path: root/src/Propellor/Property/DiskImage.hs
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authorJoey Hess2015-10-23 03:30:03 -0400
committerJoey Hess2015-10-23 03:48:32 -0400
commit3c0575f156eead78ed98a8cd9276bc663c8d587c (patch)
treedebb7c244edbce545cd2bcde8d04d8e9c67c2753 /src/Propellor/Property/DiskImage.hs
parenta1a79784c892c9fb5370c4283be7d6adbc0cf46a (diff)
Added Mount.fstabbed property to generate /etc/fstab to replicate current mounts.
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property/DiskImage.hs')
1 files changed, 7 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/DiskImage.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/DiskImage.hs
index 1e3a5407..b65d399c 100644
--- a/src/Propellor/Property/DiskImage.hs
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/DiskImage.hs
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ imageBuiltFrom img chrootdir tabletype final partspec = mkimg <!> rmimg
imageFinalized final mnts devs
rmimg = File.notPresent img
-partitionsPopulated :: FilePath -> [MountPoint] -> [LoopDev] -> Property NoInfo
+partitionsPopulated :: FilePath -> [Maybe MountPoint] -> [LoopDev] -> Property NoInfo
partitionsPopulated chrootdir mnts devs = property desc $ mconcat $ zipWith go mnts devs
desc = "partitions populated from " ++ chrootdir
@@ -197,14 +197,14 @@ dirSizes top = go M.empty top [top]
else go (M.insertWith (+) dir sz m) dir is
subdirof parent i = not (i `equalFilePath` parent) && takeDirectory i `equalFilePath` parent
-getMountSz :: (M.Map FilePath PartSize) -> [MountPoint] -> MountPoint -> Maybe PartSize
+getMountSz :: (M.Map FilePath PartSize) -> [Maybe MountPoint] -> Maybe MountPoint -> Maybe PartSize
getMountSz _ _ Nothing = Nothing
getMountSz szm l (Just mntpt) =
fmap (`reducePartSize` childsz) (M.lookup mntpt szm)
childsz = mconcat $ mapMaybe (getMountSz szm l) (filter (isChild mntpt) l)
-isChild :: FilePath -> MountPoint -> Bool
+isChild :: FilePath -> Maybe MountPoint -> Bool
isChild mntpt (Just d)
| d `equalFilePath` mntpt = False
| otherwise = mntpt `dirContains` d
@@ -217,9 +217,6 @@ toSysDir chrootdir d = case makeRelative chrootdir d of
"." -> "/"
sysdir -> "/" ++ sysdir
--- | Where a partition is mounted. Use Nothing for eg, LinuxSwap.
-type MountPoint = Maybe FilePath
defSz :: PartSize
defSz = MegaBytes 128
@@ -240,7 +237,7 @@ fudge (MegaBytes n) = MegaBytes (n + n `div` 100 * 2 + 3)
-- (Partitions that are not to be mounted (ie, LinuxSwap), or that have
-- no corresponding directory in the chroot will have 128 MegaBytes
-- provided as a default size.)
-type PartSpec = (MountPoint, PartSize -> Partition)
+type PartSpec = (Maybe MountPoint, PartSize -> Partition)
-- | Specifies a swap partition of a given size.
swapPartition :: PartSize -> PartSpec
@@ -279,7 +276,7 @@ adjustp (mp, p) f = (mp, f . p)
-- | The constructor for each Partition is passed the size of the files
-- from the chroot that will be put in that partition.
-fitChrootSize :: TableType -> [PartSpec] -> [PartSize] -> ([MountPoint], PartTable)
+fitChrootSize :: TableType -> [PartSpec] -> [PartSize] -> ([Maybe MountPoint], PartTable)
fitChrootSize tt l basesizes = (mounts, parttable)
(mounts, sizers) = unzip l
@@ -297,7 +294,7 @@ fitChrootSize tt l basesizes = (mounts, parttable)
-- in the partition tree.
type Finalization = (Property NoInfo, (FilePath -> [LoopDev] -> Property NoInfo))
-imageFinalized :: Finalization -> [MountPoint] -> [LoopDev] -> Property NoInfo
+imageFinalized :: Finalization -> [Maybe MountPoint] -> [LoopDev] -> Property NoInfo
imageFinalized (_, final) mnts devs = property "disk image finalized" $
withTmpDir "mnt" $ \top ->
go top `finally` liftIO (unmountall top)
@@ -308,7 +305,7 @@ imageFinalized (_, final) mnts devs = property "disk image finalized" $
-- Ordered lexographically by mount point, so / comes before /usr
-- comes before /usr/local
- orderedmntsdevs :: [(MountPoint, LoopDev)]
+ orderedmntsdevs :: [(Maybe MountPoint, LoopDev)]
orderedmntsdevs = sortBy (compare `on` fst) $ zip mnts devs
mountall top = forM_ orderedmntsdevs $ \(mp, loopdev) -> case mp of