path: root/src
diff options
authorFélix Sipma2015-09-16 22:39:37 +0200
committerJoey Hess2015-09-17 09:39:46 -0400
commit19834cdd911629876e173cbd2e8e4889f117e7ed (patch)
tree033e133e8c1b2667b281cf99bf18d6b1963dd435 /src
parentec2ac2b4d7a1783e6deca2f73a57faabb4b25cd7 (diff)
Unbound: cachingServer property
Signed-off-by: Félix Sipma <>
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 23 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/Unbound.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/Unbound.hs
index 205c9ddb..68703dfd 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/Unbound.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/Unbound.hs
@@ -4,18 +4,32 @@ module Propellor.Property.Unbound
( installed
, restarted
, reloaded
- , genAddressNoTtl
- , genAddress
- , genMX
- , genPTR
- , genZoneStatic
- , genZoneTransparent
+ , cachingDnsServer
) where
import Propellor
+import Propellor.Property.File
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
import qualified Propellor.Property.Service as Service
+import Data.List (find)
+type ConfSection = String
+type UnboundSetting = (UnboundKey, UnboundValue)
+type UnboundSection = (ConfSection, [UnboundSetting])
+type UnboundZone = (BindDomain, ZoneType)
+type UnboundHost = (BindDomain, Record)
+type UnboundKey = String
+type UnboundValue = String
+type ZoneType = String
installed :: Property NoInfo
installed = Apt.installed ["unbound"]
@@ -31,6 +45,45 @@ dValue (RelDomain d) = d
dValue (AbsDomain d) = d ++ "."
dValue (RootDomain) = "@"
+sectionHeader :: ConfSection -> String
+sectionHeader header = header ++ ":"
+config :: FilePath
+config = "/etc/unbound/unbound.conf.d/propellor.conf"
+cachingDnsServer :: [UnboundSection] -> [UnboundZone] -> [UnboundHost] -> Property NoInfo
+cachingDnsServer sections zones hosts =
+ config `hasContent` (comment : otherSections ++ serverSection)
+ where
+ comment = "# deployed with propellor, do not modify"
+ serverSection = genSection (fromMaybe ("server", []) $ find ((== "server") . fst) sections)
+ ++ map genZone zones
+ ++ map (uncurry genRecord') hosts
+ otherSections = foldr ((++) . genSection) [] sections
+genSection :: UnboundSection -> [Line]
+genSection (section, settings) = sectionHeader section : map genSetting settings
+genSetting :: UnboundSetting -> Line
+genSetting (key, value) = " " ++ key ++ ": " ++ value
+genZone :: UnboundZone -> Line
+genZone (dom, zt) = " local-zone: \"" ++ dValue dom ++ "\" " ++ zt
+genRecord' :: BindDomain -> Record -> Line
+genRecord' dom r = " local-data: \"" ++ fromMaybe "" (genRecord dom r) ++ "\""
+genRecord :: BindDomain -> Record -> Maybe String
+genRecord dom (Address addr) = Just $ genAddressNoTtl dom addr
+genRecord dom (MX priority dest) = Just $ genMX dom priority dest
+genRecord dom (PTR revip) = Just $ genPTR dom revip
+genRecord _ (CNAME _) = Nothing
+genRecord _ (NS _) = Nothing
+genRecord _ (TXT _) = Nothing
+genRecord _ (SRV _ _ _ _) = Nothing
+genRecord _ (SSHFP _ _ _) = Nothing
+genRecord _ (INCLUDE _) = Nothing
genAddressNoTtl :: BindDomain -> IPAddr -> String
genAddressNoTtl dom = genAddress dom Nothing
@@ -40,22 +93,10 @@ genAddress dom ttl addr = case addr of
IPv6 _ -> genAddress' "AAAA" dom ttl addr
genAddress' :: String -> BindDomain -> Maybe Int -> IPAddr -> String
-genAddress' recordtype dom ttl addr = localData $ dValue dom ++ " " ++ maybe "" (\ttl' -> show ttl' ++ " ") ttl ++ "IN " ++ recordtype ++ " " ++ fromIPAddr addr
-genMX :: BindDomain -> BindDomain -> Int -> String
-genMX dom dest priority = localData $ dValue dom ++ " " ++ "MX" ++ " " ++ show priority ++ " " ++ dValue dest
-genPTR :: BindDomain -> IPAddr -> String
-genPTR dom ip = localData $ reverseIP ip ++ ". " ++ "PTR" ++ " " ++ dValue dom
-localData :: String -> String
-localData conf = " local-data: \"" ++ conf ++ "\""
-genZoneStatic :: BindDomain -> String
-genZoneStatic dom = localZone (dValue dom) "static"
+genAddress' recordtype dom ttl addr = dValue dom ++ " " ++ maybe "" (\ttl' -> show ttl' ++ " ") ttl ++ "IN " ++ recordtype ++ " " ++ fromIPAddr addr
-genZoneTransparent :: BindDomain -> String
-genZoneTransparent dom = localZone (dValue dom) "transparent"
+genMX :: BindDomain -> Int -> BindDomain -> String
+genMX dom priority dest = dValue dom ++ " " ++ "MX" ++ " " ++ show priority ++ " " ++ dValue dest
-localZone :: String -> String -> String
-localZone zone confzone = " local-zone: \"" ++ zone ++ "\" " ++ confzone
+genPTR :: BindDomain -> ReverseIP -> String
+genPTR dom revip = revip ++ ". " ++ "PTR" ++ " " ++ dValue dom