path: root/src/Propellor/Types
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authorJoey Hess2019-07-02 00:43:40 -0400
committerJoey Hess2019-07-02 00:43:40 -0400
commit665ea0d3d9e1b0e90278fd659dee0ef8642030da (patch)
tree9969435c0c78c046c4dcc45ec9726229025701ed /src/Propellor/Types
parente20662e6a8881db55394a6366be17ca4e509bc2a (diff)
Revert "custom type error messages"
This reverts commits 14f6ae30809d8bbdb10b91cc59757e865a365df8 de21ef26861db458b0dfb0212cf501f9f8ed459b e20662e6a8881db55394a6366be17ca4e509bc2a Until this bug is resolved, these custom error types hide more basic errors.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Types')
1 files changed, 35 insertions, 113 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Types/MetaTypes.hs b/src/Propellor/Types/MetaTypes.hs
index 567f533a..0c476e87 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Types/MetaTypes.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Types/MetaTypes.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, PolyKinds, DataKinds, TypeFamilies, UndecidableInstances, FlexibleInstances, GADTs #-}
module Propellor.Types.MetaTypes (
@@ -18,33 +17,21 @@ module Propellor.Types.MetaTypes (
- PrettyPrintMetaTypes,
- IsSubset,
+ NotSuperset,
+ CheckCombine(..),
- CheckCombinableNote,
type (&&),
- Intersect,
- Difference,
- IfStuck,
) where
import Propellor.Types.Singletons
import Propellor.Types.OS
-import GHC.TypeLits hiding (type (+))
import Data.Type.Bool
-import Type.Errors
-type family IfStuck (expr :: k) (b :: k1) (c :: k1) :: k1 where
- IfStuck expr b c = c
data MetaType
= Targeting TargetOS -- ^ A target OS of a Property
| WithInfo -- ^ Indicates that a Property has associated Info
@@ -126,69 +113,41 @@ type family Combine (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] where
(Targets list1 `Intersect` Targets list2)
--- | Checks if two MetaTypes lists can be safly combined;
--- eg they have at least one Target in common.
-type family IsCombinable (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: Bool where
- -- As a special case, if either list is empty or only WithInfo,
- -- let it be combined with the other. This relies on MetaTypes
- -- list always containing at least one Target, so can only happen
- -- if there's already been a type error. This special case lets the
- -- type checker show only the original type error, and not
- -- subsequent errors due to later CheckCombinable constraints.
- IsCombinable '[] list2 = 'True
- IsCombinable list1 '[] = 'True
- IsCombinable ('WithInfo ': list1) list2 = IsCombinable list1 list2
- IsCombinable list1 ('WithInfo ': list2) = IsCombinable list1 list2
- IsCombinable list1 list2 =
- Not (Null (Combine (Targets list1) (Targets list2)))
--- | This (or CheckCombinableNote) should be used anywhere Combine is used,
--- as an additional constraint. For example:
+-- | Checks if two MetaTypes lists can be safely combined.
--- > foo :: (CheckCombinable x y ~ 'True) => x -> y -> Combine x y
-type family CheckCombinable (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: Bool where
- CheckCombinable list1 list2 =
- If (IsCombinable list1 list2)
- 'True
- (CannotCombine list1 list2 'Nothing)
--- | Allows providing an additional note.
-type family CheckCombinableNote (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) (note :: ErrorMessage) :: Bool where
- CheckCombinableNote list1 list2 note =
- If (IsCombinable list1 list2)
- 'True
- (CannotCombine list1 list2
- ('Just ('Text "(" ':<>: note ':<>: 'Text ")"))
- )
--- Checking IfStuck is to avoid massive and useless error message leaking
--- type families from this module.
-type family CannotCombine (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) (note :: Maybe ErrorMessage) :: Bool where
- CannotCombine list1 list2 note =
- IfStuck list1
- (IfStuck list2
- (TypeError (CannotCombineMessage UnknownType UnknownType UnknownTypeNote))
- (TypeError (CannotCombineMessage UnknownType (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list2) UnknownTypeNote))
- )
- (IfStuck list2
- (TypeError (CannotCombineMessage (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list1) UnknownType UnknownTypeNote))
- (TypeError (CannotCombineMessage (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list1) (PrettyPrintMetaTypes list2) note))
- )
-type family UnknownType :: ErrorMessage where
- UnknownType = 'Text "<unknown>"
-type family UnknownTypeNote :: Maybe ErrorMessage where
- UnknownTypeNote = 'Just ('Text "(Property <unknown> is often due to a partially applied Property constructor, or due to passing the wrong type to a Property constructor.)")
