path: root/src/Propellor/Property/Docker.hs
diff options
authorJoey Hess2015-01-24 22:38:10 -0400
committerJoey Hess2015-01-24 22:38:51 -0400
commit0ee04ecc43e047b00437fb660e71f7dd67dd3afc (patch)
tree621e0ebc68a2afb9410ce6f368bec865f31cc507 /src/Propellor/Property/Docker.hs
parent141a7c028bba8d5b9743f2ab1397e69c313a523c (diff)
GADT properties seem to work (untested)
* Property has been converted to a GADT, and will be Property NoInfo or Property HasInfo. This was done to make sure that ensureProperty is only used on properties that do not have Info. Transition guide: - Change all "Property" to "Property NoInfo" or "Property WithInfo" (The compiler can tell you if you got it wrong!) - To construct a RevertableProperty, it is useful to use the new (<!>) operator - Constructing a list of properties can be problimatic, since Property NoInto and Property WithInfo are different types and cannot appear in the same list. To deal with this, "props" has been added, and can built up a list of properties of different types, using the same (&) and (!) operators that are used to build up a host's properties.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property/Docker.hs')
1 files changed, 33 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/Docker.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/Docker.hs
index 9645bfe7..6ca5005c 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/Docker.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/Docker.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- | Docker support for propellor
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@ import Data.List hiding (init)
import Data.List.Utils
import qualified Data.Map as M
-installed :: Property
+installed :: Property NoInfo
installed = Apt.installed [""]
-- | Configures docker with an authentication file, so that images can be
-- pushed to Optional.
-configured :: Property
+configured :: Property HasInfo
configured = prop `requires` installed
prop = withPrivData src anyContext $ \getcfg ->
@@ -106,8 +106,9 @@ container cn image = Container image (Host cn [] info)
-- Reverting this property ensures that the container is stopped and
-- removed.
docked :: Container -> RevertableProperty
-docked ctr@(Container _ h) = RevertableProperty
+docked ctr@(Container _ h) =
(propigateContainerInfo ctr (go "docked" setup))
+ <!>
(go "undocked" teardown)
cn = hostName h
@@ -134,10 +135,10 @@ docked ctr@(Container _ h) = RevertableProperty
-propigateContainerInfo :: Container -> Property -> Property
+propigateContainerInfo :: (IsProp (Property i)) => Container -> Property i -> Property HasInfo
propigateContainerInfo ctr@(Container _ h) p = propigateContainer ctr p'
- p' = mkProperty
+ p' = infoProperty
(propertyDesc p)
(propertySatisfy p)
(propertyInfo p <> dockerinfo)
@@ -169,7 +170,7 @@ mkContainerInfo cid@(ContainerId hn _cn) (Container img h) =
-- that were not set up using propellor.
-- Generally, should come after the properties for the desired containers.
-garbageCollected :: Property
+garbageCollected :: Property NoInfo
garbageCollected = propertyList "docker garbage collected"
[ gccontainers
, gcimages
@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ garbageCollected = propertyList "docker garbage collected"
-- Currently, this consists of making pam_loginuid lines optional in
-- the pam config, to work around <>
-- which affects docker 1.2.0.
-tweaked :: Property
+tweaked :: Property NoInfo
tweaked = trivial $
cmdProperty "sh" ["-c", "sed -ri 's/^session\\s+required\\$/session optional' /etc/pam.d/*"]
`describe` "tweaked for docker"
@@ -196,7 +197,7 @@ tweaked = trivial $
-- Only takes effect after reboot. (Not automated.)
-memoryLimited :: Property
+memoryLimited :: Property NoInfo
memoryLimited = "/etc/default/grub" `File.containsLine` cfg
`describe` "docker memory limited"
`onChange` cmdProperty "update-grub" []
@@ -213,44 +214,44 @@ type RunParam = String
type Image = String
-- | Set custom dns server for container.
-dns :: String -> Property
+dns :: String -> Property HasInfo
dns = runProp "dns"
-- | Set container host name.
-hostname :: String -> Property
+hostname :: String -> Property HasInfo
hostname = runProp "hostname"
-- | Set name of container.
-name :: String -> Property
+name :: String -> Property HasInfo
name = runProp "name"
-- | Publish a container's port to the host
-- (format: ip:hostPort:containerPort | ip::containerPort | hostPort:containerPort)
-publish :: String -> Property
+publish :: String -> Property HasInfo
publish = runProp "publish"
-- | Expose a container's port without publishing it.
-expose :: String -> Property
+expose :: String -> Property HasInfo
expose = runProp "expose"
-- | Username or UID for container.
-user :: String -> Property
+user :: String -> Property HasInfo
user = runProp "user"
-- | Mount a volume
-- Create a bind mount with: [host-dir]:[container-dir]:[rw|ro]
-- With just a directory, creates a volume in the container.
-volume :: String -> Property
+volume :: String -> Property HasInfo
volume = runProp "volume"
-- | Mount a volume from the specified container into the current
-- container.
