ssh.hs
index 59845f8f..b13a12bf 100644
--- a/Propellor/Property/Ssh.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Property/Ssh.hs
@@ -4,13 +4,20 @@ module Propellor.Property.Ssh (
- uniqueHostKeys
+ randomHostKeys,
+ hostKey,
+ keyImported,
+ knownHost,
+ authorizedKeys
) where
import Propellor
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import Propellor.Property.User
import Utility.SafeCommand
+import Utility.FileMode
+import System.PosixCompat
sshBool :: Bool -> String
sshBool True = "yes"
@@ -35,12 +42,20 @@ permitRootLogin = setSshdConfig "PermitRootLogin"
passwordAuthentication :: Bool -> Property
passwordAuthentication = setSshdConfig "PasswordAuthentication"
+dotDir :: UserName -> IO FilePath
+dotDir user = do
+ h <- homedir user
+ return $ h </> ".ssh"
+dotFile :: FilePath -> UserName -> IO FilePath
+dotFile f user = do
+ d <- dotDir user
+ return $ d </> f
hasAuthorizedKeys :: UserName -> IO Bool
-hasAuthorizedKeys = go <=< homedir
+hasAuthorizedKeys = go <=< dotFile "authorized_keys"
- go Nothing = return False
- go (Just home) = not . null <$> catchDefaultIO ""
- (readFile $ home </> ".ssh" </> "authorized_keys")
+ go f = not . null <$> catchDefaultIO "" (readFile f)
restartSshd :: Property
restartSshd = cmdProperty "service" ["ssh", "restart"]
@@ -48,11 +63,11 @@ restartSshd = cmdProperty "service" ["ssh", "restart"]
-- | Blows away existing host keys and make new ones.
-- Useful for systems installed from an image that might reuse host keys.
-- A flag file is used to only ever do this once.
-uniqueHostKeys :: Property
-uniqueHostKeys = flagFile prop "/etc/ssh/.unique_host_keys"
+randomHostKeys :: Property
+randomHostKeys = flagFile prop "/etc/ssh/.unique_host_keys"
`onChange` restartSshd
- prop = Property "ssh unique host keys" $ do
+ prop = Property "ssh random host keys" $ do
void $ liftIO $ boolSystem "sh"
[ Param "-c"
, Param "rm -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*"
@@ -60,3 +75,77 @@ uniqueHostKeys = flagFile prop "/etc/ssh/.unique_host_keys"
ensureProperty $
cmdProperty "/var/lib/dpkg/info/openssh-server.postinst"
+-- | Sets ssh host keys from the site's PrivData.
+-- (Uses a null username for host keys.)
+hostKey :: SshKeyType -> Property
+hostKey keytype = combineProperties desc
+ [ Property desc (install writeFile (SshPubKey keytype "") ".pub")
+ , Property desc (install writeFileProtected (SshPrivKey keytype "") "")
+ ]
+ `onChange` restartSshd
+ where
+ desc = "known ssh host key (" ++ fromKeyType keytype ++ ")"
+ install writer p ext = withPrivData p $ \key -> do
+ let f = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_" ++ fromKeyType keytype ++ "_key" ++ ext
+ s <- liftIO $ readFileStrict f
+ if s == key
+ then noChange
+ else makeChange $ writer f key
+-- | Sets up a user with a ssh private key and public key pair
+-- from the site's PrivData.
+keyImported :: SshKeyType -> UserName -> Property
+keyImported keytype user = combineProperties desc
+ [ Property desc (install writeFile (SshPubKey keytype user) ".pub")
+ , Property desc (install writeFileProtected (SshPrivKey keytype user) "")
+ ]
+ where
+ desc = user ++ " has ssh key (" ++ fromKeyType keytype ++ ")"
+ install writer p ext = do
+ f <- liftIO $ keyfile ext
+ ifM (liftIO $ doesFileExist f)
+ ( noChange
+ , ensureProperty $ combineProperties desc
+ [ Property desc $
+ withPrivData p $ \key -> makeChange $
+ writer f key
+ , File.ownerGroup f user user
+ ]
+ )
+ keyfile ext = do
+ home <- homeDirectory <$> getUserEntryForName user
+ return $ home </> ".ssh" </> "id_" ++ fromKeyType keytype ++ ext
+fromKeyType :: SshKeyType -> String
+fromKeyType SshRsa = "rsa"
+fromKeyType SshDsa = "dsa"
+fromKeyType SshEcdsa = "ecdsa"
+-- | Puts some host's ssh public key into the known_hosts file for a user.