+-- This should be used anywhere Combine is used, as an additional
+-- constraint. For example:
+-- > foo :: (CheckCombinable x y ~ 'CanCombine) => x -> y -> Combine x y
+type family CheckCombinable (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: CheckCombine where
+ -- As a special case, if either list is empty, let it be combined
+ -- with the other. This relies on MetaTypes list always containing
+ -- at least one target, so can only happen if there's already been
+ -- a type error. This special case lets the type checker show only
+ -- the original type error, and not an extra error due to a later
+ -- CheckCombinable constraint.
+ CheckCombinable '[] list2 = 'CanCombine
+ CheckCombinable list1 '[] = 'CanCombine
+ CheckCombinable (l1 ': list1) (l2 ': list2) =
+ CheckCombinable' (Combine (l1 ': list1) (l2 ': list2))
+type family CheckCombinable' (combinedlist :: [a]) :: CheckCombine where
+ CheckCombinable' '[] = 'CannotCombineTargets
+ CheckCombinable' (a ': rest)
+ = If (IsTarget a)
+ 'CanCombine
+ (CheckCombinable' rest)
+data CheckCombine = CannotCombineTargets | CanCombine
-type family CannotCombineMessage (a :: ErrorMessage) (b :: ErrorMessage) (note :: Maybe ErrorMessage) :: ErrorMessage where
- CannotCombineMessage a b ('Just note) =
- CannotCombineMessage a b 'Nothing
- ':$$: note
- CannotCombineMessage a b 'Nothing =
- 'Text "Cannot combine Properties:"
- ':$$: ('Text " Property " ':<>: a)
- ':$$: ('Text " Property " ':<>: b)
+-- | Every item in the subset must be in the superset.
+-- The name of this was chosen to make type errors more understandable.
+type family NotSuperset (superset :: [a]) (subset :: [a]) :: CheckCombine where
+ NotSuperset superset '[] = 'CanCombine
+ NotSuperset superset (s ': rest) =
+ If (Elem s superset)
+ (NotSuperset superset rest)
+ 'CannotCombineTargets
type family IsTarget (a :: t) :: Bool where
IsTarget ('Targeting a) = 'True
@@ -208,21 +167,6 @@ type family NonTargets (l :: [a]) :: [a] where
(NonTargets xs)
(x ': NonTargets xs)
--- | Pretty-prints a list of MetaTypes for display in a type error message.
-type family PrettyPrintMetaTypes (l :: [MetaType]) :: ErrorMessage where
- PrettyPrintMetaTypes '[] = 'Text "<none>"
- PrettyPrintMetaTypes (t ': '[]) = PrettyPrintMetaType t
- PrettyPrintMetaTypes (t ': ts) =
- PrettyPrintMetaType t ':<>: 'Text " + " ':<>: PrettyPrintMetaTypes ts
-type family PrettyPrintMetaType t :: ErrorMessage where
- PrettyPrintMetaType 'WithInfo = 'ShowType HasInfo
- PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSDebian) = 'ShowType Debian
- PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSBuntish) = 'ShowType Buntish
- PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSFreeBSD) = 'ShowType FreeBSD
- PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting 'OSArchLinux) = 'ShowType ArchLinux
- PrettyPrintMetaType ('Targeting t) = 'ShowType t
-- | Type level elem
type family Elem (a :: t) (list :: [t]) :: Bool where
Elem a '[] = 'False
@@ -244,28 +188,6 @@ type family Intersect (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] where
(a ': Intersect rest list2)
(Intersect rest list2)
--- | Type level difference. Items that are in the first list, but not in
--- the second.
-type family Difference (list1 :: [a]) (list2 :: [a]) :: [a] where
- Difference '[] list2 = '[]
- Difference (a ': rest) list2 =
- If (Elem a list2)
- (Difference rest list2)
- (a ': Difference rest list2)
--- | Every item in the subset must be in the superset.
-type family IsSubset (subset :: [a]) (superset :: [a]) :: Bool where
- IsSubset '[] superset = 'True
- IsSubset (s ': rest) superset =
- If (Elem s superset)
- (IsSubset rest superset)
- 'False
--- | Type level null.
-type family Null (list :: [a]) :: Bool where
- Null '[] = 'True
- Null l = 'False
-- | Type level equality of metatypes.
type family EqT (a :: MetaType) (b :: MetaType) where
EqT a a = 'True