-volumes_from :: ContainerName -> Property
+volumes_from :: ContainerName -> Property HasInfo
volumes_from cn = genProp "volumes-from" $ \hn ->
fromContainerId (ContainerId hn cn)
-- | Work dir inside the container.
-workdir :: String -> Property
+workdir :: String -> Property HasInfo
workdir = runProp "workdir"
-- | Memory limit for container.
@@ -258,18 +259,18 @@ workdir = runProp "workdir"
-- Note: Only takes effect when the host has the memoryLimited property
-- enabled.
-memory :: String -> Property
+memory :: String -> Property HasInfo
memory = runProp "memory"
-- | CPU shares (relative weight).
-- By default, all containers run at the same priority, but you can tell
-- the kernel to give more CPU time to a container using this property.
-cpuShares :: Int -> Property
+cpuShares :: Int -> Property HasInfo
cpuShares = runProp "cpu-shares" . show
-- | Link with another container on the same host.
-link :: ContainerName -> ContainerAlias -> Property
+link :: ContainerName -> ContainerAlias -> Property HasInfo
link linkwith calias = genProp "link" $ \hn ->
fromContainerId (ContainerId hn linkwith) ++ ":" ++ calias
@@ -281,19 +282,19 @@ type ContainerAlias = String
-- propellor; as well as keeping badly behaved containers running,
-- it ensures that containers get started back up after reboot or
-- after docker is upgraded.
-restartAlways :: Property
+restartAlways :: Property HasInfo
restartAlways = runProp "restart" "always"
-- | Docker will restart the container if it exits nonzero.
-- If a number is provided, it will be restarted only up to that many
-- times.
-restartOnFailure :: Maybe Int -> Property
+restartOnFailure :: Maybe Int -> Property HasInfo
restartOnFailure Nothing = runProp "restart" "on-failure"
restartOnFailure (Just n) = runProp "restart" ("on-failure:" ++ show n)
-- | Makes docker not restart a container when it exits
-- Note that this includes not restarting it on boot!
-restartNever :: Property
+restartNever :: Property HasInfo
restartNever = runProp "restart" "no"
-- | A container is identified by its name, and the host
@@ -327,12 +328,12 @@ fromContainerId (ContainerId hn cn) = cn++"."++hn++myContainerSuffix
myContainerSuffix :: String
myContainerSuffix = ".propellor"
-containerDesc :: ContainerId -> Property -> Property
+containerDesc :: (IsProp (Property i)) => ContainerId -> Property i -> Property i
containerDesc cid p = p `describe` desc
desc = "container " ++ fromContainerId cid ++ " " ++ propertyDesc p
-runningContainer :: ContainerId -> Image -> [RunParam] -> Property
+runningContainer :: ContainerId -> Image -> [RunParam] -> Property NoInfo
runningContainer cid@(ContainerId hn cn) image runps = containerDesc cid $ property "running" $ do
l <- liftIO $ listContainers RunningContainers
if cid `elem` l
@@ -447,7 +448,7 @@ init s = case toContainerId s of
-- | Once a container is running, propellor can be run inside
-- it to provision it.
-provisionContainer :: ContainerId -> Property
+provisionContainer :: ContainerId -> Property NoInfo
provisionContainer cid = containerDesc cid $ property "provisioned" $ liftIO $ do
let shim = Shim.file (localdir </> "propellor") (localdir </> shimdir cid)
let params = ["--continue", show $ toChain cid]
@@ -477,7 +478,8 @@ chain hostlist hn s = case toContainerId s of
changeWorkingDirectory localdir
onlyProcess (provisioningLock cid) $ do
r <- runPropellor h $ ensureProperties $
- hostProperties h
+ map ignoreInfo $
+ hostProperties h
putStrLn $ "\n" ++ show r
stopContainer :: ContainerId -> IO Bool
@@ -486,7 +488,7 @@ stopContainer cid = boolSystem dockercmd [Param "stop", Param $ fromContainerId
startContainer :: ContainerId -> IO Bool
startContainer cid = boolSystem dockercmd [Param "start", Param $ fromContainerId cid ]
-stoppedContainer :: ContainerId -> Property
+stoppedContainer :: ContainerId -> Property NoInfo
stoppedContainer cid = containerDesc cid $ property desc $
ifM (liftIO $ elem cid <$> listContainers RunningContainers)
( liftIO cleanup `after` ensureProperty
@@ -538,13 +540,13 @@ listContainers status =
listImages :: IO [Image]
listImages = lines <$> readProcess dockercmd ["images", "--all", "--quiet"]
-runProp :: String -> RunParam -> Property
+runProp :: String -> RunParam -> Property HasInfo
runProp field val = pureInfoProperty (param) $ dockerInfo $
mempty { _dockerRunParams = [DockerRunParam (\_ -> "--"++param)] }
param = field++"="++val
-genProp :: String -> (HostName -> RunParam) -> Property
+genProp :: String -> (HostName -> RunParam) -> Property HasInfo
genProp field mkval = pureInfoProperty field $ dockerInfo $
mempty { _dockerRunParams = [DockerRunParam (\hn -> "--"++field++"=" ++ mkval hn)] }