path: root/src/Propellor
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authorJoey Hess2017-07-05 18:00:59 -0400
committerJoey Hess2017-07-05 18:02:30 -0400
commitab5652ff75a96ee0a3615a8fc82e7dfa0c0d9dc6 (patch)
tree466cd1f88d735dbdf77de877d5d12cc9ddae6fd4 /src/Propellor
parentddf39aa584c3f3e5c881e33c08de5b29ef989623 (diff)
Image.grubBooted no longer takes a BIOS parameter
* DiskImage.grubBooted no longer takes a BIOS parameter, and no longer implicitly adds Grub.installed to the properties of the disk image. If you used DiskImage.grubBooted, you'll need to update your propellor configuration, removing the BIOS parameter from grubBooted and adding a Grub.installed property to the disk image, eg: & Grub.installed PC (API change) * Grub.installed: Avoid running update-grub when used in a chroot, since it will get confused. * DiskImage.Finalization: Simplified this type since it does not need to be used to install packages anymore. (API change) The advantage of doing this comes when using hostChroot with imageBuilt, since the Host then has its Grub.installed property explicitly listed so propellor knows about it when otherwise deploying that host. Also, it simplifies the quite complex imageBuilt parameters. This commit was sponsored by Ewen McNeill.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor')
2 files changed, 54 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/DiskImage.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/DiskImage.hs
index 89a8d0c6..94604a95 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/DiskImage.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/DiskImage.hs
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ type DiskImage = FilePath
-- >
-- > foo = host "" $ props
-- > & imageBuilt "/srv/diskimages/disk.img" mychroot
--- > MSDOS (grubBooted PC)
+-- > MSDOS grubBooted
-- > [ partition EXT2 `mountedAt` "/boot"
-- > `setFlag` BootFlag
-- > , partition EXT4 `mountedAt` "/"
@@ -83,6 +83,7 @@ type DiskImage = FilePath
-- > mychroot d = debootstrapped mempty d $ props
-- > & osDebian Unstable X86_64
-- > & Apt.installed ["linux-image-amd64"]
+-- > & Grub.installed PC
-- > & User.hasPassword (User "root")
-- > & User.accountFor (User "demo")
-- > & User.hasPassword (User "demo")
@@ -96,7 +97,7 @@ type DiskImage = FilePath
-- > foo = host "" $ props
-- > & imageBuilt "/srv/diskimages/bar-disk.img"
-- > (hostChroot bar (Debootstrapped mempty))
--- > MSDOS (grubBooted PC)
+-- > MSDOS grubBooted
-- > [ partition EXT2 `mountedAt` "/boot"
-- > `setFlag` BootFlag
-- > , partition EXT4 `mountedAt` "/"
@@ -108,6 +109,7 @@ type DiskImage = FilePath
-- > bar = host "" $ props
-- > & osDebian Unstable X86_64
-- > & Apt.installed ["linux-image-amd64"]
+-- > & Grub.installed PC
-- > & hasPassword (User "root")
imageBuilt :: DiskImage -> (FilePath -> Chroot) -> TableType -> Finalization -> [PartSpec] -> RevertableProperty (HasInfo + DebianLike) Linux
imageBuilt = imageBuilt' False
@@ -139,8 +141,6 @@ imageBuilt' rebuild img mkchroot tabletype final partspec =
-- Before ensuring any other properties of the chroot,
-- avoid starting services. Reverted by imageFinalized.
&^ Chroot.noServices
- -- First stage finalization.
- & fst final
& cachesCleaned
-- Only propagate privdata Info from this chroot, nothing else.
propprivdataonly (Chroot.Chroot d b ip h) =
@@ -269,20 +269,17 @@ imageExists img isz = property ("disk image exists" ++ img) $ liftIO $ do
-- Common sector sizes are 512 and 4096; use 4096 as it's larger.
sectorsize = 4096 :: Double
--- | A pair of properties. The first property is satisfied within the
--- chroot, and is typically used to download the boot loader.
+-- | A property that is run after the disk image is created, with
+-- its populated partition tree mounted in the provided
+-- location from the provided loop devices. This is typically used to
+-- install a boot loader in the image's superblock.
--- The second property is run after the disk image is created,
--- with its populated partition tree mounted in the provided
--- location from the provided loop devices. This will typically
--- take care of installing the boot loader to the image.
--- It's ok if the second property leaves additional things mounted
+-- It's ok if the property leaves additional things mounted
-- in the partition tree.
-type Finalization = (Property Linux, (FilePath -> [LoopDev] -> Property Linux))
+type Finalization = (FilePath -> [LoopDev] -> Property Linux)
imageFinalized :: Finalization -> [Maybe MountPoint] -> [MountOpts] -> [LoopDev] -> PartTable -> Property Linux
-imageFinalized (_, final) mnts mntopts devs (PartTable _ parts) =
+imageFinalized final mnts mntopts devs (PartTable _ parts) =
property' "disk image finalized" $ \w ->
withTmpDir "mnt" $ \top ->
go w top `finally` liftIO (unmountall top)
@@ -327,47 +324,48 @@ imageFinalized (_, final) mnts mntopts devs (PartTable _ parts) =
allowservices top = nukeFile (top ++ "/usr/sbin/policy-rc.d")
noFinalization :: Finalization
-noFinalization = (doNothing, \_ _ -> doNothing)
+noFinalization = \_ _ -> doNothing
-- | Makes grub be the boot loader of the disk image.
