path: root/src/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs
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authorJoey Hess2014-05-31 18:02:56 -0400
committerJoey Hess2014-05-31 18:04:41 -0400
commit5fc4b006517051e937cbfa13b5f7ccbc25460c1b (patch)
treef99b7dcf46d262f13aa80fb39c8fcc1a67c951a9 /src/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs
parentd3ac75a1a29e9eda60b78d25e7352d4a2d5713cc (diff)
remove now redundant _hostname field of Attr
Now that Host includes _hostName, it's redundant to also keep it in Attr. This requires changing the reader monad to operate on the whole Host.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs
index 5c3162cb..f82d5494 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/Dns.hs
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ secondaryFor masters hosts domain = RevertableProperty setup cleanup
otherServers :: DnsServerType -> [Host] -> Domain -> [HostName]
otherServers wantedtype hosts domain =
- M.keys $ M.filter wanted $ hostAttrMap hosts
+ M.keys $ M.filter wanted $ hostMap hosts
- wanted attr = case M.lookup domain (_namedconf attr) of
+ wanted h = case M.lookup domain (_namedconf $ hostAttr h) of
Nothing -> False
Just conf -> confDnsServerType conf == wantedtype
&& confDomain conf == domain
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ genZone hosts zdomain soa =
in (Zone zdomain soa (nub zhosts), warnings)
- m = hostAttrMap hosts
+ m = hostMap hosts
-- Known hosts with hostname located in the zone's domain.
inzdomain = M.elems $ M.filterWithKey (\hn _ -> inDomain zdomain $ AbsDomain $ hn) m
@@ -350,12 +350,13 @@ genZone hosts zdomain soa =
-- If a host lacks any IPAddr, it's probably a misconfiguration,
-- so warn.
- hostips :: Attr -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
- hostips attr
- | null l = [Left $ "no IP address defined for host " ++ _hostname attr]
+ hostips :: Host -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
+ hostips h
+ | null l = [Left $ "no IP address defined for host " ++ _hostName h]
| otherwise = map Right l
- l = zip (repeat $ AbsDomain $ _hostname attr)
+ attr = hostAttr h
+ l = zip (repeat $ AbsDomain $ _hostName h)
(map Address $ getAddresses attr)
-- Any host, whether its hostname is in the zdomain or not,
@@ -370,10 +371,11 @@ genZone hosts zdomain soa =
-- We typically know the host's IPAddrs anyway.
-- So we can just use the IPAddrs.
- addcnames :: Attr -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
- addcnames attr = concatMap gen $ filter (inDomain zdomain) $
+ addcnames :: Host -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
+ addcnames h = concatMap gen $ filter (inDomain zdomain) $
mapMaybe getCNAME $ S.toList (_dns attr)
+ attr = hostAttr h
gen c = case getAddresses attr of
[] -> [ret (CNAME c)]
l -> map (ret . Address) l
@@ -381,10 +383,11 @@ genZone hosts zdomain soa =
ret record = Right (c, record)
-- Adds any other DNS records for a host located in the zdomain.
- hostrecords :: Attr -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
- hostrecords attr = map Right l
+ hostrecords :: Host -> [Either WarningMessage (BindDomain, Record)]
+ hostrecords h = map Right l
- l = zip (repeat $ AbsDomain $ _hostname attr)
+ attr = hostAttr h
+ l = zip (repeat $ AbsDomain $ _hostName h)
(S.toList $ S.filter (\r -> isNothing (getIPAddr r) && isNothing (getCNAME r)) (_dns attr))
inDomain :: Domain -> BindDomain -> Bool