path: root/src/Propellor/Property/Debootstrap.hs
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authorJoey Hess2014-11-20 00:58:51 -0400
committerJoey Hess2014-11-20 00:58:51 -0400
commit02b8b2dec7c767ba3b7154e424b9c11e6a8d544f (patch)
tree84f8394029d0b17de94a47ea59dd29b70d5bab38 /src/Propellor/Property/Debootstrap.hs
parentf1b2df601e0eb2fdd5dbc3bc72df0f0493230046 (diff)
parent0d4dd37ee769a6ef1bc80507c8ee8a4b9e882856 (diff)
Merge branch 'joeyconfig'
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Propellor/Property/Debootstrap.hs')
1 files changed, 253 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Propellor/Property/Debootstrap.hs b/src/Propellor/Property/Debootstrap.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4e7bc740
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Propellor/Property/Debootstrap.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+module Propellor.Property.Debootstrap (
+ Url,
+ built,
+ installed,
+ programPath,
+) where
+import Propellor
+import qualified Propellor.Property.Apt as Apt
+import Utility.Path
+import Utility.SafeCommand
+import Utility.FileMode
+import Data.List
+import Data.Char
+import Control.Exception
+import System.Posix.Directory
+type Url = String
+-- | Builds a chroot in the given directory using debootstrap.
+-- The System can be any OS and architecture that debootstrap
+-- and the kernel support.
+-- Reverting this property deletes the chroot and all its contents.
+-- Anything mounted under the filesystem is first unmounted.
+-- Note that reverting this property does not stop any processes
+-- currently running in the chroot.
+built :: FilePath -> System -> [CommandParam] -> RevertableProperty
+built target system@(System _ arch) extraparams =
+ RevertableProperty setup teardown
+ where
+ setup = check (unpopulated target <||> ispartial) setupprop
+ `requires` unrevertable installed
+ teardown = check (not <$> unpopulated target) teardownprop
+ unpopulated d = null <$> catchDefaultIO [] (dirContents d)
+ setupprop = property ("debootstrapped " ++ target) $ liftIO $ do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True target
+ suite <- case extractSuite system of
+ Nothing -> errorMessage $ "don't know how to debootstrap " ++ show system
+ Just s -> pure s
+ let params = extraparams ++
+ [ Param $ "--arch=" ++ arch
+ , Param suite
+ , Param target
+ ]
+ cmd <- fromMaybe "debootstrap" <$> programPath
+ ifM (boolSystem cmd params)
+ ( do
+ fixForeignDev target
+ return MadeChange
+ , return FailedChange
+ )
+ teardownprop = property ("removed debootstrapped " ++ target) $ liftIO $ do
+ removetarget
+ return MadeChange
+ removetarget = do
+ submnts <- filter (\p -> simplifyPath p /= simplifyPath target)
+ . filter (dirContains target)
+ <$> mountPoints
+ forM_ submnts $ \mnt ->
+ unlessM (boolSystem "umount" [ Param "-l", Param mnt ]) $ do
+ errorMessage $ "failed unmounting " ++ mnt
+ removeDirectoryRecursive target
+ -- A failed debootstrap run will leave a debootstrap directory;
+ -- recover by deleting it and trying again.
+ ispartial = ifM (doesDirectoryExist (target </> "debootstrap"))
+ ( do
+ removetarget
+ return True
+ , return False
+ )
+mountPoints :: IO [FilePath]
+mountPoints = lines <$> readProcess "findmnt" ["-rn", "--output", "target"]
+extractSuite :: System -> Maybe String
+extractSuite (System (Debian s) _) = Just $ Apt.showSuite s
+extractSuite (System (Ubuntu r) _) = Just r
+-- | Ensures debootstrap is installed.
+-- When necessary, falls back to installing debootstrap from source.
+-- Note that installation from source is done by downloading the tarball
+-- from a Debian mirror, with no cryptographic verification.
