path: root/src/Propellor/Property/Postfix.hs
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authorJoey Hess2014-07-18 14:33:30 -0400
committerJoey Hess2014-07-18 14:33:30 -0400
commit0d188bf5f6a1ad519a660e06d7e74c6cf683ff32 (patch)
tree7387c2a0dcf7769dfddd8285bee1d06a9e50ab26 /src/Propellor/Property/Postfix.hs
parent0f3faffd360cc222bfeef92a8bcbeb23b7a0c5b1 (diff)
propellor spin
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property/Postfix.hs')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/Postfix.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/Postfix.hs
index 52c329bd..96bc1bc1 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/Postfix.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/Postfix.hs
@@ -38,14 +38,14 @@ satellite = check norelayhost setup
, ("postfix/destinations", "string", " ")
, ("postfix/mailname", "string", hn)
- , mainCf `containsLine` ("relayhost = " ++ domain)
- `onChange` dedupMainCf
+ , mainCf ("relayhost", domain)
`onChange` reloaded
norelayhost = not . any relayhostset . lines
<$> readProcess "postconf" []
relayhostset l
| l == "relayhost =" = False
+ | l == "relayhost = " = False
| "relayhost =" `isPrefixOf` l = True
| otherwise = False
@@ -61,6 +61,29 @@ mappedFile f setup = setup f
newaliases :: Property
newaliases = trivial $ cmdProperty "newaliases" []
+-- | The main config file for postfix.
+mainCfFile :: FilePath
+mainCfFile = "/etc/postfix/"
+-- | Sets a name=value pair. Does not reload postfix immediately.
+mainCf :: (String, String) -> Property
+mainCf (name, value) = check notset set
+ `describe` ("postfix " ++ setting)
+ where
+ setting = name ++ "=" ++ value
+ notset = (/= Just value) <$> getMainCf name
+ set = cmdProperty "postconf" ["-e", setting]
+-- | Gets a setting.
+getMainCf :: String -> IO (Maybe String)
+getMainCf name = parse . lines <$> readProcess "postconf" [name]
+ where
+ parse (l:_) = Just $
+ case separate (== '=') l of
+ (_, (' ':v)) -> v
+ (_, v) -> v
+ parse [] = Nothing
-- | Parses, and removes any initial configuration lines that are
-- overridden to other values later in the file.
@@ -74,7 +97,7 @@ newaliases = trivial $ cmdProperty "newaliases" []
-- Note that multiline configurations that continue onto the next line
-- are not currently supported.
dedupMainCf :: Property
-dedupMainCf = fileProperty "postfix dedupped" dedupCf mainCf
+dedupMainCf = fileProperty "postfix dedupped" dedupCf mainCfFile
dedupCf :: [String] -> [String]
dedupCf ls =
@@ -96,7 +119,3 @@ dedupCf ls =
dedup c kc ((Right (k, v)):rest) = case M.lookup k kc of
Just n | n > 1 -> dedup c (M.insert k (n - 1) kc) rest
_ -> dedup (fmt k v:c) kc rest
--- | The main config file for postfix.
-mainCf :: FilePath
-mainCf = "/etc/postfix/"