+knownHost :: [Host] -> HostName -> UserName -> Property
+knownHost hosts hn user = Property desc $
+ go =<< fromHost hosts hn getSshPubKey
+ where
+ desc = user ++ " knows ssh key for " ++ hn
+ go (Just (Just k)) = do
+ f <- liftIO $ dotFile "known_hosts" user
+ ensureProperty $ combineProperties desc
+ [ File.dirExists (takeDirectory f)
+ , f `File.containsLine` (hn ++ " " ++ k)
+ , File.ownerGroup f user user
+ ]
+ go _ = do
+ warningMessage $ "no configred sshPubKey for " ++ hn
+ return FailedChange
+-- | Makes a user have authorized_keys from the PrivData
+authorizedKeys :: UserName -> Property
+authorizedKeys user = Property (user ++ " has authorized_keys") $
+ withPrivData (SshAuthorizedKeys user) $ \v -> do
+ f <- liftIO $ dotFile "authorized_keys" user
+ liftIO $ do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory f)
+ writeFileProtected f v
+ ensureProperty $ File.ownerGroup f user user
diff --git a/Propellor/Property/User.hs b/Propellor/Property/User.hs
index 9d948834..8e7afd81 100644
--- a/Propellor/Property/User.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Property/User.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import Propellor
data Eep = YesReallyDeleteHome
accountFor :: UserName -> Property
-accountFor user = check (isNothing <$> homedir user) $ cmdProperty "adduser"
+accountFor user = check (isNothing <$> catchMaybeIO (homedir user)) $ cmdProperty "adduser"
[ "--disabled-password"
, "--gecos", ""
, user
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ accountFor user = check (isNothing <$> homedir user) $ cmdProperty "adduser"
-- | Removes user home directory!! Use with caution.
nuked :: UserName -> Eep -> Property
-nuked user _ = check (isJust <$> homedir user) $ cmdProperty "userdel"
+nuked user _ = check (isJust <$> catchMaybeIO (homedir user)) $ cmdProperty "userdel"
[ "-r"
, user
@@ -57,5 +57,5 @@ getPasswordStatus user = parse . words <$> readProcess "passwd" ["-S", user]
isLockedPassword :: UserName -> IO Bool
isLockedPassword user = (== LockedPassword) <$> getPasswordStatus user
-homedir :: UserName -> IO (Maybe FilePath)
-homedir user = catchMaybeIO $ homeDirectory <$> getUserEntryForName user
+homedir :: UserName -> IO FilePath
+homedir user = homeDirectory <$> getUserEntryForName user
diff --git a/Propellor/Types.hs b/Propellor/Types.hs
index e6e02126..5f575daf 100644
--- a/Propellor/Types.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Types.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,6 @@ module Propellor.Types
( Host(..)
, Attr
, HostName
- , UserName
- , GroupName
, Propellor(..)
, Property(..)
, RevertableProperty(..)
@@ -19,14 +17,12 @@ module Propellor.Types
, requires
, Desc
, Result(..)
- , System(..)
- , Distribution(..)
- , DebianSuite(..)
- , Release
- , Architecture
, ActionResult(..)
, CmdLine(..)
, PrivDataField(..)
+ , GpgKeyId
+ , SshKeyType(..)