+installed :: RevertableProperty
+installed = RevertableProperty install remove
+ where
+ install = withOS "debootstrap installed" $ \o ->
+ ifM (liftIO $ isJust <$> programPath)
+ ( return NoChange
+ , ensureProperty (installon o)
+ )
+ installon (Just (System (Debian _) _)) = aptinstall
+ installon (Just (System (Ubuntu _) _)) = aptinstall
+ installon _ = sourceInstall
+ remove = withOS "debootstrap removed" $ ensureProperty . removefrom
+ removefrom (Just (System (Debian _) _)) = aptremove
+ removefrom (Just (System (Ubuntu _) _)) = aptremove
+ removefrom _ = sourceRemove
+ aptinstall = Apt.installed ["debootstrap"]
+ aptremove = Apt.removed ["debootstrap"]
+sourceInstall :: Property
+sourceInstall = property "debootstrap installed from source"
+ (liftIO sourceInstall')
+sourceInstall' :: IO Result
+sourceInstall' = withTmpDir "debootstrap" $ \tmpd -> do
+ let indexfile = tmpd </> "index.html"
+ unlessM (download baseurl indexfile) $
+ errorMessage $ "Failed to download " ++ baseurl
+ urls <- reverse . sort -- highest version first
+ . filter ("debootstrap_" `isInfixOf`)
+ . filter (".tar." `isInfixOf`)
+ . extractUrls baseurl <$>
+ readFileStrictAnyEncoding indexfile
+ nukeFile indexfile
+ tarfile <- case urls of
+ (tarurl:_) -> do
+ let f = tmpd </> takeFileName tarurl
+ unlessM (download tarurl f) $
+ errorMessage $ "Failed to download " ++ tarurl
+ return f
+ _ -> errorMessage $ "Failed to find any debootstrap tarballs listed on " ++ baseurl
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True localInstallDir
+ bracket getWorkingDirectory changeWorkingDirectory $ \_ -> do
+ changeWorkingDirectory localInstallDir
+ unlessM (boolSystem "tar" [Param "xf", File tarfile]) $
+ errorMessage "Failed to extract debootstrap tar file"
+ nukeFile tarfile
+ l <- dirContents "."
+ case l of
+ (subdir:[]) -> do
+ changeWorkingDirectory subdir
+ makeDevicesTarball
+ makeWrapperScript (localInstallDir </> subdir)
+ return MadeChange
+ _ -> errorMessage "debootstrap tar file did not contain exactly one dirctory"
+sourceRemove :: Property
+sourceRemove = property "debootstrap not installed from source" $ liftIO $
+ ifM (doesDirectoryExist sourceInstallDir)
+ ( do
+ removeDirectoryRecursive sourceInstallDir
+ return MadeChange
+ , return NoChange
+ )
+sourceInstallDir :: FilePath
+sourceInstallDir = "/usr/local/propellor/debootstrap"
+wrapperScript :: FilePath
+wrapperScript = sourceInstallDir </> "debootstrap.wrapper"
+-- | Finds debootstrap in PATH, but fall back to looking for the
+-- wrapper script that is installed, outside the PATH, when debootstrap
+-- is installed from source.
+programPath :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
+programPath = getM searchPath
+ [ "debootstrap"
+ , wrapperScript
+ ]
+makeWrapperScript :: FilePath -> IO ()
+makeWrapperScript dir = do
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory wrapperScript)
+ writeFile wrapperScript $ unlines
+ [ "#!/bin/sh"
+ , "set -e"
+ , "DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR=" ++ dir
+ , "export DEBOOTSTRAP_DIR"
+ , dir </> "debootstrap" ++ " \"$@\""
+ ]
+ modifyFileMode wrapperScript (addModes $ readModes ++ executeModes)
+-- Work around for
+makeDevicesTarball :: IO ()
+makeDevicesTarball = do
+ -- TODO append to tarball; avoid writing to /dev
+ writeFile foreignDevFlag "1"
+ ok <- boolSystem "sh" [Param "-c", Param tarcmd]
+ nukeFile foreignDevFlag
+ unless ok $
+ errorMessage "Failed to tar up /dev to generate devices.tar.gz"
+ where
+ tarcmd = "(cd / && tar cf - dev) | gzip > devices.tar.gz"
+fixForeignDev :: FilePath -> IO ()
+fixForeignDev target = whenM (doesFileExist (target ++ foreignDevFlag)) $
+ void $ boolSystem "chroot"
+ [ File target
+ , Param "sh"
+ , Param "-c"
+ , Param $ intercalate " && "
+ [ "rm -rf /dev"
+ , "mkdir /dev"
+ , "cd /dev"
+ , "/sbin/MAKEDEV std ptmx fd consoleonly"
+ ]
+ ]
+foreignDevFlag :: FilePath
+foreignDevFlag = "/dev/.propellor-foreign-dev"
+localInstallDir :: FilePath
+localInstallDir = "/usr/local/debootstrap"
+-- This http server directory listing is relied on to be fairly sane,
+-- which is one reason why it's using a specific server and not a
+-- round-robin address.
+baseurl :: Url
+baseurl = ""
+download :: Url -> FilePath -> IO Bool
+download url dest = anyM id
+ [ boolSystem "curl" [Param "-o", File dest, Param url]
+ , boolSystem "wget" [Param "-O", File dest, Param url]
+ ]
+-- Pretty hackish, but I don't want to pull in a whole html parser
+-- or parsec dependency just for this.
+-- To simplify parsing, lower case everything. This is ok because
+-- the filenames are all lower-case anyway.
+extractUrls :: Url -> String -> [Url]
+extractUrls base = collect [] . map toLower
+ where
+ collect l [] = l
+ collect l ('h':'r':'e':'f':'=':r) = case r of
+ ('"':r') -> findend l r'
+ _ -> findend l r
+ collect l (_:cs) = collect l cs
+ findend l s =
+ let (u, r) = break (== '"') s
+ u' = if "http" `isPrefixOf` u
+ then u
+ else base </> u
+ in collect (u':l) r