-grubBooted :: Grub.BIOS -> Finalization
-grubBooted bios = (Grub.installed' bios, boots)
+-- This does not install the grub package. You will need to add
+-- the `Grub.installed` property to the chroot.
+grubBooted :: Finalization
+grubBooted mnt loopdevs = combineProperties "disk image boots using grub" $ props
+ -- bind mount host /dev so grub can access the loop devices
+ & bindMount "/dev" (inmnt "/dev")
+ & mounted "proc" "proc" (inmnt "/proc") mempty
+ & mounted "sysfs" "sys" (inmnt "/sys") mempty
+ -- update the initramfs so it gets the uuid of the root partition
+ & inchroot "update-initramfs" ["-u"]
+ `assume` MadeChange
+ -- work around for
+ & check haveosprober (inchroot "chmod" ["-x", osprober])
+ & inchroot "update-grub" []
+ `assume` MadeChange
+ & check haveosprober (inchroot "chmod" ["+x", osprober])
+ & inchroot "grub-install" [wholediskloopdev]
+ `assume` MadeChange
+ -- sync all buffered changes out to the disk image
+ -- may not be necessary, but seemed needed sometimes
+ -- when using the disk image right away.
+ & cmdProperty "sync" []
+ `assume` NoChange
- boots mnt loopdevs = combineProperties "disk image boots using grub" $ props
- -- bind mount host /dev so grub can access the loop devices
- & bindMount "/dev" (inmnt "/dev")
- & mounted "proc" "proc" (inmnt "/proc") mempty
- & mounted "sysfs" "sys" (inmnt "/sys") mempty
- -- update the initramfs so it gets the uuid of the root partition
- & inchroot "update-initramfs" ["-u"]
- `assume` MadeChange
- -- work around for
- & check haveosprober (inchroot "chmod" ["-x", osprober])
- & inchroot "update-grub" []
- `assume` MadeChange
- & check haveosprober (inchroot "chmod" ["+x", osprober])
- & inchroot "grub-install" [wholediskloopdev]
- `assume` MadeChange
- -- sync all buffered changes out to the disk image
- -- may not be necessary, but seemed needed sometimes
- -- when using the disk image right away.
- & cmdProperty "sync" []
- `assume` NoChange
- where
- -- cannot use </> since the filepath is absolute
- inmnt f = mnt ++ f
- inchroot cmd ps = cmdProperty "chroot" ([mnt, cmd] ++ ps)
- haveosprober = doesFileExist (inmnt osprober)
- osprober = "/etc/grub.d/30_os-prober"
- -- It doesn't matter which loopdev we use; all
- -- come from the same disk image, and it's the loop dev
- -- for the whole disk image we seek.
- wholediskloopdev = case loopdevs of
- (l:_) -> wholeDiskLoopDev l
- [] -> error "No loop devs provided!"
+ -- cannot use </> since the filepath is absolute
+ inmnt f = mnt ++ f
+ inchroot cmd ps = cmdProperty "chroot" ([mnt, cmd] ++ ps)
+ haveosprober = doesFileExist (inmnt osprober)
+ osprober = "/etc/grub.d/30_os-prober"
+ -- It doesn't matter which loopdev we use; all
+ -- come from the same disk image, and it's the loop dev
+ -- for the whole disk image we seek.
+ wholediskloopdev = case loopdevs of
+ (l:_) -> wholeDiskLoopDev l
+ [] -> error "No loop devs provided!"
isChild :: FilePath -> Maybe MountPoint -> Bool
isChild mntpt (Just d)
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/Grub.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/Grub.hs
index 9dd5e8e1..0eaab2bb 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/Grub.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/Grub.hs
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ module Propellor.Property.Grub where
import Propellor.Base
import qualified Propellor.Property.File as File
import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import Propellor.Property.Chroot (inChroot)
-- | Eg, \"hd0,0\" or \"xen/xvda1\"
type GrubDevice = String
@@ -18,9 +19,10 @@ data BIOS = PC | EFI64 | EFI32 | Coreboot | Xen
-- | Installs the grub package. This does not make grub be used as the
-- bootloader.
--- This includes running update-grub.
+-- This includes running update-grub, unless it's run in a chroot.
installed :: BIOS -> Property DebianLike
-installed bios = installed' bios `onChange` mkConfig
+installed bios = installed' bios
+ `onChange` (check (not <$> inChroot) mkConfig)
-- Run update-grub, to generate the grub boot menu. It will be
-- automatically updated when kernel packages are installed.