+ , module Propellor.Types.OS
) where
import Data.Monoid
@@ -36,12 +32,10 @@ import "mtl" Control.Monad.Reader
import "MonadCatchIO-transformers" Control.Monad.CatchIO
import Propellor.Types.Attr
+import Propellor.Types.OS
data Host = Host [Property] (Attr -> Attr)
-type UserName = String
-type GroupName = String
-- | Propellor's monad provides read-only access to attributes of the
-- system.
newtype Propellor p = Propellor { runWithAttr :: ReaderT Attr IO p }
@@ -117,22 +111,6 @@ instance Monoid Result where
mappend _ MadeChange = MadeChange
mappend NoChange NoChange = NoChange
--- | High level descritption of a operating system.
-data System = System Distribution Architecture
- deriving (Show)
-data Distribution
- = Debian DebianSuite
- | Ubuntu Release
- deriving (Show)
-data DebianSuite = Experimental | Unstable | Testing | Stable | DebianRelease Release
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-type Release = String
-type Architecture = String
-- | Results of actions, with color.
class ActionResult a where
getActionResult :: a -> (String, ColorIntensity, Color)
@@ -162,9 +140,15 @@ data CmdLine
-- It's fine to add new fields.
data PrivDataField
= DockerAuthentication
- | SshPrivKey UserName
+ | SshPubKey SshKeyType UserName
+ | SshPrivKey SshKeyType UserName
+ | SshAuthorizedKeys UserName
| Password UserName
| PrivFile FilePath
+ | GpgKey GpgKeyId
deriving (Read, Show, Ord, Eq)
+type GpgKeyId = String
+data SshKeyType = SshRsa | SshDsa | SshEcdsa
+ deriving (Read, Show, Ord, Eq)
diff --git a/Propellor/Types/Attr.hs b/Propellor/Types/Attr.hs
index c253e32b..1ff58148 100644
--- a/Propellor/Types/Attr.hs
+++ b/Propellor/Types/Attr.hs
@@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
module Propellor.Types.Attr where
+import Propellor.Types.OS
import qualified Data.Set as S
-- | The attributes of a host. For example, its hostname.
data Attr = Attr
{ _hostname :: HostName
, _cnames :: S.Set Domain
+ , _os :: Maybe System
+ , _sshPubKey :: Maybe String
, _dockerImage :: Maybe String
, _dockerRunParams :: [HostName -> String]
@@ -15,6 +19,8 @@ instance Eq Attr where
x == y = and
[ _hostname x == _hostname y
, _cnames x == _cnames y
+ , _os x == _os y
+ , _sshPubKey x == _sshPubKey y
, _dockerImage x == _dockerImage y
, let simpl v = map (\a -> a "") (_dockerRunParams v)
@@ -25,12 +31,14 @@ instance Show Attr where
show a = unlines
[ "hostname " ++ _hostname a
, "cnames " ++ show (_cnames a)
+ , "OS " ++ show (_os a)
+ , "sshPubKey " ++ show (_sshPubKey a)
, "docker image " ++ show (_dockerImage a)
, "docker run params " ++ show (map (\mk -> mk "") (_dockerRunParams a))
newAttr :: HostName -> Attr
-newAttr hn = Attr hn S.empty Nothing []
+newAttr hn = Attr hn S.empty Nothing Nothing Nothing []
type HostName = String
type Domain = String
diff --git a/Propellor/Types/OS.hs b/Propellor/Types/OS.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0635b271
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Propellor/Types/OS.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+module Propellor.Types.OS where
+type UserName = String
+type GroupName = String
+-- | High level descritption of a operating system.
+data System = System Distribution Architecture
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data Distribution
+ = Debian DebianSuite
+ | Ubuntu Release
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data DebianSuite = Experimental | Unstable | Testing | Stable | DebianRelease Release
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- | The release that currently corresponds to stable.
+stableRelease :: DebianSuite
+stableRelease = DebianRelease "wheezy"
+isStable :: DebianSuite -> Bool
+isStable s = s == Stable || s == stableRelease
+type Release = String
+type Architecture = String
diff --git a/TODO b/TODO
index a203169c..93dcf0d4 100644
--- a/TODO
+++ b/TODO
@@ -2,9 +2,6 @@
run it once for the whole. For example, may want to restart apache,
but only once despite many config changes being made to satisfy
properties. onChange is a poor substitute.
-* Currently only Debian and derivatives are supported by most Properties.
- This could be improved by making the Distribution of the system part
- of its HostAttr.
* Display of docker container properties is a bit wonky. It always
says they are unchanged even when they changed and triggered a
@@ -18,3 +15,7 @@
* There is no way for a property of a docker container to require
some property be met outside the container. For example, some servers
need ntp installed for a good date source.
+* Attributes can only be set in the top level property list for a Host.
+ If an attribute is set inside a propertyList, it won't propigate out.
+ Fix this. Probably the fix involves combining AttrProperty into Property.
+ Then propertyList can gather the attributes from its list.
diff --git a/config-joey.hs b/config-joey.hs
index 8a585451..d64dd259 100644
--- a/config-joey.hs
+++ b/config-joey.hs
@@ -17,19 +17,26 @@ import qualified Propellor.Property.Dns as Dns
import qualified Propellor.Property.OpenId as OpenId
import qualified Propellor.Property.Docker as Docker
import qualified Propellor.Property.Git as Git
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apache as Apache
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
import qualified Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.GitHome as GitHome
import qualified Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.GitAnnexBuilder as GitAnnexBuilder
import qualified Propellor.Property.SiteSpecific.JoeySites as JoeySites
-hosts :: [Host]
-hosts =
+ -- _ ______`| ,-.__
+ {- Propellor -- / \___-=O`/|O`/__| (____.'
+ Deployed -} -- \ / | / ) _.-"-._
+ -- `/-==__ _/__|/__=-| ( \_
+hosts :: [Host] -- * \ | | '--------'
+hosts = -- (o) `
-- My laptop
[ host ""
& Docker.configured
& Apt.buildDep ["git-annex"] `period` Daily
-- Nothing super-important lives here.
- , standardSystem "" Unstable
+ , standardSystem "" Unstable "amd64"
& cleanCloudAtCost
& Apt.unattendedUpgrades
& Network.ipv6to4
@@ -45,11 +52,15 @@ hosts =
& cname ""
& Docker.docked hosts "ancient-kitenet"
+ -- I'd rather this were on diatom, but it needs unstable.
+ & cname ""
+ & JoeySites.kgbServer
& Docker.garbageCollected `period` Daily
& Apt.installed ["git-annex", "mtr", "screen"]
-- Orca is the main git-annex build box.
- , standardSystem "" Unstable
+ , standardSystem "" Unstable "amd64"
& Hostname.sane
& Apt.unattendedUpgrades
& Docker.configured
@@ -61,32 +72,64 @@ hosts =
& Apt.buildDep ["git-annex"] `period` Daily
-- Important stuff that needs not too much memory or CPU.
- , standardSystem "" Stable
+ , standardSystem "" Stable "amd64"
& Hostname.sane
+ & Ssh.hostKey SshDsa
+ & Ssh.hostKey SshRsa
+ & Ssh.hostKey SshEcdsa
& Apt.unattendedUpgrades
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "ntp"
& Dns.zones myDnsSecondary
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "apache2"
- & Apt.installed ["git", "git-annex", "rsync"]
- & Apt.buildDep ["git-annex"] `period` Daily
- & Git.daemonRunning "/srv/git"
- & File.ownerGroup "/srv/git" "joey" "joey"
- -- git repos restore (how?) (also make backups!)
- -- family annex needs family members to have accounts,
- -- ssh host key etc.. finesse?
- -- (also should upgrade git-annex-shell for it..)
- -- kgb installation and setup
- -- ssh keys for branchable and github repo hooks
- -- gitweb
- -- setup (including ssh key to turtle)
- --' __|II| ,.
----- __|II|II|__ ( \_,/\
------'\o/-'-.-'-.-'-.- __|II|II|II|II|___/ __/ -'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-
---------------------- | [Docker] / ----------------------
---------------------- : / -----------------------
----------------------- \____, o ,' ------------------------
------------------------ '--,___________,' -------------------------
+ & File.hasPrivContent "/etc/ssl/certs/web.pem"
+ & File.hasPrivContent "/etc/ssl/private/web.pem"
+ & File.hasPrivContent "/etc/ssl/certs/startssl.pem"
+ & Apache.modEnabled "ssl"
+ & Apache.multiSSL
+ & File.ownerGroup "/srv/web" "joey" "joey"
+ & cname ""
+ & cname ""
+ & JoeySites.gitServer hosts
+ & cname ""
+ & JoeySites.annexWebSite hosts "/srv/git/downloads.git"
+ ""
+ "840760dc-08f0-11e2-8c61-576b7e66acfd"
+ [("turtle", "ssh://")]
+ -- rsync server for git-annex autobuilders
+ & Apt.installed ["rsync"]
+ & File.hasPrivContent "/etc/rsyncd.conf"
+ & File.hasPrivContent "/etc/rsyncd.secrets"
+ & "/etc/default/rsync" `File.containsLine` "RSYNC_ENABLE=true"
+ `describe` "rsync server enabled"
+ `onChange` Service.running "rsync"
+ & cname ""
+ & JoeySites.annexWebSite hosts "/srv/git/joey/tmp.git"
+ ""
+ "26fd6e38-1226-11e2-a75f-ff007033bdba"
+ []
+ & Apt.installed ["ntop"]
+ -- Systems I don't manage with propellor,
+ -- but do want to track their public keys.
+ , host ""
+ & sshPubKey "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAokMXQiX/NZjA1UbhMdgAscnS5dsmy+Q7bWrQ6tsTZ/o+6N/T5cbjoBHOdpypXJI3y/PiJTDJaQtXIhLa8gFg/EvxMnMz/KG9skADW1361JmfCc4BxicQIO2IOOe6eilPr+YsnOwiHwL0vpUnuty39cppuMWVD25GzxXlS6KQsLCvXLzxLLuNnGC43UAM0q4UwQxDtAZEK1dH2o3HMWhgMP2qEQupc24dbhpO3ecxh2C9678a3oGDuDuNf7mLp3s7ptj5qF3onitpJ82U5o7VajaHoygMaSRFeWxP2c13eM57j3bLdLwxVXFhePcKXARu1iuFTLS5uUf3hN6MkQcOGw=="
+ , host ""
+ & sshPubKey "ssh-dss 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"
+ , host ""
+ & sshPubKey "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq2A7hRGmdnm9tUDbO9IDSwBK6TbQa+PXYPCPy6rbTrTtw7PHkccKrpp0yVhp5HdEIcKr6pLlVDBfOLX9QUsyCOV0wzfjIJNlGEYsdlLJizHhbn2mUjvSAHQqZETYP81eFzLQNnPHt4EVVUh7VfDESU84KezmD5QlWpXLmvU31/yMf+Se8xhHTvKSCZIFImWwoG6mbUoWf9nzpIoaSjB+weqqUUmpaaasXVal72J+UX2B+2RPW3RcT0eOzQgqlJL3RKrTJvdsjE3JEAvGq3lGHSZXy28G3skua2SmVi/w4yCE6gbODqnTWlg7+wC604ydGXA8VJiS5ap43JXiUFFAaQ=="
+ --' __|II| ,.
+ ---- __|II|II|__ ( \_,/\
+ ------'\o/-'-.-'-.-'-.- __|II|II|II|II|___/ __/ -'-.-'-.-'-.-'-.-'-
+ ----------------------- | [Docker] / ----------------------
+ ----------------------- : / -----------------------
+ ------------------------ \____, o ,' ------------------------
+ ------------------------- '--,___________,' -------------------------
-- Simple web server, publishing the outside host's /var/www
, standardContainer "webserver" Stable "amd64"
@@ -100,18 +143,13 @@ hosts =
& Docker.publish "8081:80"
& OpenId.providerFor ["joey", "liw"]
+ -- Exhibit: kite's 90's website.
, standardContainer "ancient-kitenet" Stable "amd64"
& Docker.publish "1994:80"
& Apt.serviceInstalledRunning "apache2"
- & Apt.installed ["git"]
- & scriptProperty
- [ "cd /var/"
- , "rm -rf www"
- , "git clone git:// www"
- , "cd www"
- , "git checkout remotes/origin/"
- ] `flagFile` "/var/www/blastfromthepast.html"
+ & Git.cloned "root" "git://" "/var/www"
+ (Just "remotes/origin/")
-- git-annex autobuilder containers
, gitAnnexBuilder "amd64" 15
@@ -139,8 +177,9 @@ gitAnnexBuilder arch buildminute = Docker.container (arch ++ "-git-annex-builder
& Apt.unattendedUpgrades
-- This is my standard system setup.
-standardSystem :: HostName -> DebianSuite -> Host
-standardSystem hn suite = host hn
+standardSystem :: HostName -> DebianSuite -> Architecture -> Host
+standardSystem hn suite arch = host hn
+ & os (System (Debian suite) arch)
& Apt.stdSourcesList suite `onChange` Apt.upgrade
& Apt.installed ["etckeeper"]
& Apt.installed ["ssh"]
@@ -163,6 +202,7 @@ standardSystem hn suite = host hn
-- This is my standard container setup, featuring automatic upgrades.
standardContainer :: Docker.ContainerName -> DebianSuite -> Architecture -> Host
standardContainer name suite arch = Docker.container name (image system)
+ & os (System (Debian suite) arch)
& Apt.stdSourcesList suite
& Apt.unattendedUpgrades
@@ -178,7 +218,7 @@ image _ = "debian-stable-official" -- does not currently exist!
cleanCloudAtCost :: Property
cleanCloudAtCost = propertyList "cloudatcost cleanup"
[ Hostname.sane
- , Ssh.uniqueHostKeys
+ , Ssh.randomHostKeys
, "worked around grub/lvm boot bug #743126" ==>
"/etc/default/grub" `File.containsLine` "GRUB_DISABLE_LINUX_UUID=true"
`onChange` cmdProperty "update-grub" []
@@ -203,4 +243,19 @@ myDnsSecondary =
branchablemaster = ["", "2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:fedf:c0e5"]
main :: IO ()
-main = defaultMain hosts --, Docker.containerProperties container]
+main = defaultMain hosts
+ -- o
+ -- ___ o o
+ {-----\ / o \ ___o o
+ { \ __ \ / _ (X___>-- __o
+ _____________________{ ______\___ \__/ | \__/ \____ |X__>
+ < \___//|\\___/\ \____________ _
+ \ ___/ | \___ # # \ (-)
+ \ O O O # | \ # >=)
+ \______________________________# # / #__________________/ (-}
diff --git a/debian/changelog b/debian/changelog
index 29f1787e..18436b29 100644
--- a/debian/changelog
+++ b/debian/changelog
@@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
propellor (0.3.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
* Merge scheduler bug fix from git-annex.
+ * Support for provisioning hosts with ssh and gpg keys.
+ * Obnam support.
+ * Apache support.
+ * Properties can now be satisfied differently on different operating
+ systems.
+ * Standard apt configuration for stable now includes backports.
-- Joey Hess <> Fri, 11 Apr 2014 15:00:11 -0400
diff --git a/privdata/ b/privdata/
index 69d8f12f..a486e828 100644
--- a/privdata/
+++ b/privdata/
@@ -1,25 +1,33 @@
Version: GnuPG v1
diff --git a/privdata/ b/privdata/
index 7c36ab2e..99be63bc 100644
--- a/privdata/
+++ b/privdata/
@@ -1,19 +1,343 @@
Version: GnuPG v1
diff --git a/propellor.cabal b/propellor.cabal
index 5497cc6b..1d625381 100644
--- a/propellor.cabal
+++ b/propellor.cabal
@@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ Library
+ Propellor.Property.Apache
@@ -76,7 +77,9 @@ Library
+ Propellor.Property.Gpg
+ Propellor.Property.Obnam
@@ -94,6 +97,7 @@ Library
+ Propellor.Types.OS